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The Story Behind The Photo

Even though it's Mandy's "big night" ......she's in the lead position.....Patti Wood, body language expert, reveals for In Touch Weekly that Mandy doesn't forget to show boyfriend, Andy, that he's important to her. How does Mandy do it? Patti reveals the answer at the link!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Body Language Of Winners & Losers

"Not the typical behavior of a winner" says Patti Wood, body language expert, when she did a photo read for Us Weekly of American Idol winners and losers. Ruben 's body language says he's happy to share the lime light with Clay but notice Clay's stiff body. Kelly is also displaying some "unusual
behavior for a winner"
as she pulls Justin close.....and what's with Justin's smile?
Patti shares her insights at the link!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Are there signs of an affair in Ashton and Demi's body language?

I just read Ashton and Demi's body language for signs that there is trouble in their relationship.
Star magazine and Life and Style say the rumors are that Ashton had an affair. Today they where photographed at an event. Read the mags online or next week on the stands for my full read. I didn't see cues of tension from her. Demi and Ashton seem to still have a good healthy connection. However, Ashton's usually up buoyant body language was very different. His shoulder sloped downward. His eye brows and eyes normally up and open like a child on Christmas morning were down and more closed than normal. His cheek muscles bagged down. His jaw muscles sagged. These are nonverbal cues showing his fatigue and sadness.
Demi didn't show signs of stress. In the photos she is either leaning in towards him or erect in her posture. There were no signs or her leaning or pulling away from him. Their hand holds don't seem overly tight. Demi is not holding on tight. Her fingers are not pulled back. In one photo her little fingers were pulled out and away, but not stiff. Often their hands are interlaced. Her face doesn't show fatigue, tension, nor any disfavor or animosity towards him.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

A Cuddle Sends Out A Message To Those Around

Colin's cuddles are sending
nonverbal messages to those around. Patti Wood, body language expert, reveals for Us Weekly what vibe he's putting out and how those being cuddled feel about it.
Notice the facial expression of Amelia and Spears in the first two photos. Major difference!
Check the link for her insights!
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

How To Make Eye Contact

Author of "People Savvy" and body language expert, Patti Wood, shares with Cosmopolitan tips on how to make eye contact with that droolworthy dude sitting across the room and some coy moves to make when he is at close range. Check the link to find out the "head tilt" move !
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at