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Funny Video of Couple Communication, or Should I Say Lack of Communication

Last weekend I attended a fantastic weekend workshop on communication and relationships. My friend Elaine just sent me a funny video that Is exactly what many couples complain about in their relationships.  I think that husbands need their own song!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Research shows that 71% of executives admit to falling asleep during a presentation

Research shows that 71% of executives admit to falling asleep during a presentation.

Study: Most execs sleep their way to the top

  • Results released this week from an online poll by a data visualization software company reveals that 71 percent of business executives surveyed have fallen asleep or felt sleepy during dull presentations.
  • The survey of 382 business managers was conducted by San Diego-based Infommersion. In addition to the 71 percent who admitted to dozing off, another 43 percent have caught other people napping during presentations.
  • The most difficult types of presentations to stay awake through were individual speeches, followed by training sessions, and then general meetings, according to the Infommersion poll. Interestingly, Webcasts were said to be the easiest type of conference to stay alert though with only 11 percent of respondents saying they were difficult to sit through, the company reported.
  • Survey participants said that the most important elements for a successful presentation were an 'animated and enthusiastic' speaker (at 51 percent), followed by an 'interesting and interactive' presentation (at 36 percent of the votes). It helped if the presenter was 'good looking,' 3 percent of respondents said.  

I spoke to an Association last week in Phoenix and we spent my two presentations laughing and having so much fun.  They were terrific!  If you know the secrets, you can have terrific audiences every time you have a meeting.  Participants in my public speaking training tell me with the new tips they energize their delivery and will never have people yawning and nodding off during their Power  Point presentations. Read my article How To Make Your Content and Delivery EngagingIf you want coaching or training on how to make your presentations more dynamic check out my website at Dynamic Delivery, Coaching Or Training or email me or call 678-358-6160.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Sleeping in Public in China

Sleeping in public is common in China. The practice reflects a foggy border between public and private space, between work and rest, between open job markets and guaranteed positions. What will happen, if anything, to this common habit as China evolves from communism to market socialism? Some people believe that his habit grounded in a communist ethos where work is guaranteed and your performance not measured, some believe that it is grounded in cities that function fully for 24 hours a day instead of closing at night. Sine researches like Molly Steven wonder if Chinese businesses will begin enforce western standards for behavior, or wonder if napping become a protest against non-Chinese institutions? She gives the example of   IKEA, a stalwart Nordic institution has been invaded by thousands of sleeping Chinese customers.  The company has had to evolve their businesses practices to adapt to the Chines culture of the How has, or has not, the industrial giant evolved their business practices to take into account this interesting behavior?

This presentation will explore some of the history and social norms associated with public sleeping in China in 2013 and discuss the current climate in the retail stores about this habit.( source Snore: Public Sleeping in China

Monday, 16 Sep 2013, Molly Stevens

 If you would like to see more photos of the public sleeping in China go to www. they call China “The Sleeping Giant". Or how the new China is "The Awakening of the Red Dragon". But the photos or just hysterical. It’s the new website replacing the old favorite funny photos of Walmart shoppers. I hope everyone sleeps well.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Which professions have the most psychopaths?

First off, psychopath doesn't just mean someone who cuts you up with a chainsaw — though the majority of people who do things like that are psychopaths. What is the definition?

Psychopathy is a personality disorder that has been variously described as characterized by shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear), stress tolerance, lacking empathy, coldheartedness, lacking guilt, egocentricity, superficial character, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, and antisocial behaviors such as parasitic lifestyle and criminality.

So which professions (other than ax murderer) have the most psychopaths? What about the least?

The next thing that comes to mind is probably, "Why?"

Most of the professions on the right such as Teacher require human connection, dealing with feelings — and most of them don't offer much power such as creative artist.  Psychopaths, by their very nature, would not be drawn to jobs that don’t gain them power nor would they be  very good at these things.

On the other hand, most of the roles on the left do offer power, some lots of power and many require an ability to make objective, clinical decisions divorced from feelings. Psychopaths would be drawn to these roles and thrive there. Humm this may explain why TV is so hard for me and teaching is so wonderful. What about you? What do you think? What about your job? Does it require feelings or objectivity?

That said…

Chef? Really?

I guess it pays to tread lightly around anyone who has a set of knives bearing their initials.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

"Hotter than ever"....not according to Patti's Body Language Read

Robin Thicke, 36, claims his marriage to Paula Patton, 37, is hotter than ever.  But things appeared to have cooled off between the duo during a recent event.  According to Patti, "they have mutual touch to each other's waist, but look how far apart they are!  Robin's smile is also so very tense. 

