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The 5 Best Dating Tips for Short Guys

Patti was interviewed by Men's Health Magazine on dating tips for short guys.  Please see Patti's tips highlighted in yellow below.  At the end of the article is the link to the actual article in Men's Health.
The 5 Best Dating Tips for Short Guys
Don’t let your height hold you back. Use these simple strategies to impress every woman you meet

Coming up short in the dating world? Ladies prefer men who are a whopping 8 inches taller than they are, according to a recent Dutch study. With the average American female standing at 5’5”, that puts the bar at 6’1”. 

Why does she prefer a Blake Griffin over a Tom Cruise? Blame evolution—not her, says Tracy Thomas, Ph.D., a San Francisco-based relationship therapist. Taller men would have made better protectors back in caveman days, so women evolved a taste for them, Thomas says. (Primal attraction works both ways: 
It’s Why You’re an Ass Man, too.) 

But don’t fret: Not only are there some major
Scientific, but you also can get a leg up with these smart dating tips.  
Add inches—in the right places—with your wardrobe.
The wrong clothing can make you look pint-sized, but the right rags can lengthen your look, says Brock McGoff of short-guy style blog The Modest Man. The first rule: Get your pants hemmed and your sleeves shortened, McGoff says. Bunched fabric around your wrists and ankles will only draw attention to your smaller stature.
Next, avoid wearing anything that breaks up your frame visually. A streamlined look from top to bottom can help elongate your body, says McGoff. If your pants will stay put, lose the belt—or wear a slim one that’s the same color as your pants. Go for monochromatic color schemes like dark jeans and a dark shirt instead of dark jeans and a white shirt.
Don’t let your insecurity get the best of you.
Confidence is key to making a good first impression, says Beverly Hills-based psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, M.D. If you assume right off the bat that she won’t like you because of your height, she probably will be turned off—by your insecurity, Dr. Lieberman says. To feel more confident, remember the qualities that make you a catch and draw her focus to them, advises Dr. Lieberman. Are you a graphic artist who designs his own T-shirts? Wear your creation. Caring family man? Tie on that friendship bracelet your niece made you. MVP of your softball league? Don your team cap.  
Flirt without saying a word.
Too much eye contact can scare off women—it’s usually a menacing gesture, says Patti Wood, author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma. But shorter guys can get away with it because their height makes them less threatening, Wood says.
Holding her gaze for longer than 3 seconds—without towering over her—reads as pure attraction, Wood says. “She’ll think, ‘Wow, this guy is really into me,’” she says.
 It can be intense to stare right into someone’s eyes, so you may want to practice in non-romantic situations like with waiters or cashiers, Wood suggests. But remember: The goal is to show your interest—not creep her out. Don’t pry your eyes open wide like an owl. Keep it natural.  
You get an extra half-inch, but that’s it.
As tempting as it may be, don’t fudge your height in your online dating profile, says Julie Spira, author of The Perils of Cyber-Dating: Confessions of a Hopeful Romantic Looking for Love Online. Think about it: You wouldn’t want her to blatantly lie about her weight, would you? It’s okay to ditch decimals and round up to the nearest inch, Spira says, but don’t fib more than that. Your ultimate mission is to meet your match in person, and you don’t want her looking for the 5’9” guy you claimed to be on your profile if you’re only 5’5”. She’ll notice. And your dishonesty will make you seem insecure, Spira says. 
Speak her body language.
Men tend to stand side by side when getting to know each other. That’s because when a guy faces you head-on, it’s intimidating, Wood says. But women bond face to face because they don’t have to worry about seeming like a threat. Here’s where your less imposing stature comes in handy: Wood says shorter guys can get away with addressing women head-on and not intimidate them like taller men would.  Next time you flirt, stand face to face. It’s a subtle change, but it’ll make her more comfortable opening up because that’s how she’s used to bonding, Wood says.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Testimonials From Patti Wood's Clients

Testimonials from Clients of Patti Wood, Speaker, Trainer and Body Language Expert

Your Evaluations were Outstanding and Filled with Superlatives
“The comments from your keynote evaluations where outstanding and filled with superlatives including  repeated comments such as , “ Awesome, Fascinating, Energetic, Informative, Highly Recommend, Amazing, Very Dynamic, Exceeded Expectations, Captivating, Fantastic, Very Engaging, Fun, Energizing, Just Terrific, Loved the interaction, Wonderful, Great information, Very Entertaining.”  There was even one of our favorites, “…so honored to learn from the best of the best!“
Stephanie Gunner
National Alliance for Grieving Children
Program and Communications Coordinator

