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Patti Wood's Biography

Called the "Gold Standard" of Body Language by Washington Post and credited in the New York Times for bringing the topic to national attention Patti Wood is a true expert. Patti has degrees with an emphasis in Nonverbal Communication and taught Body Language at Florida State. She is the author of 10 books, Including SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma, and she speaks and consults with Fortune 500 companies, associations, Federal State and City Government, Hospitals and Small Businesses. You see her on National TV shows like Good Morning America, The Today Show, The History Channel, and the National news. In addition, she is quoted every week in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, Bloomberg Business Week, Fortune, Readers Digest, Good Housekeeping, Oprah, and USA Today.

A Sample of Patti’s Clients

 1st Franklin Financial Corporation

After Party Studios


American Management Assoc.

Atlanta Jewelry Show

Atlanta Leadership Conference


Over 150 State, Regional, National and International Associations

BDO File Exchange

BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group)




Coldwell Banker

Centra Technology, Inc.

Chase/ National Association of Realtors

City, County, State, and Federal agencies including the EPA, The FAA, The Federal Reserve, The IRS, and The CIA as well as various Law Enforcement Agencies, Judicial Agencies, and the Military

Coastal Construction Products

Columbia Greene Board of Realtors

Community Bankers Association


Del Monte/Coyne PR

Department of Juvenile Justice


EMD Serono/Merk

The Federal Aviation Administration


Fayette and Newnan Coweta County Board of Realtors

The Federal Reserve


Fujitech America, Inc.

GE Health Care



Gwinnett County Police Dept.

Harvard Maintenance, Inc.

Harvard Services

Healthcare Providers Insurance Co.

Heraeus Precious Metals

Over 40 Health Care Groups, Medical Associations, and Hospital


Huntsman Performance Products

Hyundai Capital


IHG Hotel Group

Institute of Internal Auditors

International Car Wash Association

International Door Association

Invest Atlanta

ISM (Institute of Supply Management)

Kimberly Clark

Levenfeld Pearlstein LLC

Malibu Assoc. of Realtors

Marco Cable

Merril Lynch


NANT (National Association of Neonatal Therapists)

NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors)

NASW (National Association of Social Workers)

National Alliance for Grieving Children

National Cancer Institute

National Entrepreneur Center

National Funeral Directors Assoc.


Ogilvy Action PR.


Park N Fly

Pearl Street Productions

Pfielder Enterprises, Inc.




RNDC (Republic National Distributing Company)

Select Management Resources, LLC

SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association)

Shaw, Inc.


Syamarat, LLC

Texas A&M University

Texas NANT

Texas Roadhouse Restaurants

The Benefit Company

The Exchange

The Southern Company

Thomas Hortstemeyer LLP

TW Cable

UCB Pharma

Over 20 Colleges and Universities

Vistage International

Walt Disney World. Co Disney Entrepreneurs

The Wharton School of Business

Women of Power Conference

Zapata Technology, Inc.




Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Patti's most popular high energy interactive programs Patti Wood MA, CSP. Communication Dynamics Inc. Patti Wood's Programs, Program Descriptions Patti Wood

Patti's Most Popular High Energy Interactive Programs

Patti Wood MA, CSP

Communication Dynamics Inc.


First Impressions and Body Language

You meet someone, and on average, within 10 seconds, you decide whether or not you like them. Would you like to learn how that first impression forms? Is your gut reaction accurate? In this program, you will learn to read the thousands of nonverbal cues hidden between hello and goodbye to make your interactions more genuine and productive. Patti has done years of research on the topic to create this high-energy, interactive program based on her book SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma. It is excellent for an opening keynote or after-dinner speech. Participants practice their 10-count intuition, meeting and greeting, head nods, side by sides, and last chance dance throughout the meeting/conference.


Success Signals — Body Language in Business

Have you ever been to a business meeting and wondered what someone was thinking? Would you like to change your power and confidence through a simple shift in body language? Would you like to have the winning edge in sales and negotiations? Do you know how to spot a liar? Eye blinks to head tilts, palms up to leg locks. Based on Patti's research and books, this top-rated program teaches you to read and use body language to become aware of hundreds of secret messages. The insights will help you gain and maintain your business relationships.


