How Does Being With Dishonest People Effect You Physically and Mentality? How Do You Feel Around People With Integrity?

One of the most significant aspects of integrity, of doing the right thing and being with other people who have integrity is that it calms your central nervous system. I am an expert in nonverbal communication. When you are in the presence of an honest person who has integrity your body calms and unfolds, breathing deepens moving from high in the chest to the belly.

Research shows that our limbic responds to danger by going into Freeze, Flight, Fight, Fall/Faint or Friend response. When we are stressed, doing something wrong or dangerous, or when we are in the presence of someone who is out of integrity, who is lying, doing something wrong, and or is dangerous and or pathological our limbic response to the danger. Our blood pressure rises, our heartbeat increases, our cortisol levels may rise, we may flush to the surface of the skin, or blood may rush from the face and to our extremities, leg, and hands so we can run and or fight.

Surrendering is realizing you can’t control everything. But you can let go of people that are out of integrity in your life. You surrender to the fact they won’t change; they won’t suddenly be who you want them to be. If they are close to you, you surrender to the loss, surrender to the fantasy of how you would like the relationship to be or even how it use to be.

And if you must interact with them the best way to stay safe and stress-free is to surrender your emotional response to them. Go grey rock. Stay calm and centered. Don’t let them trigger you. Let go of emotional responses or reactions. If your limbic system still gives you a message of danger listen and respond, but if it’s just gameplaying don’t play. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at