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Body Language for Happiness,

How to use your body language to feel positive happy and optimistic. Bring your body language UP to think optimistically.

People are often told to think positive, but many people don’t know how important it is to act positive in order to feel positive. Many people don’t know that how you hold your body sends a message to your brain and your brain reads it like a prescription and creates the chemicals that match the position. So you can act like you want to feel. Positive body language is UP. So the body is held up--the head, the shoulders, the chest are all up; your toes may go up or your feet make kick up if you’re sitting or you may bring your whole body up by rocking onto your toes as you stand. Your gestures move up when you are speaking optimistically, the corners of your mouth go up into a smile. Even your head goes back and up when you laugh and your voice goes up as you speak. It is an amazing phenomenon. I was on the Regis and Kelly show this week and watched the video yesterday and noticed how often my gestures and head went up because I was so happy and having such a good time. Click Here to see the Youtube video.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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Regis and Kelly photos

Here are some photos from yesterday's Regis and Kelly show. The hosts interviewed me on the meaning of couples' sleep positions as part of the show's "Sleep Week". And here is the link to Regis and Kelly's Facebook page.

For information of public seminars Patti is giving on body language and deception detection in Philadeliphia this summer though Paliani consulting please contact us or go directly to the Paliani site.

Regis and Kelly appearance Body Language expert Patti Wood

I was in bed with Regis and Kelly! As many of you may know, I appeared on Live with Regis and Kelly TV show yesterday to speak about couples' sleep positions. I had so much fun. You can watch the segment on my YouTube channel. Check it out! I also have blog entries here with details and descriptions of the couples sleep positions and individuals sleep positions and what they mean. I had so much fun. I have watched the show for over 20 years. Watching the show the last few years I have really admired Kelly Rippas's quick one liners. She really has great body language and vocal delivery. She also has an amazing sense of comic timing. In person, off camera, Kelly is as real, down to earth and clever as she appears on camera. Reading her body language it is obvious she truly loves her children. We talked off camera about how her children are all pile in the bed with her and her husband at night. She came back to the green room with her son to introduce herself to me before the show and she was so sweet as she interacted with here son. Regis is the warmest kindest person and he has such charisma. He keeps absolute focused eye contact with you. He was amazing. Focused eye contact is one of the body language traits I have noticed in truly charismatic people. Clinton has that ability to make you seem like the only person in the room. I had a lot of time with Regis and Kelly on the set and they where so present and in the moment with me off camera as well as on. I have done hundreds of TV shows and that is really unusual. Here they are big stars and they were so nice to this little blond who was on the show for a couple of minutes. I am sure that is one of the reasons the show is such a success. One of the great little things that you can see on the YouTubevideo is me in bed with Regis and Kelly. He held out his hand and had me get down on the bed with them durring the segment and then after the last segment made sure I got to stay in the shot and be in the end of the show credits. That was so kind. He said he hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to me on air and he wanted to make sure that he could credit me again.
The segment was on different shows like "The Soup" and mentioned on quite a few websites like the one below.

What Your Sleep Position Says About You

Sleep On It: What Your Sleep Positions Say About You
For more information on Body Language Contact

Nonverbal communication is more honest because it is under less conscious control, so what could be more revealing than the positions you assume in your sleep. The secret messages of your sleeping positions can reveal your true waking personality style. Here are the most popular sleep positions and what the research says it means.

The Spaghetti Noodle (lying on your side, stretched out)
According to British researcher Professor Chris Idzikowski (2003) fifteen percent of people sleep in this position. This is not the curled up or stiff limbed posture with arms at your sides, but rather one that is relaxed and stretched out. These people are calm, peaceful and steady. They are easy going and do what is expected of them. They want to be liked and part of the group. They are not driven or aggressive. Some research says people who sleep on their side with their right arm stretched over their head are said to be blessed with power and fortune.

The Fetal Position
Approximately 51 percent of women and 41 percent of all 1000 people surveyed sleep curled up on one si The Full- Fetal Position- The full-fetal is the characteristic womb position. Sleepers lie curled on their sides, with knees pulled all the way up, heads bent forward. Usually a pillow or blanket mass is centered at the stomach. These people are highly emotional, sensitive, artistic, and have intense one-on-one relationships. Oddly, it's found that women who sleep in this position normally have heightened capacity for multiple orgasms. de.
The symbolism is that of a baby in the womb. People who sleep in this position would have the innocence and unaffected personality of a child. If they are hugging a pillow they need a lot of love and support. They are sensitive and trusting. They tend to see the world as full of goodness as if they are wearing rose-colored glasses. They are friendly and social. They give support. They are the ones who bring the birthday card for everyone at the office to sign; a sense of community is important to them. They long for what they had in the womb: security, warmth and intimacy. They give joy to others. If the position is tightly curled up, it may show a slight degree of insecurity. A sudden change to this position could show stress and a need to return to the womb.

Semi Fetal- The most common position, the semi-fetal, has sleepers lying on their sides with knees slightly bent, one arm outstretched above the head, the other resting comfortably on the opposing upper arm to cradle the head. Conciliatory, compromising, non-threatening, non-shakers; sleep experts claim this to be the optimal sleep posture position.

The Yearner (side sleeper and reacher)
The same research shows this position is used by 13 percent of sleepers. People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature but can be suspicious and cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have made a decision, they are unlikely to ever change it.

