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Patti Wood Body Language Expert's bio in Spanish

Here is Patti Wood's bio that a colleague in Columbia translated into Spanish.

Experta en Lenguaje Corporal y mucho más!

La Dama del Lenguaje Corporal
Patti es conocida como la “Dama del Lenguaje Corporal” debido a que es una cotizada experta que comenta los mensajes no verbales de las estrellas, los políticos y las personas en general. Como la “Dama del Lenguaje Corporal”, Patti Wood es una experta en comportamiento y comunicaciones no verbales reconocida internacionalmente, y ha dedicado varios años a la investigación del lenguaje corporal.
Publicaciones como Psychology Today y Entrepeneur Magazine la han citado como una experta en el tema del lenguaje corporal. Ella ha dedicado varios años a la investigación del lenguaje corporal, ha escrito innumerables artículos y es la autora del libro “Success Signals: Body Language in Business” (Signos de Éxito: el Lenguaje Corporal en los Negocios).
Oradora & distinguida profesional
Patti Wood M.A, CSP es una oradora y entrenadora profesional. Desde 1982, ella ha diseñado y conducido discursos principales, talleres, convenciones y seminarios para cientos de compañías y asociaciones. Patti da más de 100 presentaciones al año y el 75% de sus invitaciones son de clientes que la invitan nuevamente. Sus clientes la describen como una presentadora dinámica, energética y poderosa. Por más de 25 años ella ha trabajado con prestigiosas compañías como Porche, GTE, Chick-Fil-A, Dupont, Elli Lilly, BMW, Merck Pharmaceuticals, AmericasMart, Lucent Technologies, The Kroger Company, Nortel Networks, Price Waterhouse, Nextel, Hewlett Packard, y muchas más. Patti desarrolla una relación cálida y llena de alegría con su audiencia, lo que deja a los participantes hablando siempre sobre aquello que aprendieron.
Patti también entrega parte de su tiempo a Iglesias y a organizaciones que trabajan con niños y es también la fundadora de Libros para Niños.
Ella es entrevistada en promedio dos veces a la semana por diferentes medios de comunicación alrededor del mundo incluyendo: CNN, PBS, National FOX News Network, theBBC, the Discovery Channel, CBS, VH1, E! Entertainment, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, UPI, ESPN, Entertainment Weekly, USA Today, The Miami Herald, Men’s Health, The Chicago Tribune, Details, SPIN, Elle, People, ESPN, y es citada en; US Weekly, The New York Post, The London Times, The Los Angeles Times, In Touch, Life and Style, Jane, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, First for Women, InStyle, The Toronto Sun, Psychology Today, TV Guide, Women’s Own, Seventeen, Ladies Home Journal y Redbook y muchos más como una experta en language corporal. Ella también fue entrevistada por más de 27 estaciones de radio en Estados Unidos después de la entrevista de Connie Chung con Gary Condit y después de la Ceremonia de los Oscares en 2007
Su amplio conocimiento e investigación en comunicaciones no verbales la llevó a alcanzar cargos como el de la vocera Nacional de The Natural Dentist ®, Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum®, Benadryl® y Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion®.
Experta en su campo
Patti ostenta el título de Oradora Profesional Certificada (o CSP por sus siglas en inglés). Esta es una designación profesional de la Asociación Nacional de Oradores (NSA) que busca reconocer a los “expertos de la industria”. Esta certificación es alcanzada por menos del 8% de los miembros de la NSA. Patti ha sido miembro de la Junta de la Asociación Nacional de Oradores, de la zona de Georgia por 8 años, y ha sido un miembro activo por más de doce años. Patti fue escogida como la Oradora del Año y el Miembro del Año por sus colegas en esta prestigiosa organización, la NSA. Como ejecutiva de la organización, ella dirigió la Escuela de Oratoria, una vitrina anual de oratoria y relaciones públicas. Ella recomienda que todos los nuevos oradores se unan a la NSA porque hay mucho que aprender los unos de los otros.
Instructora universitaria
Patti fue profesora universitaria en la materia de comunicación por once años. Su carrera, maestría y trabajo en cursos doctorales son en el campo de Comunicación Interpersonal y Organizacional.
La revista Time citó su curso en Lenguaje Corporal en Florida State University como uno de los cursos universitarios más importantes en todo Estados Unidos. Este curso era tan popular que más de 150 estudiantes se registraban cada semestre y personas de la comunidad también asistían a sus clases.
Patti también ha dictado cursos universitarios sobre diversos temas como Hablar en Público, Relaciones Humanas, Habilidades Interpersonales, Discusión en Pequeños Grupos y Comunicación Empresarial.
A fin de continuar su pasión por enseñar cursos poco usuales, Patti dicta la cátedra “Acuerdos mutuos” y “Hay un libro dentro de mí que quiero sacar” en la Universidad Emory en Atlanta.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Face to Face Conversations,The Benefit of Meaningful Conversations.

