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Ivanka Trump's Body Language At The 2019 State Of The Union Was So Sweet

Patti Wood, another body language expert and author of SNAP: Making The Most Of First Impressions, Body Language, And Charisma, also noted that it looked like Trump was comforting Johnson, but noted the timing of the touch could be significant. "This woman also got quite a lot of applause and Ivanka could have been reaching over to gain some of the admiration and make herself look good," she speculates via email, noting that the president had done something similar when he spoke in honor of survivors of World War II.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Melania Trump’s Body Language At The 2019 State Of The Union Showed Some Priorities

Patti Wood, another body language expert and author of SNAP: Making The Most Of First Impressions, Body Language, And Charisma, also commented on the exchange, noting that Trump appears to be most comfortable when engaging with the children. She notes that while Trump appears to "go in and out of a mask" with her smile, her actions and expressions to Grace are genuine. She turns "to talk to [Grace] with warmth and sweetness," Wood tells Elite Daily by email.
Wood also notes that there are a few moments where Trump isn't smiling or her face looks a little tense, which she interpreted as Trump appearing as if she was "told to act nice." But in the end, she "does a very nice job interacting with real warmth to the little girl," Wood opines.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Donald Trump's Body Language At The 2019 State Of The Union Was Pretty Telling

Patti Wood, another body language expert and author of SNAP: Making The Most Of First Impressions, Body Language, And Charisma, also commented on the exchange, noting that Trump appears to be most comfortable when engaging with the children. She notes that while Trump appears to "go in and out of a mask" with her smile, her actions and expressions to Grace are genuine. She turns "to talk to [Grace] with warmth and sweetness," Wood tells Elite Daily by email.
Wood also notes that there are a few moments where Trump isn't smiling or her face looks a little tense, which she interpreted as Trump appearing as if she was "told to act nice." But in the end, she "does a very nice job interacting with real warmth to the little girl," Wood opines.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

State of the Union Body Language for 2019, Trump, Pelosi, Democratic Women in White

In part, because the president didn’t say anything he hasn’t said many times in other forums or do anything that was wildly different or unexpected o the most interesting unique aspect of this state of the union was the presence and nonverbal behavior of women. Both group of the Democratic women in while and Pelosi trying to find the clip where Pelosi held up and read her notes near the beginning of the presidents as an obvious and clear and sustained nonverbal message of disbelief and regard for the president. Reading notes is a tactic that I actually have coached speakers to do doing debates to hold in their nervousness and show their disinterest during debates because is one of the only oddly politically correct ways of showing disrespect and disagreement.

My rough notes taken down as I was watching. 
In any case, I am highly focused on gender differences in this State of the Union for obvious reasons. Its Interesting that in the women whose stories that the president shared ( the female prisoner who became a minister and the family of the slain couple), brushed back tears. I am always interested when we hear the story of a woman with the focus on the story of the woman or women as victims and see a woman crying and men stories focusing on their success or hero stories that would draw more cheers than pity from the audience.

OH here is something interesting. , "...More women in the workforce than ever before and we see the women in white all stand and smile and stand again for the statement, "More women in Congress than any time before.'' And then quite dramatically a wild rousing repetitive cheer from mostly men, "..USA, USA, USA," and Pelosi standing and palms up gesturing for the women to rise again and take in the applause. "
Now the president says with power and verve. quite a convincing "...the catastrophe of NAFTA and the Pelosi dramatically and bring her head go down in her down in disbelief and displeasure.

The president is a good storyteller this evening. He has more pauses as he speaks. And those pauses work to give his words power. He is reading, but he is a voice is dramatic. He did overall a good job on these stories.
With this exception... speak and train and write on public speaking and one of the greatest challenges is introducing someone. As the president shares stories of survivors of the Holocaust and the man he is talking about is applauded we see the president lift his chin up and raise the bottom point of the chin up high, only talking the applause for himself. His chin has been up in pride quite a bit, during this State of the Union, but this is an odd prideful when the honor should go to the person he is introducing. I advise anyone introducing someone to give the audience to them once they have been introduced. You don't claim someone's honor as your own.

