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Showing posts with label Bo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bo. Show all posts

Should You Hug Your Dog? Reading Dog and Human Body Language. Do Dogs Like it When You Hug Them?

Dog and Human Body Language. Do Dogs Like it When You Hug Them?

If you can view this sideways photo, you will find me on the floor with m dog Bo. It was taken of us several years ago when Bo was one of two. This photo really shows how much I love my dog. I love him so much I have my one arm wrapped around his neck and may I am holding his hindquarters with my other hand and arm. I also have my head tilted towards him in love and my heart is pressed up against him. Bo is cradling up against me. However, I notice his tail is down. He is big frightened of the photographer and the flashes from the camera. His body is toward me and his head is relaxed into me so it is clear he is seeking comfort from me and is not trying to get away. However, reading my dog's body language, I bet the combination of a too human like hug that to a dog feels too confining and the big ole camera and crowd in my kitchen is not helping. Dogs don't typically like to be hugged. I know, if you have a wonderful dog like my dog Bo you really want to hug on him. Don’t take it personally, if your dog tries to escape your loving embrace. Most dogs don’t like the restriction as it keeps them from “fleeing” mode that is a dogs normal response to stress. Think about it in human terms. You wouldn’t like it if someone came a held your feet when you were stressed, would you? I am a big hugger and I am so blessed that over the years Bo has not only adapted to my hugs but seeks them. Most dogs don’t mind a pat or a very brief full hug but you need to know your dog and watch them closely to understand if they are hug tolerant. Dogs can fear or love hugs.

I enjoy watching TV shows that play videos of kids and babies and dogs. It is cute when dogs allow babies and kids to hug them. However, there is that part of me that wants to teach everyone you don't hug dogs you don’t know. Hugs are not the accepted greeting ritual. Instead, approach strange dogs by putting out your hand so they can sniff it. If the dog feels safe and friendly he will let you know by staying in place to say, “Your OK!” but not freezing in place in fear which says in dog body language, “I am too scared to move.” In another show of the acceptance may be presenting the side of his body to say, “I won’t be aggressive by coming at you head on I will give you my side so you can pet me now.”

As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog behavior.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

How Dogs Comfort Us. A Story of dog body language

Years ago I broke my wrist and my dog Bo was so wonderfully comforting.
I was walking around for six weeks with my wrist in cast and and my arm in a sling. Bo was really worried about me. I knew he was reading my body language and he could tell I was in pain. Each and every time I would sit down on the couch Bo would come up and lie down across my feet saying nonverbally, "I don't want you to hurt youself again" and "Rest Mommy you are moving to much and working to hard." It was so comforting. In those first few weeks when I was in such pain it meant so much. He also did another body langauge gesture that he had never done before. When I was in pain streached out on the couch or in bed Bo would take his body and lay across my legs so there was no way I could get up without asking his to move and he would look at me and check on me occasionally to make sure I was ok. It was so sweet.

As the national spokesperson for Pup-peroni, I have lots of blog posts with insights into human body language and the cues your dog gives you in dog and human interactions. Check the posts about what your dog is saying with his body language and what he reads in yours under "dog and human body language."
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Muzzel Nudge, Dog Body Language.

Muzzle Nudge. A dog gives a muzzle nudge by taking his nose and nudging the face of their pet owner. They do this in greeting and or to show friendliness, I prefer to friendly rather than submissive. Think of the dog using his nose the way a human child may come up and use his hand to touch his mom to say. "Hi there, could I have your attention."

Alternatively, dogs use the muzzle nudge to say, “I’m hungry” Bo the wonder dog does a muzzle nudge to be fed and muzzle nudges my hand to ask me to pet him. If I stop, petting and Bo want more he lets me know. Bo nudges me again, sometimes going a step further and actually placing his nose under my palm and tossing the palm up towards his head or back to let me know where he thinks my hand should be.
Imagine a dog with a great soft-eyed loving look coming up right now and giving your a muzzle nudge.
Look for another one of my blog posts for the origin of the muzzle nudge.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

The "play bow" is dog body language for "Wanna Play?"

Play Bow. Dogs love to play and they have a wonderful way of asking others if they would like to play called a "play bow." How do Animal Behaviorists describe a "play bow?” When a dog once to play with another dog or a human he approached then bows down to the other dog or human with the front half of his body. (Dogs typically approach new dogs at their sides rather than head on so, if they bow head on to another dog or to a human the bow makes the approach nonaggressive.)
In a play bow, a dog stretches out the front of his body and his front leg go out and forward and flat to the ground, typically up to the dogs “elbows” Lowering the front of his body shows is a submissive gesture. Most dogs leave their hindquarters, (rear ends) up and give a relaxed mouth smile as they “play bow.” They may even wag their tales. All these behaviors combine into to “I am up for fun.” “Let’s play” Sometimes it is a request to “Play war” or “Play wrestle.” Remember the lowered body says it is play not real battle. The dog says “I won’t really hurt you. “I up for fun and I am not going to attack.” In a "play bow”, the dog stretches the front of his body out and down and places his paws our flat and relaxed. Sometimes a dog will actually come up to a dog or human and bow and pat his paws on the ground in an exuberant movement and then step back or look towards the spot in which they want to play or the toy they want you to play with them. Human pet parents can respond their dogs play blow and bound with their dogs by getting down on the ground and imitating the play bow with the front of your body down and patting your hands on the floor a few times. You can even associate with a word like "Play" as you pat so your dog can learn the word play. I both initiate play with my dog Bo by patting my easily flat on the floor or patting them down in front of me on the coffee table. If my dog Bo the wonder dog initiates play with me with a play bow, I say the word "play" and we begin to play.
Watch dogs in a dog park go up to other dogs and give them the play bow and their new friends respond with a play bow and then watch them run off together it is wonderful.