Fantastic Presentation…
“It' been almost a week since your presentation and the team is still buzzing.  Your presentation was fantastic.  We've received great feedback from all levels of Management, our Account Executives and support staff that was in attendance.  I was very pleased to see the long line at your book signing and the multiple questions that came with it. We were also extremely pleased with the way you seamlessly incorporated our objectives and theme into your presentation.  It was like you were working with us for weeks.    I've been in the business world almost 30 years and never quite knew the proper protocol on how, when or how long to shake a woman's hand.  I now can confidently do this.”
Scott Bloom
Director, Optimum Business Sales Operations

Fresh, Motivating and Funny…highly recommend Patti...
“…one month later I am still getting comments from satisfied members who attended her body language symposium.  She was fresh, motivating, and funny.  She has a knack for making her point in a way you won’t forget.  Her simple tools to enhance the first impression you give are invaluable.  I walked into a member office the other day and laughed as two of the attendees to Patti’s class were standing there talking about one of Patti’s techniques!” “We enjoyed all of our speakers, but few stay with you like Patti does!  We highly recommend using Patti Wood as your next speaker.”
Libby Sheard, E-PRO
Little Rock REALTORS® Association

Absolutely Fantastic…A Joy to Watch in Action…
“I just wanted to thank you so much for coming and speaking to our members.  You were absolutely fantastic and a joy to watch in action. We hope to have you back very soon…. 
Dana Earl
Operations Administrator
Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS

An Ultimate Professional
“I am writing to say that I have had the privilege of working with Patti Wood on two separate occasions for our GFOA-PA Annual Conferences.  I have never before seen an audience on their feet within 5 minutes after the speaker took the microphone!
Patti has an amazing knack for involving every single attendee.  And they have such a great time!  She has people who have never met before sharing information, learning about and from each other. 
The first time I worked with Patti, she was virtually an unknown to our group.  Within 30 minutes after Patti ended her presentation, I was told by the committee that we had to have her return again the next year.  When Patti is on the Agenda, I know that my attendance is going to increase. 
Patti is the ultimate professional who takes time to learn about her audience and their professional needs so that she can customize her remarks to assure that the audience can relate.
I am happy to entertain any questions and will happily offer personal recommendations to anyone who may be considering working with Patti Wood.  I can assure you, it is a win-win situation.”
R. Keith McNally
GFOA-PA Program Coordinator

I Don’t Think I’ve Seen Our Group Laugh So Much!
 “On behalf of the New Mexico Court Reporters Association, I would like to sincerely thank you for a wonderfully entertaining and engaging show! Everyone truly enjoyed your spirited presentation on body language. I don't think I've ever seen our group laugh so much! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us!”
Vanessa Arrieta,
NM CCR, RPR Past President NMCRA

Incredible Energy…
“Thank you so much for bringing your incredible energy and wonderful knowledge to us. I’ve been sharing some of your stories all week with co-workers! “
Susan Y. Shen Deloitte Consulting LLP 

Hired Patti Over 40 Times!
"I have hired Patti Wood over forty times to kick-off my seminars around the country and plan to use her six more times this year. She gets my audiences energized, focused and she teaches them skills that they can incorporate in their work life immediately. The first thing my audience members ask me when they're deciding on whether to register is, 'Is Patti going to be there?'" Yes she is!
Jeff Justice Seminars

Awesome Job…
You did an awesome job! An entire day of you giving keynotes in a studio for us. I think we have enough information captured to truly give us what we need for your videos. Now begins the edit process. We have so much great information from you that it will be difficult to decide what stays and what goes. We reported out to Richard and Ashley yesterday, and everyone felt that you showed up great on camera and delivered (as usual). I’m looking forward to April as well (When you are live with us again). Take care Patti, and rest easy knowing you did a great job for us!
Kenny Simon

The Best Conference because of You…
“….I heard …. our participants saying this years “Gathering of Eagles Conference”  was the best and that’s because of YOU!”
Dr. Penelope Schmidt
Executive Director of Advancement & Foundation South
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College