Patti gives this couple a 2 on the True Love Rating scale!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

You’re more likely to lie later in the day. Research

I have been reading some interesting studies about why people lie. There are several new studies out about self-control and deceit that are interesting.

Do you notice that you are more likely to lie later in the day.

Here is the link to easy to understand article on some of the research.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Learn How To Command Attention

Patti's new Book, SNAP Making the Most of First Impression, Body Language and Charisma, was featured in the November 11th issue of Life & Style on page 57 in the section Live Like A Star.

Check it out or better still go to and check out Patti's new book at the book website.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

This Couple is Sizzling but no Tenderness!

Jenny McCarthy, 40, and beau Donnie Wahlberg, 44, know how to bring the sizzle to the red carpet.  "There's definitely a sexual connection."  observed Patti.  "The tilt of her waist and upper chest is purely sexual."  But there is a catch to this love match: "They are not absolutely gaga over each other.  There is heat there, but no tenderness."  I would give them a 2 1/2 on the True Love Rating scale.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Patti taping Couples Therapy in LA this Friday

 Patti Wood is an expert in Nonverbal Communication. She has done extensive research on  touch and first impressions. She also analyzes body language for the media by interpreting greeting behavior and other touch interactions of world leaders, celebrities, sports stars, and even suspected criminals.

Patti will be taping Couples Therapy this Friday in LA for the next season.  She will be viewing the celebrity couples body language. 

Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Haptics, Touch Research

Patti Wood is an expert in Nonverbal Communication. She has done extensive research on  touch and first impressions. She also analyzes body language for the media by interpreting greeting behavior and other touch interactions of world leaders, celebrities, sports stars, and even suspected criminals.
Patti will be taping Couples Therapy in LA this Friday.  She will be viewing the celebrity couples body language
 Haptics, Touch Research
Two candidates for the presidency walk towards each other at the beginning of their televised debate. Look closely in your mind’s eye and see how the incumbent president offers his hands first. Notice how his grip seems a little stronger and how he pushes his opponents hand downward as he shakes it.  Observe how he reaches out with his left hand, grabs the upper shoulder of his opponent and pulls him in.  All the separate touches have meaning.  There is great power in a single touch.

Just like a hug from a friend, a pat on the head to your child, a caress on the shoulder to your sweetie, you are giving and receiving powerful communication with each touch.

There is vast scientific knowledge and data from researchers around the world that proves positive touch makes us better communicators, better friends, and better people.

Human touch is vital to our physical and emotional development and to our overall sense of health and well-being. Communicating through touch is SO important it has its own field of science known as Haptics .

‘Haptics’ is a word that comes to us from Greek, meaning ‘I fasten onto’ or ‘I touch.’

Haptics deals with all Tactical Communication, and it’s defined in the research as any form of communicating with another being, that involves touch.

In his book, “The Stages of Human Life,” J. Lionel Taylor tells us that “The greatest sense in our body is our sense of touch… we feel, we love and hate, are touchy and are touched, through the touch corpuscles of our skin.” And since our skin is the largest organ of our body there is lot of communication possible through touch.”

Haptics is a surprisingly powerful mode of communication. You may know that facial expressions can convey many emotions, but it may surprise you to know that in studies where people were only able to communicate with their hands, subjects were able to effectively communicate to a partner five separate emotions: detachment, mothering, fear, anger and playfulness. In other research where subjects gave a one second touch through a barrier subjects were able to  identify love, gratitude, and compassion from touches and even differentiate between those loving emotions in a way that subjects have not been able to do in studies of facial communication.

Touch research, Touch in Utero an Infancy,

benefits of touch research 

  Touch is often referred to as the "mother of all senses" for good reason.  It is the first sense to develop in the embryo, and all other senses-sight, sound, taste, and smell are derived from it. Researcher Dr. James OSShage says,The tactile system is the earliest sensory system to become functional (in the embryo) and may be the last to fade from our lives.” 

According to bio behavioral scientists at UCLA School of Medicine, touch is critical to a baby’s brain development. Developmental neuroscience research finds that the infant brain is designed to be molded by the environment it encounters. In other words, babies are born with a certain set of genetics, but they must be activated by early experience and interaction. In the critical first months of life, events are imprinted in the nervous system.  “Gentling” is the behavior that involves the stroking and touching of newborns of humans and other animals.   

“Hugs and kisses during these critical periods make those neurons grow and connect properly with other neurons,” says Dr. Arthur Janov, in his book, Biology of Love. “You can kiss that brain into maturity.”