As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog body language (or what animal behaviorist call dog behavior.)

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

The Play Bow

Play Bow. Dogs love to play and they have a wonderful way of asking others if they would like to play called a "play bow." How do Animal Behaviorists describe a "play bow??” When a dog once to play with another dog or a human he approached then bows down to the other dog or human with the front half of his body. (Dogs typically approach new dogs at their sides rather than head on so, if they bow head on to another dog or to a human the bow makes the approach nonaggressive.)
In a play bow, a dog stretches out the front of his body and his front leg go out and forward and flat to the ground, typically up to the dogs “elbows” Lowering the front of his body shows is a submissive gesture. Most dogs leave their hindquarters, (rear ends) up and give a relaxed mouth smile as they “play bow.” They may even wag their tales. All these behaviors combine into to “I am up for fun.” “Let’s play” Sometimes it is a request to “Play war” or “Play wrestle.” Remember the lowered body says it is play not real battle. The dog says “I won’t really hurt you. “I up for fun and I am not going to attack.” In a "play bow”, the dog stretches the front of his body out and down and places his paws our flat and relaxed. Sometimes a dog will actually come up to a dog or human and bow and pat his paws on the ground in an exuberant movement and then step back or look towards the spot in which they want to play or the toy they want you to play with them. Human pet parents can respond their dogs play blow and bound with their dogs by getting down on the ground and imitating the play bow with the front of your body down and patting your hands on the floor a few times. You can even associate with a word like "Play" as you pat so your dog can learn the word play. I both initiate play with my dog Bo by patting my easily flat on the floor or patting them down in front of me on the coffee table. If my dog Bo the wonder dog initiates play with me with a play bow, I say the word "play" and we begin to play.
Watch dogs in a dog park go up to other dogs and give them the play bow and their new friends respond with a play bow and then watch them run off together it is wonderful.

As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog behavior.

One of the wasy you can learn to read your dogs mood is by noticing how he looks when he is happy and playing. Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Body Language Lady Weight loss tips

I was skinny most of my life then I started gaining wieght. Finally I figured out how to stay skinny.  I went from a size six  ( yes that is still small but big for me to a size 0 in few months.) That was almost 30 pounds in weight loss. People ask me how I lost the weight. My lament that skinny is new pretty. (I have a post.) I was actually shocked at how many strangers responded to me so differently when I lost the weight. Goodness, even my friends kept saying how much better I looked and they loved me! I have kept most of the weight off. (If you want to know the particulars I am now between a size two and size four depending on the designer.)

The photo on the right with me in the red sweater was taken three years ago the one on the left was taken recently. Yep, I don't think I look that different. People still ask me how I lost the pounds and keep the weight off. It is not easy. After much peer pressure I promised some friends at a party last Friday night that I would blog my diet tips. I don't think it is anything new. But they wanted it in print. Though, I feel so silly saying what I do "out loud."
I am a professional speaker and a body language expert I have known for years that your appearance is important. However, I assumed with each year of age everyone gained weight. So I just put on the pounds. I have been traveling to give speeches and workshops on body language for many years so I spend a good bit of time on the road. I want to say again, I have to work really hard to keep the weight I lost off.

Here are my tips to keep weight off.
The first and most important thing is I walk every single day.
1. If I am home in Atlanta I walk with my dog Bo. We are lucky to live near a park and long walking trail.
I hate to exercise Bo and I meet so many people and dogs on the trail that I see it as a friendly visit rather than a sweatathon. We love to form our Pet Parent dog first impressions with each other. Bo, of course, is a great reader of people body language. If there is a treadmill in a hotel I get on it with the days paper. I look for stories to tie to the content of my speeches, but truly the reading distracts me from the fact that I am sweating. Pure exercise is so boring to me. I love to be "in the moment" but if that moment involves a noisy treadmill I want a distraction.
2. One thing I do seems highly unusual to other people. When I get to airport I put on my walking shoes take the handle of my wheeled briefcase and get in about 30 minutes walking up and down the concourses. People sitting in their seats at the gates stare at me, security has stopped me, but by the time I get on my flight I am refreshed and I have managed to avoid the airport junk food.
3. When I am home I walk every day for 45 minutes and while I am walking I enjoy the woods and my dogs wagging tale. To keep me going at the end of the walk I catch up on my calls to friends and family. They all tease me that I am always panting and breathless when I talk to them.
4. My rule in my home office is too keeping moving while I am on the phone with personal calls. I put on my headset and walk up and down the stairs, but away laundry, unload the dishwasher, or simply walk from room to room. I am mindful and present with my phone partner and let my body move with the beat our talking.
5. Nights are my difficult time; At home I will take a walk at night if I feel hungry. In hotels I read. You can’t eat and read a book. And watching TV seems to make me hungry.
6. When I am out of town I have trail mix to keep from ordering dessert from room service.
At home I have the usual cut up vegetable to crunch on, but my savior is plain Greek yogurt with a spoonful of peanut butter or walnuts or berries.
That's it.