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How Greeting Behavior Effects Relationships. Why Greeting Your Partner, Spouse, Family at the Door is Important. Greeting Loved Ones and the Primacy Effect.

When I Get Home You Run To Me

Every evening when my father came through the door from work, he would give a high two-note whistle to signal he was home and my mother, my sisters and I would run to him. It did not matter what we were doing. My mother’s cake batter could be stirred later, my sister’s music or homework could be tended to later and my Barbie could wait to go out in the convertible with Ken. Daddy was our priority, we loved him, and we would run to him, sharing hugs and kisses. He would grab me in his arms and throw me in the air. We would all share love and laughter. This is what love looked like to me and I thought everyone shared it.  

Years later I learned how special and valuable that ritual is. I was about four years into a relationship with my love, my fiancé Bud. And every day no matter what I was doing, on a deadline for a proposal, deep into writing a speech, or on the phone with an important client in my upstairs office, when I heard Bud come home, I would stop whatever I was doing and run to him, leap to his arms and kiss him. It was wonderful.

One day Bud came home and ran to him and while I was in his arms, my head resting on his chest, he started crying, I led him to the sofa and asked him what was wrong. Bud had been married and divorced two times when I met him, and he had a life-limiting health issue. He had been through a lot. He said, "Patti, you know I was married twice before I met you and you know my family, my parents were never affectionate. And some days at work it is so hard, and I must go out to my car in the parking lot and do my breathing exercises and it can get so bad. But I just hold on, because I know with absolute certainty that when I come home you will run to me. I have never been loved like this before, I didn’t even know what it looked like, but now I have it and love you so much for always running to me."

I share with my audience around the country the importance of greeting your loved ones in my Body Language and First Impressions speech, but I do not share this story in every speech, because when I do share it, I start to tear up. He should have had that kind of love his whole life. I wrote a song about it that is at the bottom of the article. Also when I share it I get phone calls and emails from audience members sharing how profoundly changing their greeting behavior impacted their relationships.

Here is the science behind it that shows how important it is in all our relationships. 

In Persuasion Theory, the Primacy Effect profoundly affects our viewpoint. The Primacy effect says people remember the first thing you say or do. In my book, "SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma" I share insights into how first impressions impact our relationships. The first thing you say or do when you come through the door or when someone you love comes through the door is what they will most easily remember about you for the rest of the evening, or longer. Your first behavior also creates an “Anchoring Bias." That is that we rely heavily, sometimes too heavily, on the first behavior, that first piece of information we get about someone. Greeting loved ones at the door is a first-behavior opportunity. It is the first set of behaviors we have about how the person or people in the house feel about us.

I highly recommend that no matter where you are in the house, drop whatever you are doing, and greet your sweetie and other family members with a kiss or a hug hello. Go to them immediately, even if you are on the phone, working, cooking, online, watching TV, whatever. It communicates that they are the most important thing to you.

In business, the Primacy Effect and Anchoring Bias affect how customers see your business and how employees feel about their fellow team members, managers, and executives. For example, if you come into the workplace or a meeting while on your phone and do not greet people in the room you are communicating to them that they are not important.

Here is a related article for you about your business greeting impression.

In addition to being an author and keynote speaker, I am a songwriter. Here is the song I wrote about the feeling someone gets from having you run to them written from my FiancĂ©’s Perspective. 

 You Run to Me   

by Patti Wood 

Mornings, I kiss you, grab my coffee and I drive. 

I turn on the radio, the traffic hell on 285.

At work I’m invisible, no one even knows what I do.

Break my back, gets no thanks, but I grind through.

Life is hard, takes me low, 

but one thing is guaranteed,

I can get through bad days ‘cause I know.

When I get home, you run to me.

When I get home, you run to me. 

Today everybody’s tense. They let 2 guys go. 

Have to stay late. I’m tired, but I don’t let it show.

I hold on to thought of you in my arms all day.

Roll up my sleeves, buckle down, earn my pay.

Life is hard, takes me low, 

but one thing’s guaranteed.

I can get through bad days ‘cause I know.

When I get home, you run to me.

