Pyne Interrogation (Dad & Mom Relationship)
supposed to be
14:39:28 Police: What
kind of relationship did your dad have with your mom?" -- Pyne He was really
working to make it better, getting her flowers and stuff he was really trying to
fix things between the two of them because she was really mad at him for
everything that's happened with medication; 14:39:54 she blames him for trying
to take me and Julia away from her. You've got to understand: 14:40:09 she was
manic and crazy she once thought that he was this bad guy who was trying to ruin
her life and take her kids away from her 14:40:23 and once she got on the
medication, she was better again. 14:40:28 And he was really trying to make her
like him again, make the relationship like it's supposed to be"
Pyne Interrogation (MANIC/HITTING ME) 08927097
she wasn't herself
13:15:40 (I understand
there were an issue of some sort of fight between the 2 of you? Did she ever get
arrested awhile back?) yeah that was back last summer, she was not on her
medication, was very, very manic . . . 13:16:01 it was early in the morning; I
heard my parents yelling back and forth and it woke me up and I walked into
their room at the door was opened and they were just screaming at each other...
13:16:20 and she came at me, launched out of the bed and grabbed me by the
throat, started hitting me and stuff -- "but she didn't hurt me or anything;
she was just manic..she wasn't herself. 13:16:34
Pyne Interrogation (ON THE EDGE) 08927125
little bit paranoid
14:40:42 Police: Was
there ever a time where you felt because of her condition she was damaging the
family?" -- Pyne: 14:40:58 No, it was tough when she would go manic and
everything, but all we ever wanted was to get her on medication, but we finally
got her on, and she was taking it she would come to my dad and show him, im
taking my pills every night so 14:41:34 Police Did she seem like she was
agitated, or on edge this week or last couple of weeks?" Pyne maybe the last few
days, but we just attributed that to the medication switch, kind of a little on
edge, a little bit paranoid. 14:41:48
Pyne Interrogation (MEDICATION) 08927101
better she gets
13:17:26 (And you
said she's been on medication?) Yes. (Do you know what kind of medication?)
She was on Depakote . . . the doctor wanted it to switch it to I don't know what
the new name stuff was. apparantly it doesn't have any side effects. So that's
why he was switching it. 13:17:44 ("how long ago did she switch
medications?") -- "just recently; I believe it was in the past week. (And
things were starting to get better?) "things have been getting better for a
long time; week by week the longer she's on the medication, the better she gets
Pyne Interrogation (GIRLFRIEND) 08927103
little bit uneasy
13:21:02 ("you have a
girlfriend?") "yes, (waht's her name) Holly. 13:21:05 // 13:21:35 (have she
(gf) been in your house before?) yes ("when was the last time she was at your
house?) probably last summer . . . I usually go to her house . . . because
obviously she knows about my mom's condition . . . she didn't really feel
comfortable coming all the I usually go over there. 13:21:59 (Did she
get along with your mother, or just uncomfortable) fine, she knows she gets
crazy that kind of makes her a little bit uneasy 13:22:09
Pyne Interrogation (MANIC/CRAZY/HYPER) 08927099
over the place
13:16:36 (How long as
she had issues?) well, It first started back when I was seven; she was more
depressed back then and bipolar you are depressed and manic..she was more
depressed at that time for a few years than my sister was born in 2000, and she
was good until about 2008. 13:17:05 Right after I graduated from high school and
she went manic she wasn't depressed any more she just got crazy, she was hyper,
and just all over the place" 13:17:18
Pyne Interrogation (SCRATCHES FOREARM) 08927091
13:36:30 "are those
scratches on your forearm?" -- "yes, I get scratched up a lot at work . . . a
goat got out of a pen at work, and we had to catch him" we have a petting farm.