Outstanding Keynote…
“Thank you for your outstanding keynote presentation to kick off our Credit Insurer's Association meeting. The participants said you were excellent. You built up interest and momentum from your high energy session which carried throughout our meeting. The two days were abuzz with comments that showed how much fun they had and how much they learned such as "Did you see him put his hands in his pockets!" and "I cross my arms to think but, I'm not ADD." You really made a lasting impression. People came up to me and said they wanted more of you and “we could listen to Patti all day. “ I really appreciate you motivating our group. We are hoping we can have you back some time in the future so check your calendar.”
Beth Kastigar
Credit Insurers Association

Incredibly interesting…
“Great to listen to you and soak up so many great and valuable pointers on people and interactions. It was incredibly interesting. I thank you for presenting so masterfully and sincerely.”.
Kate Carpenter
Stowe Kitchen Bath and Linens

We Could Have Listened to You For Several Hours More!
On behalf of my entire Builder 20 group I would like to thank you for a wonderful presentation Friday morning. It was very informative and we could have easily listened to you for several more hours.
Brian Builder 20 Group

You Have a Wonderful Way About You!
Didn't want this day to end without telling you how much the group and I enjoyed listening to you, learning from you and watching that body language! You have a wonderful way about you.
Mary Jo IHG

Best Presentation …
“I just wanted to say thank you for an excellent presentation at last week's entrepreneur expo. It was easily one of the best presentations and information sessions I have ever seen. I learned a lot about body language and the funny thing was that you start to see examples of it everywhere. From being at a bar talking with some friends to working with potential clients, it was just eye-opening to see how accurate your information was…”
Billy Gallagher
Florida Web Presence, LLC

Engaging…Enthusiastic and Insightful…
“Thank you so much for such an engaging program last night” “We were treated to an intimate, captivating gathering.” I wish I'd taken your program years ago and over and above anything else paid attention to my own 'gut'. Thank you for your enthusiasm and insights about so much.”
Lynn Cromer

“I thought your training was awesome! I will pass your information on to our Top Directors and Nationals at our next meeting and suggest they schedule an event for you to come in and talk to all of us.”
Linda Morris Future Director Mary Kay Cosmetics

You’re fantastic…
I have never been to a more delightful or interesting presentation. I started practicing what I learned and I just can't believe the difference it has made in such a short time. I am so glad you will be back next year; I am bringing friends to hear you speak. Thank you for the book, I have already started reading it. It really reinforces your presentation and makes a great reference manual too! Good luck and thank you.”
Patty Griffin
San Antonio Program

Patti is a rare individual…
“Patti is a rare individual…warm, funny, and so knowledgeable….you can really learn from her. Her programs are A1.”
Vickie Okoro 
Patti’s Audience Members Rave
About her Body Language Keynotes and Deception Detection Training

Excellent & informative Presentation…
“Thank you so much for such an excellent and informative presentation! Your enthusiasm about the subject is contagious….Thanks again for such an awesome presentation!”
Susan Meyer
UCB Pharm Group

You were Superb…
“You were superb!!!!! Thank you for the insight and the wonderful suggestions.”
Lynne A. Harper RN C COHN Manager
The Coca Cola Company

“Patti's workshop on Deception was amazing. The next day I looked at video clips of the politicians she mentioned. Then I stopped people in the locker room and at book group to tell them about Patti and her insights. Can't wait to use her tips with eHarmony matches! I'm getting a group together togo to Patti's workshop on Body Language.”
Marilyn Harris
Detecting Deception Class 

What Participants said about Patti Wood’s Presentation Skills Training

Hold on to Your Seats…
“Hold on to your seats! If you want to improve your presentation skills, Patti Ann Wood is the person to help. She will teach you how to grab your audience. Patti Wood is Excellent! You were the top rated speaker at our conference.
Denise Crowe

Patti is the Person to Help You…
If you need to be a better speaker Patti Wood is the person to help you. She will teach you how to grab your audience with tricks to hold your audience and help you build your presentation. Don't book her for just half a day, or one day as the audience wants to interact with her. Patti will WOW you!!”
Ana Woerner RN BS COHN-S
AAOHN Program 