Last night our "Meeting of the Minds" discussion group talked about quite a few interesting topics. Among them the blog on the leak of the BP oil pipe and the candidates for the next Georgia election. Well, actually the lack of quality candidates. We always bring questions to ask the group. Last night, one members' questions were, "How do you express your anger" and "Do you think it is healthy for you and your relationships?"
After reading an interesting article about Sean Penn living in a pup tent in Haiti with only one change of clothes, I asked the group, "When, if ever, have you lived with very little in terms of possessions?" "How did you feel?"
I blogged the other day about the new research on the benefits of meaningful conversations and I certainly experienced that benefit last night.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

TV Appearance on In Session

Were you cool in High School or a nerd?
I was such a nerdette in High School, humm I may still be.

Today I was on Facebook responding to a girlfriend from Junior High and High School. She contacted me after we happened to be interviewed on the same TV show on the same day. The show was IN SESSION and my friend was the prosecuting attorney on the murder case we were discussing. It certainly was interesting to watch the little girl who use to show up at my door in her red pigtails to walk with me to school interviewing a convicted murderer.
I knew she would go far. Now she is the countries leading authority of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. It is so interesting seeing what all my fellow nerdy friends are doing now.

My red pigtailed friend and I went to Winter Park high and to Peachtree Presbyterian Church. With our other friends we formed a group we called the "Pick of the Crop." We had matching T shirts and I wrote our own theme song. Goodness, we had fun.

On a serious note if you are wondering, Munchausen by proxy syndrome (MBPS) involves a parent or caregiver misleading others into thinking that a child has medical problems by exaggerating, fabricating, or inducing illness in their children. If you watched the movie "The Sixth Sense" then you saw an example of a mother with the syndrome.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

The Use of the Word Literally as an Indication of Deception

My friends and I get a kick out of language quirks and fun ways makerters and advertisers describe their products,incrediants and benefits. In addition, we have been talking about the overuse of the word Literally. This made for a very fun time Wednesday when a friend and I went to a makeup class. My friend was a senior editor at NASA and a Senior Partner at Towers Perin in charge of Communication.
I was holding in my laughter wishing I could see her face every time the makeup artist told us that another product could "literally" make us more gorgeous. And it was," litterally" going deep into our pores. I especially got a hoot from his long description of the minerals in the deep sea water. "This makeup contains the deep sea water taken from water over a mile down in the oceans of Japan." "It takes "literally" thousands of years for the sea water to collect the minerals." And those deep sea minerals "literally" bond naturally to your skin and make it beautiful." (Smile) It was a wonderful example of how some people use the word "literally" to describe things they don't truly understand but want to appear confident discussing. It is not an indication of an overt deception. That is, they are not thinking, "I am going to lie", but more a subconscious desire to look knowledgeable.

I think BP oil is accelerating the mineral buildup in deep sea water. I mean that "Literally."
Who knew that BP Oil was just helping us become more beautiful?

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert Website I have a new quiz on my YouTube Channel at Check it out!

FaceBook friends

For those of you that have been waiting for me to be back out on Facebook today is the day.
I am in town and in the office. I was going to speak in Dallas next week but that program was canceled. Then I was going to go to NSA in Orlando, but I will be taking care of my Mom so I will be around.

My friend Michael sent this interesting article on a ship from the 1700's found at the Trade Center site.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at