The benefits of touch, infancy

The first portion of our brain to evolve on top of its reptilian heritage is the limbic system, the seat of emotion. It is this portion of the brain that permits mothers and their babies to bond. Loving touch triggers the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the "bonding hormone ". Studies in bonding also show that human babies who are held often and touched frequently in their earliest stages of development have higher scores on physical, emotional, and interpersonal scales (Klaus & Kennell, 1976; Field et. al., 1986). Mothers and babies are hard-wired for the experience of togetherness through breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and baby carrying.

According to Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, “Cuddling stimulates pressure receptors in your baby’s skin that create a host of effects, including reducing levels of the stress hormone cortical, lowering heart rate and blood pressure, and improving digestion.” And research says it works the same in adults.

What happens when we’re not touched?

Touch not only feeds basic physiological needs it also provides physiological needs. It gives reassurance and comfort and aids in the development of self-identity and self-esteem.

The opposite is true of abusive touch or lack of touch. In fact, the absence of loving touch has been documented to have profound impact on the will to live. Death rates for under-touched infants less than one year of age, in institutes during the 1920's ranged from 30% to 100 %. More than half of all first-year infants died from a disease called Marasmus from the Greek “wasting away.” Babies who were not touched on a regular basis would literally starve themselves to death.

Touch deprivation impairs development. For example, Romanian nursery children have been found to have a higher than average incidence of stunted growth. When given massage therapy, they showed improvement. A control group got attention but no touch and did not show the same improvement. I am the baby of the family by many years. I have two older sisters and when I was six months old we moved to Germany and I had a German Nanny, I really grew up with four moms and an affectionate dad. All in all my mother says, I was held cuddled and loved on so much as an infant that my feet rarely touched the ground for my first two years of life. I remember being patted and hugged throughout my childhood and I think it has made me the most affectionate member of the family the first to hug, but it makes me a more positive and confident leader. 

Reflect on these questions and perhaps seek answers from others.

Can you remember how much and under what circumstances you were held and touched as a child?
            Did your cultural background affect the touch you were given?
            Do you think the generation in which you were raised affected how much you were touched by your mom and dad?

 How do you think the touch in your early life affects you today?

Do you think it affects or did affect the way you interact with your children?
            Do you think your touch background affects you in your professional relationships?

 If you’re looking for answers to increasing violence in the workplace and other areas of our lives, consider this: Research shows that American babies and children are among the least touched on earth.

Earth Field says, “Touch deprived infants and toddlers become aggressive children,” Field continues. “As a culture, we are not gentle and physically demonstrative enough with our children.” Anthropoligal research date show mainstream American mothers are giving  less positive touch and give more negative touch mainly is response to acting out. In fact, parents in the US touch less to praise and more to punish.

Field sites a set of studies conducted in McDonald’s restaurants and playgrounds in both countries show American moms to be significantly less physically affectionate with their kids than French mamas.

Of eighteen industrialized nations, the United States tops the list in adolescent male homicides. France - one of the huggy-kissiest countries around - is at the bottom.
 Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

What is Revealed by a Kiss?

Simon Cowell, 54, seemed distracted during a kiss with his baby mama, Lauren Silverman, 36.  "That upward glance," explains Patti is him avoiding the intimacy of that kiss.  "There is something about it he doesn't like.  Also, him clasping his hands near his face shows he is more secure getting comfort from himself than from her."  Meanwhile, Lauren is blissfully unaware, "Her closed eyes show a willingness to be intimate."  Patti gives this couple a 2 on the True Love Rating scale.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Brad and Angelina Appear More Smitten than Before

On July 29, Brad Pitt, 49, and Angelina Jolie, 38, put on a sweet show in Japan, proving they are more smitten than ever after Angie's life-changing double mastectomy.  "Her eyes are focused on Brad, and her body is completely open toward him," says Patti.  "She's saying, "I love him and it is all about him."  And Brad is sharing his cheek, leaning it toward her.  He is happily receiving her love."
Patti gives this couple a 5 on the True Love Rating scale.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Gavin is Gwen's Rock and Foundation according to Body Language Expert

An expectant Gwen Stefani, 44, and Gavin Rossdale, 47, shared a tender moment after a recent movie date in LA.  "Gwen's giving him the look of love," observed Patti.  "She's saying, He's mine! even in the way she orients her body toward him."  That sentiment's fine by Gavin: "He's anchored himself toward her and the baby.  He's saying "I'm your rock and your foundation."  True Love Rating a #5.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at