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Showing posts with label Sailors Kiss Iconic Body Language of Assault. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sailors Kiss Iconic Body Language of Assault. Show all posts

The famous kiss in Times Square in 1945 Sailor's Kiss Body Lanaguage Expert Patti Wood

Not everyone knows the background of this famous kiss so let me give you the nonverbal cues that give you insight into what really happened. This is our iconic image of a passionate kiss, but the kiss is really only the man being very intense in passionate. Notice how his large right hand is holding her in close to him and how awkwardly his left arm crook holds her head and how the fingers of his left hand are not caressing but tensely held together. And see how his kiss pressed down on her face and she doesn’t move up and towards him.  ( Fingers gently curved and touching indicate tenderness and intimacy and I don’t see that here. )Notice her left arm how its pulled back rather than wrapped around him and look closely at the modified fist her curved fingers tense fingers are formed in. This is suppressed resistance and that also seems in her twisted posture. See how her upper body is being pushed back and her head is not pressing towards the kiss. If you look from the legs to oddly hanging arm and body you can see she looks like a soft mannequin or doll limp and passive rather than actively and willingly participating in the kiss. When you under stress one response is to go limp and that’s what she is doing. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at