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Bernie’s body language. What does he really think about Hilary? Convention Endorsement.

Media sources are asking me what Bernie really thinks of Hillary.
I analyzed this clip that shows two of Bernie’s speeches. First, there is Bernie saying negative things about Clinton before the Democratic convention then in the same clip of his endorsement of her at the convention.

The first part of the clip shows Bernie Saunders’ body language as he talked about Hilary Clinton before the Democratic Convention and again during his speech at the convention when he endorsed her.
Bernie sanders endorsing Hillary and getting booed is in the second part of the same clip.
In the first part of this endorsement speech when Bernie is talking about Hilary’s lack of qualifications, he brings his arms and hands up to either side of his head, in what I call a “high head” gesture that shows he has confidence in what he is saying.

He gestures, giving air quotes just before the word “qualified” and says, “I don’t think you are qualified….” This is called before-say order. Bernie gesturing before words shows his authentic belief that she is not qualified to be president of the United Sates. In authentic Body Language, we gesture then says the words. Gestures come from the emotional limbic brain, so when we really feel something we feel it and show before we say it with words.

When he goes to say, “We have got to elect Hilary Clinton...” his gesture should have started and peaked at the word “got” but his arm came up slowly and hit downward as he pointed when he said the word “elect”. Instead, he motioned late and his gesture showed his lack of enthusiasm, and that electing Hillary is a downward move.

As he is quieting the crowd, he brings his arm and hand up high to pat down the crowds booing. These high above the head gestures show he knows he has power over the crowd. He also brings his hands up high on the right then on the left, in what is almost a slow motion flailing, drowning motion as if he is saying, “I know I have power and I am giving it up.” He then sways his hand up high with the crowd showing his connection to his brothers and sisters.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Programs Customized for You by Patti Wood MA

Communication Dynamics Inc.
 Programs Customized for You
Patti Wood MA

First Impressions and Body Language - For Conferences and other Networking Opportunities.
Attending a conference is a great opportunity to make connections, get new clients and strengthen your existing client relationships. In this program you will enhance your first impression skills and build your networking skills. You meet someone, and on average, within 10 seconds you decide whether or not you like them. How is that first impression formed? Is your gut reaction accurate?  In this program you will learn to read the thousands of nonverbal cues hidden in the hello and the handshake that can make your interactions more genuine and more productive and get you that contract. Based on Patti’s books: “SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma” and “GOING UP! Elevating Your Elevator Speeches.”

Pitch Perfect - Nonverbal Skills to Enhance Your Pitch Meetings.
In this program you will learn how to have professional presence to pitch to high level executives and learn to win over everyone with ease. You will learn how to read the audience and their nonverbal cues that show their level of interest, understanding, and whether they are convinced and in agreement.  You will also be able to generate active participation, and skillfully seek and answer questions. Based on Patti’s books: “Easy Speaking - Dynamic Delivery “and  “Easy Speaking - Q and A and Dealing with Difficult Audiences” and her chapter on presentation body language in the National Speaker Association’s book, “Paid to Speak.”

  • Nonverbal Methods to prevent problems before they happen
  • How to meet and greet with finesse
  • Use the agenda method to make Q and A work for you
  • Practice three ways to get potential trouble-makers on your side before you even begin to speak
  • 12 secrets to make Q and A the best part of your presentation
  • Learn five ways to recapture attention
  • Learn three ways to encourage participants, to talk and participate
  • Learn four ways to project powerful, self-confident body language so you don't get attacked
  • Learn two ways to use your voice to project power and self-confidence
  • How to use breathing to relax with a tough audience and other methods to counter anxiety and stress
  • How to close and call to action with confidence

Success Signals - Body Language in Business One-on-One

Have you ever started a one-on-one interaction with someone and wondered what the other person was thinking? Would you like to change your power and confidence through a simple shift in body language? Would you like to have the winning edge in sales and negotiations? Do you know how to spot a liar? Eye blinks to head tilts, palms up to leg locks, this extremely popular program, based on Patti’s’ research and books, “Success Signals Understanding Body Language” and “People Savvy Body Language,” you will learn how to read and use body language in one-on-one interactions. The insights will help you gain and maintain your business relationships. In this course you will not only learn to watch for cues but also to use questioning techniques and  special "monitoring" cues of your own to check for honesty. In addition, you will learn how to be a better listener and be and look credible in your business and personal relationships.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Hillary and Trump's Body Language

I am giving quite a few media interviews today about Hillary and Trump's body language. You may be able the catch the radio interview on AM radio 1590 WCGO Chicago at 12:45 CDT or Trending Today USA Today with Rust Humphries at 2:20 EST

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Hillary and Trump's Body Language

I am giving quite a few media interviews today about Hillary and Trump's body language. You may be able the catch the radio interview on AM radio 1590 WCGO Chicago at 12:45 CDT or Trending Today USA Today with Rust Humphries at 2:20 EST

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Why do many police forces have badges that feature an upside-down star, usually a five-pointed one?

Symbols have so much power. Your nonverbal expert here has to weigh in on the Badge Trump said his star represented in the anti Hillary add. Not sure what sheriff in the old west carried modern cash. Perhaps one that went back to the future.
If he meant a modern day Sheriff you can see in this article the star shape varies. Also you can tell he is not familiar with the duties and responsibilities of sheriffs.

Heraldry: Why do many police forces have badges that feature an upside-down star, usually a five-pointed one?

The inverted pentangle seems to be common in law enforcement in the United States and Australia. Google Search brings up a lot of suggestions that this is a satanic symbol, but somehow ... I don't think so. Another theory, that the symbol originated with Freemasons is only marginally more plausible, as is one involving a chief of police in New Orleans.
(P.S. I see that the badges of a lot of UK police services feature six or eight pointed stars – not unlike sheriff's badges in western movies – except that the uppermost point is obscured by a crown or similar device. That suggests that six or eight-pointed stars are the older/original version.)


Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at