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Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Nurses in Film, Nurses in Movies, Nurses Portrayed Positively in Movies.

I analyze the body language of characters in film and recommend four films that show the main characters, nurses who show calmness in the face of adversity and danger. The nurses in the first two films move slowly and deliberately, their facial expressions remain subdued and unruffled, and their voices are, for the most part, are spoken at a low volume with slight vocal variation or stress, and their breathing is steady. They show a soft empathetic shift when dealing with the death of a patient.
This calmness makes their shift to anger when they feel patients are at risk, more dramatic, and shows that they will fight and show their full power. Interestingly, I have seen that calm to anger shift to show that nurses care in other films.
The first is a classic film that I first saw as a child that showed me that I, as a female could one day do a great thing, The Lady with the Lamp. Later came the film, Florence Nightingale. The fourth film Angels in America shows that and a certain sassiness as well as an ability to deal with grief and death in patients they cared for over a long period of time.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at