·         Excellent!  Has boosted my self-confidence 100 %.
·         The seminar was excellent!  I noticed a big change in everyone's presentation skills     between the first and second day.
·         The best seminar I have ever attended.  The class exceeded my expectations, gave me effective and valuable tools to use, and increased my confidence in handling future presentations.
·         Outstanding course!  I've never had so much fun while learning so much.
·         Everyone no matter how experienced needs this class!
·         It was great to hear you speak today, and you made a fantastic first impression on all of us!
·         I feel like I will definitely be a better speaker following this class.
·         This course was very beneficial.  It helped to give me great confidence in doing future presentations.  I will greatly recommend this class to all my peers.  I especially enjoyed the body language section.
·         The Easy Speaking class has given me hot tips for future presentations.  Please note that this class was very beneficial.  Going forward--I have gained more confidence by coming to this class.
·          I expected to be bored and scared instead the course was interesting, well presented, informative and fun.  I will use the ideas for years to come.
·         What an enjoyable experience! Even though I came to the class both days “under the weather” (I have the flu), you made the days exciting and kept my energy level up. I learned things about presenting I never realized – I always thought “Power Point – less” presentations would be dry.  In fact, I know now the exact opposite is true! I am certain that I will surprise the people I present to from now on (especially those who have heard me before!)
·         After years of feeling my presentations were boring, I feel that I can now make my executive presentations dynamic!
·         Great program.  I liked your use of various activities to keep the audience stimulated and focused. 
·         Patti's enthusiasm for her subject matter is contagious!  Her memory will be etched in me based on her memorable stories and speaking experience.
·         I never saw a speech presented in so novel and unique a way – which met me in my primitive brain and it lodged in the hemispheres.
·         Fantastic enthusiasm and knowledge of subject.  I would highly recommend your seminar to other groups.
·         It was the best “two days” of training I’ve seen – in fact, I got more out of it than other longer classes.
·         I cannot possibly make any suggestions for improvement! My head is still spinning from all of the great information I learned in two days.  More importantly, you proved that it is not a very difficult task to do a good speech.  This was the best training class I’ve ever attended – regardless of the discipline! Thanks a million!!!
·         I am looking forward to my next opportunity to speak in front of a group, so I can try out all of these great lessons!  Two days ago, I wouldn’t believe I’d ever say that!
·         This was the best instructional class I’ve ever had.
·         I have to be honest and tell you when I got the email to be in class from 8:30-6:00, my first thought was OH MY GOD, what a long day.  But you do a great job of making learning fun, easy, energetic and the time just flew.
·         You are really good at what you do and you enjoy it and it shows! Thank you very much for the useful tips and tricks.  I’ll use them in my future training classes.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

9 Ways to Be an Incredibly Likable Interviewee

Patti was interviewed by US News and World Report for body language tips on how to be an incredible likable interviewee.  See her tips highlighted in yellow below.

Actual article link:

9 Ways to Be an Incredibly Likable Interviewee
Show you're more than qualified – you're a pleasure to work with, too.

Be the person everyone wants on their team.
By Laura McMullenMarch 11, 2015 | 10:36 a.m. EDT+ More