They finally showed Mitch Mcconnel as the president was talking about pharmaceutical prices. He looks like he is about to cry, you have to get a photo screen grab of him. This is sadness, a downward sagging corners of the mouth, muscles of the face sagging I have never seen this expression on his face. It does not flash across his face, it doesn't vary, it is not a response to what the president is saying. It is how the feeling in response to the event.
The little girl grace who collected donations for cancer and battled cancer smiling as he speaks of her. A hero's journey, but a suffering journey. Melanie the seated next to her is smiling, Though still shows tension.
And as outlawing late-term abortion men cheer and most of the house chamber stands while the women in white stay still and silent, we may presume in strong protest of the government ruling over what they can do or must do with their bodies. Because not one woman moves to stand and stays still this like a group decision made before the debates.
Later the cheer that I thought supported the women is repeated when the president talks about fighting socialism, "USA, USA, USA"
This changes the cheer to something quite different, a rebellious and decisive cheer of Republicans and makes us wonder if the cheer used before when the comment about more women in Congress was a rebellion against them.
Adam Shiff faces as the president speaks of administration rather than investigation of his administration. Shiff was not happy. I will look for a screen grab of it to analyze it fully.

The president is speaking more formally, more slowly and with fewer gestures than he has in recent speeches.
When the president said something to the effect that America had the powerful military the camera scanned the generals and only one smiled the others faces where stressed and grim.
As the president talked about, "Large caravans of illegal immigrants coming to the United States." there was a loud audible groan from the crowd.

Note the Democratic woman of power most in clean crisp white suits and dressed creating unity and presence that was visually striking. As the president began, the white highlighted these woman's facial expressions shown s with grimaces, smirks and rolling eyes when the president talked of the unity of the parties and when the cameras scanned the rows of a woman in white after one statement you saw only one woman clapping. Again we see in mass how these women feel.
Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Hearing about Allegations, Body Language . Is is lying?