Body Honesty, Building Credibility and Trust and Detecting Deception - A client says he had no problems with investment and rubs his nose. Do you know what that means and what to say and do next? You share critical information with a client but hide the palms of your hands. Will they trust you? What can you do next? Your client tells you she feels comfortable with the results of your investments then sweeps her upper lip with her tongue. What does that mean, and what should you say and do next? How can you create deep, authentic trust and connection? Can you read body honesty? In this interactive program, you will learn to watch for cues and use questioning techniques and unique "monitoring" cues of your own to check for honesty. In addition, you will learn how to be credible in your business and personal relationships.


 The Conflict Cure

Like traffic and taxes, conflict is inevitable. So many times, when you're dealing with a difficult person or situation, you often feel powerless. You think, "There is nothing I can do." But you do have power. You do have choices. In a conflict, you can see the other person as the enemy or choose non-defensive Options. This program will teach you clear, practical decisions to handle attacks and criticisms. This program helps you: analyze the choices you make in conflict, understand the origin of the conflict, utilize the seven Handshake Options, and integrate conflict management tools into your daily life.


Pitch Perfect - Nonverbal Skills to Enhance Your Pitch Meetings.

This program will teach you how to have a professional presence to pitch to high-level executives and wealthy individuals and learn and win over everyone easily. You will learn how to read the audience and their nonverbal cues that show their level of interest, understanding, and whether they are convinced and in agreement. You will also generate active participation and skillfully seek and answer questions. Based on Patti's books, Easy Speaking - Dynamic Delivery, Easy Speaking - Q and A and Dealing with Difficult Audiences and her chapter on presentation body language in the National Speaker Association's book, Paid to Speak.


  • Nonverbal Methods to prevent problems before they happen
  • How to meet and greet with finesse
  • Use the agenda method to make Q and A work for you
  • Practice three ways to get potential trouble-makers on your side before you even begin to speak
  • 12 secrets of making Q and A the best part of your presentation
  • Learn five ways to recapture the attention
  • Learn three ways to encourage participants to talk and participate
  • Learn four ways to project powerful, self-confident body language so you don't get attacked
  • Learn two ways to use your voice to project power and self-confidence
  • How to use breathing to relax with a tough audience and other methods to counter anxiety and stress
  • How to close and call to action with confidence


You Can Depend on Me — Teamwork, Team play and Teambuilding

Support, sharing, synergy. This program is a highly participative formula for creating esprit de corps. Participants walk out with a feeling of connectedness and have specific tools for nurturing teamwork. The program can also include: strategic planning, creating vision and mission statements, using personality type assessment, developing creative problem solving, learning team project tools, and mastering change.

People Savvy! - Use DISC Personality Type and Teambuilding Insights to understand yourself and others to get things done and get "buy-in," follow-through, and enthusiastic participation in the meeting and on projects, tasks, and goals. In this high-energy, interactive, and humor-filled program, you will learn your DISC personality style, recognize other people's personality styles, and use DISC to improve every communication in your life. 

Enhanced Listening techniques - Today's professionals need to listen more than ever. That means listening with enhanced focus. This course will show you how to become the kind of listener people open up to, respect, and admire. It will help you give and receive the right message and make the most of every conversation. Using the latest research, insights, and tools, you will become a listener who gets things done, accomplishes your goals quickly, assigns tasks that are completed easily, and successfully presents and sells their ideas.

How to Have Effective Meetings - The purpose of this workshop is to develop practical face-to-face, video conference, and phone meeting skills. Eleven million meetings are held in the U.S. each year. The average executive spends 3½ hours weekly informal meetings. In addition, many of us spend half of our business day in formal or informal meetings. In this workshop, you will learn; ways of involving others in solving problems and making decisions. How to give individuals with different personalities the opportunity to share information, plan, criticize, praise, or find out what went wrong with previous meetings. Also, ensure that meeting goals and actions set in place in the meeting are carried out.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at