When I get home, you run to me.


I’ve never told you this before.

How you make me feel when I open the door

That there’s one thing I am certain of

I can always count on your love.

Life is hard, takes me low,

but one thing’s guaranteed. 

I can get through the bad days ‘cause I know.

When I get home, you run to me.

When I get home, you run to me.

When I get home, you run to me.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

The Body Language of DeSantis and Newsom in the Debates. DeSantis' Smile vs. Newsom's Smile, Smiles

Here are my rough notes in preparation for my TV interview


Smiles are a key nonverbal behavior to show “Likeability” one of the four first impressions factors. Smile makes us feel safe as in, “Hey that guy is smiling and looks like he would be safe to approach.” We like to see candidates give sincere smiles. It feels especially good to see them smile as they talk about something positive so there is an ideal emotional match to their smile.

I have researched smiling including research as the National Spokesperson for the Natural Dentist Toothpaste. They sponsored my research. We showed that the way you smile reveals your DISC personality preference.

On the DISC personality inventory, DeSantis is C. Critiques tend to give brief subtle “closed mouth smiles with little arching,” but he has been coached to smile so he overdoes it and gives it when it doesn’t match what is being said, and he has to force it to be large and last so we see him paste it on, can’t keep it there drops off and expends enormous effort to turn it on again. Newsom has a resting smile face. He is an I, influencer, on the DISC which creates an advantage in Debates.


Note Newsom’s hand to chest, how is that going for you? To say he knows DeSantis should feel it. Notice how DeSantis gives a big smile and tries to hold, his subtle smile would have shown Newsom, “You’re not bothering me,” and at one point we see forehead brows, mouth turn down, smiling through my tears face, which was painful to watch.

a.     Newsom: "You trolling folks and trying to find migrants to play political games and trying to get some news and attention so you can out-Trump Trump and by the way how’s that going for you? How is that going for you, Ron? You are down 41 points in your own home state.” (ends with Newsom pointing a finger)


a.     DeSantis “So I was talking to a fellow who had made the move from California to Florida and he was telling me that Florida is much more governed, safer, much better budgeted, lower taxes all this stuff and he was really happy with the quality of life and then he paused and said ‘by the way, I’m Gavin Newsom’s father-in-law.’ So, we do count Gavi’s in-laws as some of the people who have fled California. (ends with Gavin smiling and looking at the camera).

Here we see Newsome enjoy the ribbing, he gives a big smile that comes more naturally, you see it rise and go up his full face, his cheeks his eyes change and go all the way up to lift his forehead., so it shows he is enjoying himself.

4 - SOT DESANTIS SF POOP MAP Talking point could have been funny if DeSantis’ nonverbal delivery had been playful, instead, he held his body stiff and gave loud gruff angry voice delivery and held his body stiff

DeSantis: “This is a map of San Francisco. There are a lot of plots on that, and you may be asking what is that plotting? Well, this is an APP where they plot the human feces that are found on the streets of San Francisco. You can see how, just about, the whole map is covered.”

SOT NEWSOM IMMIGRATION (DESANTIS SAYING “FALSE”) What is interesting here is that Newsome, DeSantis says the word, “False” the second time, and instead of an easy-going full face flowing smile he actually grits his teeth, then his head and upper body dip down and when he comes up we see him transform to an angry eyed glare.

Newsom: “You supported Obama’s efforts to (DeSantis: that is false) advance comprehensive reform (DeSantis: “false”). The last guy you want to talk to on immigration. Your immigration policy can best be described as, “a governor from the state of Florida going into another state, the state of Texas, and lying to migrants promising them jobs and housing.”

 SOT DESANTIS GENDER QUEER BOOK Here DeSantis is delivering what he feels is a serious message, so his emotions are in alignment with what he is feeling so it comes off well.

“I have something that I brought that some parents have objected to. This is a book that is in some of the schools in California. In Florida, this is not consistent with our standards. Called “Gender Queer.”  Some have been blacked out as you would not be able to show it on air, this is pornography, it is not cartoons, it is aimed at children, and it is wrong.”

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at