-- "what's this on your pants?" -- "paint" -- "what were you painting?" - "that
was back from winter/spring; we were painting a new feeder at work" -- please
don't get offended...we got to look at all this stuff. No i understand...I need
to stand up and lift your shirt up, to make sure you don't have any injuries on
your stomach or back or anything like that" -- HE STANDS, AND TAKES OFF HIS
SHIRT 13:37:36
involvement, cries****
Pyne Interrogation (DID YOU HURT MOM) 08927109
hard enough time
14:44:44 did you do
anything at all today to hurt your mom?" -- "no, no . . . (in any way shape or
form) nothing . (did you haev any arguments with your mom) no I didn't say
anything hurtful to her; I did nothing 14:44:57 . I have no idea who would" --
"I can't even . . . " 14:45:12 HE PUTS HIS HEAD IN HIS HANDS, AND STARTS
CRYING -- 14:45:17 "I'm having a hard enough time . . ." -- "
he is in room alone**
Pyne Interrogation (WHAT THE F*CK) 08927189
going on (double out)trt: :11
13:46:26 "oh, God,
what the FUCK is going on?"
13:47:25 "what the
FUCK is going on?"
Pyne Interrogation (TAKES OFF BANDAGES) 08927155
off quick, so
13:57:09 Police: Jeff
Can you take the bandages off your hands for us? . . .Pyne: Sure //
13:58:09 (let me see
those for a second...Describe to me what took place on that pallet)13:18:21 . .
. it was just laying on the ground flat and i picked it up like this I used my
foot to give it a boost to kick up a stack of pallets and my hand just kind of
got stuck in there" (HE DEMONSTRATES) and i caught it and i just kind of shoved
it back on there and it stung really bad. i pulled my hands off quick, so.
hand on head***
Pyne Interrogation (CHRISTIAN SCHOOL) 08927105
I don't know
13:39:30 ("is there
anything else you can think of . . . is there anybody who might want to do
something like this?") -- "I don't know anybody who's violent, really . . . I
went to a Christian school; I was friends with a bunch of nice kids" 13:40:00
(the problem we have is that your mom is a stay-at-home mom from the information
we gathered she doesn't have a bunch of friends..she doesn't have any enemies
why would somebody pick your home, in a very short time period, and harm your
mom?") -- "I don't know" 13:40:25
Pyne Interrogation (HARM YOUR MOTHER) 08927087
know of anyone
13:32:52 did your mom
have any enemies?" - "not really . . she didn't really have any friends, so that
kind of eliminated her having any enemies, if that makes sense" -- 13:33:06 "is
there anybody you can think of that would want to harm your mother?" or anybody
out there you who want to harm your mother -- "I can't . . .she's always been a
really nice lady . . . I don't know; I don't know of anyone" --
Pyne Interrogation (PALLET/SKIN TAG) 08927113
in the slots, okay
15:26:39 "when you
pulled your hand back from that pallet, was that skin gone?" -- "there was a lot
of skin gone ,and then there was some skin tags" -- "it was this broken pallet
right here, on top?" -- "yeah" -- " 15:27:07here was your hands at on the
pallet? wehn you injured your hands. i just grabbed one of the slots in there,
and just picked it up. (laying flat?) it was laying on the ground" "that just
doesn't seem like a very normal place to grab that pallet?" -- 15:27:40 "I
tipped it up on its side . . . this part, I had flat on the ground coming up --
"then I picked it up to throw it back up" -- "I put my hand in the slots" in the
slots, okay 15:28:00
Pyne Interrogation (Last Person/Broken Pallet) 08927117
it being broken
15:28:13 "let's face
it, you were the last person that we know that saw your mom alive nobody is
accusing you of anything we've got to go over everything in detail . . . i
understand... that was the pallet for sure?" -- "yeah, because I remember it
being broken" 15:28:38
Pyne Interrogation (GROCERY SHOPPING) 08927081
were leaving? yeah
13:14:12 My mom went
to do grocery shopping when she got back I helped her unload the car and we put
the groceries away. -- "she went upstairs to lay down, and I was just chilling,
waiting to go to work and decided to go over and take care of some stuff for
Mrs. Needham, because I was kind of bored and I was itching for something to do"
13:14:42 (your mom was lying down where?) she goes up her room. 13:14:44 //
13:19:08 (was it right away after she put the groceries away or what did she do
before she put the groceries away?) she was in the living room; I think she was
reading" -- "and then I know she went upstairs to lay down; when I left, that's
where she was. 13:19:29 (Was there any issue was she upset about anything
everything ok when you left?) . . . everything was fine. 13:19:37 (Did she know
you were leaving, did you tell her you were leaving?) yeah.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at