I just got a media request for ways to look young in a job interview. Here are some tips I rewrote from my book, "People
Think up and move up: Practice
walking so your whole body lifts up. When you walk into a room hold your
shoulders back and your head up.This communicates youth, power and confidence.
Nose down or you'll look like a snob!
Smile and shake hands:
Make eye contact right away, smile and put out your hand for a handshake. Make
full contact with your palm to their palm, pump with extra energy.
Say it strong: During
personal interactions, make sure your voice shows your energy and enthusiasm,
stresses Wood. Hold the strength and volume of your voice all the way to the
end of a sentence. Speak with energy and lots of joy to sound young.
No repeats: Get your
hearing and eyesight checked professionally. If you squint, have trouble
reading, and have dated eye wear, you look old. If you ask for things to be
repeated because you are hard of hearing, you look old and out of touch. I have
coached clients who bent over and arched forward as they walked and or
interacted looking much older than they were, because they were straining to
see and or hear.
Fashion flair: Dress
current in colors, style and jewelry, including your watches (Young people don’t
wear watches, the carry cell phones). Peruse high-end stores to get ideas --
then buy something similar at Winners or Marshalls.
Take a seat. Research
reveals that women tend to perch on the edge of their seats, while men tend to
slouch. But perching the entire time will make you look less powerful.
"Sit back in the chair, use lots of space, and put you arms on the armrest
to look confident." And sit up straight, guys! Slouching makes people look
old and tired rather than vital and energetic. "Sit forward slowly as you
share certain information your confident in."
No purse: "Your
purse not only sends a strong female signal, it gives you one more thing to
worry about and fuss over. When woman sit down they usually have over 16
separate movements. Men have three and look much more together and
organized." If you can't go empty handed, consider a high end leather
folder. If a purse is a must, be sure your purse is the newest hippest purse.
Fashion forward. streamlined and small!!!! in black, brown or tan It should not
necessarily match your shoes as being matchy matchy is old school and dates
your look.
Go for color.
Accessorize with a flattering color around your face. You want to wear hip, hot
colors that make your skin glow and make you feel good."
Don't wear your
glasses down on your nose. Glasses that come down on your nose, even a little
bit make you look much older. Keep your glasses tightened and high on your
face. Again, think up."
Press shirt and jacket
collars to perfection and, whenever you can, wear them so they go
"up" to create lift around you
Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.