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Showing posts with label Narcissist Supply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Narcissist Supply. Show all posts

Narcissists Negativity - Character Assassination Through Name Calling. Notice the Good People

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Narcissists Negativity - Character Assassination Through Name Calling

I speak on body language, how to deal with difficult people, including how to deal with bullying, and narcissistic attacks.

Look at the wall of bad names that one man has used to attack and smear the character of people and institutions he interacts with or that talk about him.

Narcissists devalue people and reduce them to mere objects that have one purpose which is to fulfill their every need. People are just “supply.”  Their world is black-and-white good and bad. If we produce  "Narcissistic Supply" for them we are the best, great guys, good guys, queens, goddesses, gorgeous the best and Superbest.

If we do anything they don’t like, if we see them for who they really are they give us bad names, attacking our intellect our sanity and or our physical appearance and our character. We are dismissed, we are nothing, we are objects. The supply then comes from inflicting pain, they actually are gleeful, as they try to discount what we know about them by calling us the bad names.
Look at the wall on this news show with all the people and organizations and governments institutions Trump has denigrated labeling them with bad names since he started running for president. This image is mind-blowing. These are people and organizations he has discarded. He is making a smaller and smaller world for himself he is constantly having to look for new supply. He even has to pay people to give him attention. His world of his "good guys and terrific gals" becomes smaller as he discards more and more people. Now he is all alone in his room on twitter looking for supply. 

So what can we do? Notice what you pay attention to. Do people you know "name call"? Today what can you do to create good in the world? Turn your focus not to people that name call but to who is good person in your life. Support anyone who is bullied and or whose character has been attacked. That means write to the Parkland kids if you support them. It means telling good people who work in a political office tell a teacher that you support them.  Notice them, compliment them, tell them you are grateful for all they do. Expand who your notice and are grateful for and today thank Firemen,  grocery store checkout person, your dry cleaner, your neighbor, your family members, your coworkers, your favorite news reporters. Be part of the wave of goodness and integrity. Notice what is good!!!

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at