The Crab (lying face down)
The sleeper is face down on the stomach with arms extended and bent, usually framed above the head this position has quite different meanings. I feel when a sleeper suddenly takes on this position it shows they are afraid of something. They may not want to face something or they are dealing with intense stress. Research says that sleepers who regularly sleep in the prone position tend to have strong compulsive tendencies and stubbornness in their personalities and are persistent and goal-oriented. The symbolism is of someone who refuses to see others’ viewpoints. They are serious and stubborn. They hold strong beliefs and try to have everything done their way and will use force to gain compliance. They are tense and focused in order to get things done. They do not give ground easily. If their hands are in fists, they could be showing hidden aggression. They are “my way or the highway” people.

The Soldier (on back and face up, arms at the side)
According to American researchers, 43 percent of the population sleep in this position. The nonverbal symbolism indicates that of someone facing life; you are secure and self assured. Professor Idzikowski’s British research says that only eight percent of the population use this position. I guess there are a lot more soldiers in the USA. The soldier position is held by lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. Professor Idzikowski says that people who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don’t like a fuss, but set high standards for themselves others.

The Royal Position is the geometric opposite of the prone. The royal sleeper lies supine, fully on the back, with arms slightly akimbo at the sides. It's an open, vulnerable and expansive position, and these people display self-confidence and self-involvement. Workaholic businessmen and entrepreneurs often prefer this position.

The Star (on back, face up with the legs open and arms spread wide)
You are a star and freedom loving. You are comfortable taking over the space. This is the sleep position of an extremely confident person. You are not only assured, you are open to the world. You’re ready to hug the world. Sleeping in this position shows you have a sense of well-being. You’re confident and optimistic and not particular keen on planning or scheming, but you can be surprised by scheming of others.

Starfish (on back with both arms up around the pillow)
British research says that these sleepers make up five percent of the population, make good friends because they are always ready to listen to them, and offer help when needed. They generally do not like to be the center of attention. I disagree and give a specific assessment based on the position of the hands on top and I call it The Crown.

The Crown (hands are on top of the head or arms are crossed to support the head)
They are putting a crown on their heads because they think they are kings. They listen so they can be the wise sage and then tell people what to do. They think they are supportive and merely giving helpful advice. The crowned sleeper is highly intelligent and enthusiastic but some of their ideas are only good to them.

The Twister (tied up in knots)
People who sleep all tied up in knots (twisted) or with limbs flung out all over the bed are experiencing stress. They are under constant pressure. It is difficult to always feel that life is a struggle and these people often feel that they are falling short. The tension will eventually wear them down, hopefully leading to a new approach to life that is less stressful.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my Youtube station. Check it out!

" Excellent as always. You never fail to 'Wow!' the
audience and teach us something new."
- UCB Pharma Inc.

Controversial CoSleeping as Seen in the Movie "Away We Go."

I just got a request from a journalist who wanted to interview me about Cosleeping, that is sleeping with the child or children in the parents' bed. Obviously this is a controversial topic. In fact, there was a very funny scene in the new independent film "Away We Go". The scene made CoSleeping seem like a crazy sixties hippie-like thing to do. When I discuss couples' sleep positions (Just type in couples sleep positions in my search to find those insights) I point out the importance of the couples connecting with each other during sleep. The research on Cosleeping--also called family bed sleeping--shows quite a long list of benefits for the child. Babies who Cosleep have less stress and more self confidence and parents create a deeper bond and sense of understanding with their children.(See below for more benefits as well as warnings.) I have spent years researching touch and body language. There are so many things healthy touch can do. It is an amazing thing. For all the health and psychological benefits of touch you can read the chapter in my body language book or check out my website. I have friends and relatives who practiced Cosleeping with their children and they are now the most confident, happy kids I have ever seen. There is research on how wonderful it is for the baby to Cosleep, but there are dangers for babies as well. I like the idea of the family cuddling together in a big family bed, and then, for safety, moving small babies to a separate bed to sleep. Of course no matter the choice the parents make they have to make sure they get a good nights sleep! Personally, when I was a baby and growing up my family slept in their own beds, but on Sunday mornings my sisters and I would all run in and jump on our parents' bed. We would cuddle as we talked, laughed and read the funnies. It made me feel connected to my family and also let me see my parents as a couple side by side. All very wonderful and healthy ways to spend time as a family.

Below is information on Co-Sleeping provided by Wikipedia.

Stress hormones are lower in mothers and babies who co-sleep, specifically the balance of the stress hormone cortisol, the control of which is essential for a baby's healthy growth.[11][12][13][14]

In studies with animals, infants who stayed close to their mothers had higher levels of growth hormones and enzymes necessary for brain and heart growth.[15][16]

The physiology of co-sleeping babies is more stable, including more stable temperatures, more regular heart rhythms, and fewer long pauses in breathing than babies who sleep alone.[17][18]

Co-sleeping may promote long-term emotional health. In long-term follow-up studies of infants who slept with their parents and those who slept alone, the children who co-slept were happier, less anxious, had higher self-esteem, were less likely to be afraid of sleep, had fewer behavioral problems, tended to be more comfortable with intimacy, and were generally more independent as adults.[19][20][21][22] However, a recent study (see below under dangers) found different results if co-sleeping was initiated only after nighttime awakenings.

Co-sleeping is known to be dangerous for any child when a parent smokes, but there are other risk factors as well.[5] Some common advice given is to keep a baby on its back, not its stomach, that a child should never sleep with a parent who smokes, is taking drugs (including alcohol) that impede alertness, or is obese.[23] It is also recommended that the bed should be firm, and should not be a water bed or couch; and that heavy quilts, comforters, and pillows should not be used. Young children should never sleep next to babies under nine months of age.[24] It is often recommended that a baby should never be left unattended in an adult bed even if the bed surface itself is no more dangerous than a crib surface.