We still don’t know if he is guilty of any of these charges. These people don't know how to correctly question and this is not the correct forum for discovering the truth. We also don't know because of the way he chose to speak and respond to questions, He needs a real interrogation by someone trained. Heres what we do know he did. I want to make it clear. I don't know if he is guilty. I analyzed his testimony in previous testimony, in the FOX interview and today for multiple national media outlets Here is what we do know.
1. He chose over and over to evade questions
2. Over and over in previous testimony, in the Fox interview and today, he used the “I don’t know defense” Even though several times I have seen proof that several times in his testimony and interviews that he did know the answer to the questions he responded under oath to not knowing. That shows he uses "I don't know" to cover the truth.
3. His showed strong uncontrolled emotions. In fact, he used strong emotions that are known in deception detection as “cover emotions” Anger, Victim tears and Laughter. We don’t know if they are real, but I know he used the top three. It could be because he is innocent.
This belligerent personality and range of emotions are particularly unsettling. He seems to be a totally different person. It's a massive change.
I pointed out in my read of the FOX interview that his flat, robotic, repetitive emotionless interview seemed odd and odder to me even more considering the letter he wrote to the senate judiciary committee the day of the FOX interview. where he was angry. Specifically, he said in his letter to the SJC that he thought the reason this was happening was a witch hunt and a few hours later in the Fox interview when asked why this was happening he said, "I don't know?"
4. Other unregulated emotions - He also was often belligerent boastful and contemptuous. He seems to be a totally different person. It's a massive change.
5. He redefines terms, and or he uses totally different words or terms in his responses than the words or terms used in the question when asked about something.
He said several times, in the FOX interview and today, that he never Sexually Assaulted anyone, even when that is not what he was asked. That is a term that could mean different things and he was not asked to define it. There are dozens of examples such as saying "I feel asleep." when he was asked if he ever passed out after drinking.
One unsettling example of redefining terms is in his opening statement, in fact, every time Brett Kavanaugh said "all four witnesses say this never happened," he was lying. They, in fact, said they did not recall. So he redefined what those words mean. They said “I don’t recall” and he says that means it never happened. In fact, one of those four said she believes Ford!!! Other examples are giving his new definitions to the terms "Bogg" "Devils Triangle" and redefining the terms used around his yearbook entries about Renault. There is also something I found interesting. He said at one point he didn't do anything of a "sexual nature" to Dr. Ford. Was he redefining some action he took as "non-sexual" and was he saying he didn't do anything to the adult Dr. Ford because when she was the 15 year old she had a different last name? One of the reasons I think this is relevant is that he is known for judging by the "letter" of the law. The other reason is that I have seen this technique used so often by liars.
6. Today and in the FOX interview In his answers about the accusations of behavior in his youth he bridges immediately in his response with what a good person he has been since then. That is irrelevant in response to a question about possible past behavior. Innocent people tend to keep denying the actual accusation. They stay in the event until they know you believe they didn't do the accused action. Liars tend to immediately divert to other times and other behavior. It doesn't' mean he is guilty it's just odd.
7. He also uses what is called a fog of confusion, humor, and the “everybody does it response” as in “We all like beer” response.
8. Severa; times he evades by answering a question with a question. For example when asked, "Do you drink beer?" he responds, "Do you drink beer?" instead of answering. And when asked the question asked, “Have you ever blacked out?” with belligerent and attacking nonverbal cues as he asks, "Have you?”
I was very briefly a substance abuse counselor and I had to question people every week on their drinking and their behavior. I would have asked him more specific questions like, How many beers did you typically drink at a party? What is the most you ever had to drink in one evening? You went to get parties did you ever drink more than other people at the party?. Did you ever fall down when drinking? and I certainly would have gone deeper on his reply when asked about if he ever blacked out that he "Fell Asleep" with a clarification of the term blacked out. The drinking questions are critical to the assault allegations and it was interesting that that line of questioning was interrupted.
Another example of possible problems with the definition of words and or terms.
First Clip
"I swear today under oath before the Senate and the nation, before my family and God, I am innocent of this charge"
First, let me say, I have analyzed him in previous testimony before Congress, during his FOX interview and today. He has a habit of rephrasing and redefining terms and of not answering direct questions. Here is says, “innocent of this charge. He has accused of multiple behaviors an actions against her and charges from other women, not ONE.”
This is a technique liars use to answer honestly but not answer the question as asked. In this case, he can think of one of the many charges against him that he doesn’t feel he is guilty to swear to before God.
He does it again saying, “I am innocent of THIS charge.” Rather than of all these charges. I also that he state this denial calmly as anger can be used as a cover emotion.
His tears seem real and they can certainly call forth empathy.
His tears can show that he is absolutely innocent, but I have seen in my work throughout the years, people that are “caught” cry because they feel like victims of circumstances. I don’t know if he’s a malignant narcissist but malignant narcissist are known for claiming victimhood and eliciting sympathy. I have an additional problem with somebody crying during their congressional testimony. I seen people eviscerated during congressional testimony. He was not questioned with the same intensity as many have been. I’ve seen many other people questioned and he’s the first person I’ve ever seen cry.
Tears, laughter and anger are what we call in deception detection the
“Cover Emotions” the emotions that cover up their untruths.
His extreme emotions and inability to control his anger, rage, contempt, and tears is revealing. Again I lust say, I have analyzed dozens of congressional hearings and I have never seen this broad range of emotions or this intensity. He could be innocent.
Some may feel are justified some may say they are not appropriate to use before Congress when you are being vetted for your ability to be calm an impartial as a supreme court judge.
There is a key piece of Ford’s testimony that is revelatory. She says she remembers the laughter. ( As does the second accuser) If Kavanagh did it, and he was laughing he may not have seen it or felt it as anything put “Horseplay.” He may not have had it register in his memory as anything wrong or bad. And or if he was drunk he may not have remembered at all. This is important because his anger is so strong and he seems so emphatic and he could actually feel he never did anything like this, that he never did anything wrong, and or he could possibly because it was not memorable for him because it was to him just fun/funny for/to him, or because he was drunk to not remember it all.

Karen Sundstrom My reaction exactly. It's identical to many of Trump's methods. Never answer. Just boast.

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Patti Wood It’s interesting that I’ve had conversations with men who say they are searching through their memory for times when they may have pushed through a woman’s nose in response to request for sex. Just is there are thousands of victims of sexual abuse who are being triggered to recall the pain there are thousands of men who are being triggered to examine their own behavior .

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Patti Wood From the standard jury instruction: “If a witness is shown knowingly to have testified falsely about any material matter, you have a right to distrust such witness' other testimony and you may reject all the testimony of that witness ...”

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