If hired, will you say "hi" and "bye" most days and be friendly to both your manager and the person fixing your computer?
Will you show up to team happy hours and respectfully contribute in brainstorming meetings?
Will you humor us – but not smother us – with pleasant small talk about weekend plans?
Will I actually like you, regardless of how well you do the job, or will I have to strategically time my coffee breaks so I don't run into you?
These questions, while unspoken, can be as relevant to interviewers as your previous job experience. Here's how to answer them by showing you'll be a pleasure to work with.
Before the Interview
1. Consider what you want to convey. You shouldn't have to fake being likable. You're not forcing a toothy grin or trying to show the interviewer how similar the two of you are. You're simply showing you, authentically, at your best.
Patti Wood, body language and communication expert, suggests this pre-interview exercise: Write out what qualities the prospective company is looking for – some of which will likely be in the job description – and think about the specific behaviors that illustrate them. For example, in the interview, how can you show you work well with others, rather than just saying you do? Similarly, consider your best qualities and how you show, rather than tell, them. "You're looking at those abstract concepts and words and then translating them into specific behaviors," says Wood, author of "Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language & Charisma."
Consider the "works well with others" example. During the interview, "that might mean you show extremely good listening [skills]," Wood says, adding that you may also ask specific questions about the interviewer, such as his or her favorite project or aspect of the job. "And then listen to that empathetically, so you're actually behaving as someone who works and communicates effectively with others," she adds.
2. Stay in character during your mock interview. Which means, yes, you should rehearse the interview with a friend, family member, mentor or career counselor. This exercise is helpful for many reasons, one of which is the more you practice describing your biggest weakness, for example, the more comfortable you'll be while doing so on interview day. And the more comfortable you are, the easier it is to be yourself – not some stiff, scripted interview robot that spits out algorithmic answers and malfunctions when it can't compute a question. Speaking of which ...
During the mock interview, "don't step in and out of character," says Michelle Tillis Lederman, author of “The 11 Laws of Likability” and CEO of the professional development firm Executive Essentials. "Stay in character the whole time as you recover from those mistakes." This is more practice for the real interview, when do-overs won't be an option.
3. Bust nerves, and boost excitement. It's hard to hit it off with someone who is frozen in nervousness or solemn under the weight of this potentially life-changing, probably doomed, super scary meeting. A comfortable, happy you is a likable you, so loosen up. When you're feeling nervous the day before or on the way to the interview, listen to a song that makes you feel "comfortable and confident," Wood says. "What song, when you hear it, you can't help but feel good?" she asks. That's the one to listen to. (Wood's go-to song before giving a big speech is Pink's "Raise Your Glass.")
In the days leading up to the interview, also practice positive visualization. "Create a recording in your head of the interview going well," Wood says. "Under stress, you go to what you've rehearsed the most," she explains, which means you'll likely jump to those premeditated, successful actions come interview day. This U.S. News Careers article about how to spend the hour before your interviewexpands on positive visualizations and other nerve-neutralizing steps.
During the Interview
4. Be kind from the get-go. "The interview starts the minute you walk through those circular doors and into the building," ​​Tillis Lederman says. Be friendly to the security guard, receptionist and whomever else you encounter. Companies sometimes ask receptionists what they thought of the candidates to get a sense of how they act without the rehearsed niceties that come with talking to a hiring manager, and Tillis Lederman warns: "Some receptionists have basically eliminated candidates' possibilities."
5. Embrace the small talk. It's not as small as you may think. Naturally engaging in a little chitchat is one way to build rapport with the interviewer, Tillis Lederman says. Remember: The interviewer is not only looking at your qualifications and experience; she's also trying to picture you as a future employee, possibly sharing a cubicle wall and discussing weekend plans.
Plus, "you have to think about the fact that the interviewer might be nervous, too," she says. And that interviewer will remember how you made her feel at ease with some breezy weather talk before having to launch into more serious questioning.
Just like you can prepare for common interview questions, you can prepare for interview small talk. "As you're coming into the interview, think about what's been in the news lately, think about the weather, think about the general vicinity of the office and what's around it," Tillis Lederman says. "It doesn't have to be brilliant small talk. We're just talking about chatting and being real with someone."

 6. Match the interviewer's pace. There's a range in how quickly people talk. On the two extremes, there are "rabbits," Wood says, who talk really really fast and LOUD without taking breaks, like they're attached to an IV of coffee. And there are turtles, who ... talk ... more ... slowly ... and ... think ... before ... speaking. Those two paces don't initially jibe. (Think of the contempt you feel when an overly enthusiastic telemarketer calls you at 8 p.m., as you're relaxed on the couch. The mismatched pace and demeanor is jarring, Wood points out.)
"We tend to like somebody who is our same pace, especially in the beginning and end of the interview," Wood says. So be aware of the pace you typically speak at, and then try to match the pace of the interviewer for the for a minute or so. "Think of it like a handshake you're doing to establish rapport and have people feel comfortable and at ease with you," she says.
By matching the interviewer's pace, "you're showing 'I've listened to you; I've paid attention to you; and I know where you are, and I'm meeting you there," Wood adds. "It also puts you in the right place, because you're not self-focused – you're other-focused."
7. Lean in. Wood points to a common scenario in interviews: You're asked a question, and as you give your prepared answer, stress causes your body to freeze in the chair, "like a squirrel in the headlights," she says. "A trick is to, as you start to answer, lean forward slightly," she says. The effect of pulling your head, torso and gestures just an inch or two closer is two-fold, Wood says: Your brain unfreezes that stiff body language, and the interviewer perceives the leaning as a sign that you like him or her, therefore making you more likable.
8. Don't sweat mistakes. Staying in character during the rough patches of your mock interview will pay off now, when you – sorry – likely make at least a minor goof during the actual interview. "When we are ourselves, we're not perfect," Tillis Lederman says. "Interviewers want you to know it's OK to be a little flawed." If you can handle a mistake "and still appear confident and comfortable," she says, you show the interviewers you're not easily frazzled in high-stress situations.
After the Interview
9. Follow up like you mean it. In this article about following up after interviews, career experts say you should send thank-you emails soon – as in, within a day of the interview. And no generic blanket email to everyone you met with. Individualize the letters to reference a specific topic or two that you and the interviewer discussed. "It's not about you; it's about them," Tillis Lederman says. "It's about how do you add value for them, and how do you create an ongoing rapport with them."

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Body Language Read of Model Gigi Hadid and Singer Cody Simpson

Body Language Read of Model Gigi Hadid and Singer Cody Simpson, by Patti Wood, Body Language Expert for Life & Style Magazine.

The body language of Model Gigi Hadid and singer Cody Simpson in the photo of her in that fabulous black dress is very stiff and awkward. It almost looks like they are on a Hollywood set up date rather than two people who like each other. Look how Cody leans away like she is a tree and he is a cute koala bear leaning out and away from her. His weight is out and away from her, his hand around her is held cupped away from her body and he leaves a big space between them at the hips and waist not wanting to show they are sexually connected. She is standing straight (like a tree) focused on the camera and her hand on his shoulder is also cupped out and away. Even though there are a few positive cues the negative override them so I give this couple a 1 on Life & Style’s True Love Rating Scale.

She is doing a Sports Illustrated pose in the bathing suit photo. Seems she has difficultly letting her model mentally go. He is showing “Ownership” cues. His right hand wrapped on top of her hand, his left hand wrapped around her pulled away arm with his thumb up showing his desire to have boyfriend power over her. His kiss gently placed on her cheek which softens the ownership cues. She is so posed she could be a big doll he is holding and kissing. She is not giving him very much just allowing him to kiss her and letting her fingers interlace with his. But notice the left shoulder blocking, her arm pulled away from him and even her hip jutted away from him. I can’t read her smile as sincere she is showing happiness, but she is a professional poser. He is giving a 4 photo rating but she, being so posed is a 2 so I give this couple a 2 on Life & Style’s True Love Rating Scale.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Will Smith and Jada Pickett Smith Still In Love

Patti Wood, Body Language Expert. read the body language of Will Smith and Jada for Life & Style.  Read her insights on this "Still In Love" couple below.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Body Language Read of Nick Gordon during the Dr. Phil Interview

Body Language Read of Nick Gordon during the Dr. Phil Interview by Patti Wood, Body Language Expert for Radar Online

Nick Gordon is clearly an emotional wreck in the highly-publicized promotional trailer for his upcoming interview with Dr. Phil McGraw. But although the boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina Brown has faced scrutiny in recent weeks regarding his behavior in the wake of the incident that left her comatose, body language expert Patti Wood tells RadarOnline.comexclusively, “Nick Gordon is not faking any of this. He is in horrific pain.”
When Gordon sat down for the interview, which will air on The Dr. Phil Show on Wednesday, March 11, it turned out to be more of an intervention and, as a result, Gordon has checked himself into rehab.
But his emotional breakdown, according to Wood, was not for show.
“I can just tell you that Nick Gordon is in his limbic primitive brain, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for adrenaline flow, emotion and behavior,” says Wood, who is the author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma.

As Radar previously reported, Gordon’s behavior has raised concerns in recent weeks. He posted a desperate tweet on Tuesday that read “I’m so hurt I wanna do myself in.” And he’s been trapped in a long battle with Bobbi Kristina’s father, Bobby Brown, over not being able to visit the hospital bedside where his 22-year-old girlfriend is in a medically induced coma. In addition, he is facing the pressure of an ongoing criminal investigation regarding the near-drowning of the woman who called herself his wife.
Wood, who has not treated Gordon, tells Radar, “He is in a truly charged emotional state and, judging from his paralanguage [vocal and physical cues], his pain is authentic and real.”
Watch the video on

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at