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Body Language Insights into Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger by Body Language Expert Patti Wood, Sociopaths Stare

I will post the article with my body language insights into the Idaho murder suspect's demeanor as he arrived in court today when the story goes live tonight. 

His perp walk 

His mug shot

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Three last-minute gifts and a great start to the year off right books.

Three last-minute gifts and a great start to the year off right books.

THE SUNRISE MANIFESTO. The first is my favorite journal. It’s the one I use and that I recommend to all my executive coaching clients. It’s a gratitude journal, goal setting, and morning pages journal that takes around 5 minutes every morning. I have reviewed and used over 20 different journals, and this is my favorite by far. It’s an excellent gift for a busy go-getter kind of person, anyone dealing with grief, depression, trauma, or loss, or a teen or college student too. After years of teaching gratitude principles, this journal made it easy for me to thank friends, family, and employees AS they did something wonderful.

Link to purchase


DO WHAT YOU ARE I coach people going through career transitions and young people who don’t know what they want to do when they go off to college or are finishing college. I taught college for 11 years and loved helping my students find their passion and life path. This book is the best resource. I had seen hundreds of clients sitting at my office table light up when they turned to THEIR chapter in the book and started to read the different perfect jobs for them. It’s an excellent gift for an adult considering a career transition and high school and college students.

Of course, my book SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma, is a great gift for anyone wanting to improve their first impression, business, and relationships. It’s essential reading for anyone in a leadership position, sales, young people anyone with ADD!

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

How to avoid falling for someone too quickly/getting too Attached. What to do if you're the type of person who gets attached and falls in love to easily?

1. How to avoid falling for someone too quickly/getting too Attached.

There are four ways to "ease" into love rather than fall in love. Many of them are to ensure you maintain your confidence and love for yourself and assure you can evaluate the character or your love interest and don't become addicted to them or the intensity of the chemicals created in the "falling stage of love. As a result, you can feel and enjoy intimacy. You need to be able to evaluate the quality of the potential partner and maintain your sense of self.

1.       Create space. Give yourself physical space between you and the other person so you go into the relationship an independent person who can look at the potential love interest with perspective. That's not to say you don't cuddle, hold hands, or have sex. However, it means you also have time when you are sitting apart, in other rooms talking to each other. It's easy to get addicted to physical closeness and attach and "fall" before you know whether it's a good healthy person you are attaching to.

2.       Create time apart. That means you don't see text, message, and constantly call as the dating and relationship building begins. Instead, have free time and establish a sacred time just for you and your friends, family, or work. For example, say I have my class on Wednesday nights that I love and want to keep going to. Or I really like time each week to work out. Let's go through our schedules, so we can find the best time to do our own life-affirming activities while still having quality time with each other. Or, when I am at work, I won't be able to text back immediately. Don't do this harshly. Instead, do this to see how you feel when you are alone and independent and create and sustain your love for yourself apart from your love interest.

3.       Wait to share every intimate story of pain and suffering. That doesn't mean you don't share any bad things. It means waiting till you have built a safe foundation and trust before you share every messy detail of your life. This also is a safety measure to keep you from falling in love with a malignant narcissist, as one of their love-bombing techniques at the beginning of dating is to get you to self-disclose painful past relationship secrets. This exposes you to them, and though it can feel special and intimate, it can also create TRAMUA BONDING. It makes you feel close to someone who has not yet earned your trust if this is truly a love match for you.

You have all the time in the world to talk about your abusive ex, your absent father, or you are bullying your sibling. Wait.

4.       Watch and Question. Notice what your love interest does. Not just what they say. Do they say something about loving and caring for you but not following through with their actions? Wait to see how you feel. Do you feel safe? Do you feel cared for? Do you feel happy and healthy? Are you anxious and or not sleeping well? Do your friends and family like your love interest? Do your love interest show empathy and care for you and others?

 2. What to do if you're the type of person who gets attached easily include? 

Empaths, those who are naive about what healthy mature love looks and feels like and who show unexamined trauma and other unhealthy past relationships, may fall "In Love" more quickly. 3. The dangers of falling too fast for someone. You may attach to a person who does not love you. You may make demands on the other person that is not healthy. You may fall for someone toxic, emotionally immature, or not ready for mature love. On the other hand, you may only feel a need or emptiness in you rather than falling in love with the love interest.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Spotting a Selfish Guy, How to Deal with a Selfish Boyfriend, Dangers of a Selfish Boy Friend

How to Spot A Selfish Guy

My new boyfriend seemed a perfect southern gentleman, but as I went to drive out of his condo parking garage for the first time, he did some things that waved red flags that he wasn't perfect. He said, "Let me get in the driver's seat and drive you out of the parking garage so I can use my pass, and you don't have to pay." "They have cameras so that they will see me, I can use my pass, and you won't get in trouble," Nice? No. He wanted to break a rule, and that's a red flat. I told him I preferred paying, but he insisted. He tried to break a rule, and that's a red flag. Then it got weirder. I told him no that I preferred to pay. But he took my car keys and got in my car to drive. Another red flag.

I set a boundary, saying I wanted to pay, and he broke it. I again said I preferred to drive out myself and showed my discomfort, blinking my eyes, grimacing, and pulling my body away from him. He did it anyway. Even worse, I could see him smile and get this pump of energy from cheating. A huge red flag that he would ignore my needs and get pleasure from breaking rules and my boundaries. A selfish person lacks consideration for others. They are concerned first and foremost with their own needs. To spot them early on is to see if they break boundaries, rules, and laws for their advantage

A friend was being sued, and she was scared. She had done nothing wrong, but she was a tiny goliath going up a big corporate giant. She was a successful and confident person and had never needed advice from her boyfriend, but in this instance, because he had several companies and had fought more than one lawsuit, she asked for his advice and shared that she was distraught and wasn't sleeping. He brushed off her needs, saying it wasn't a big deal. It happens all the time. His bright red flags were waving. And she said she saw them and thought it was a sign she was too needy. AGGGGH. If you are dating someone that doesn't acknowledge your pain nor gives comfort, be wary.  

 How to deal with a selfish boyfriend if you choose to stay with him. 

Have conversations about your needs and concerns. People can change and grow, but it takes work from both members of the couple.

 Pick one thing they have done and how it affected you, and ask them how they might act differently next time, or ask how you would like them to behave next time.

 For example, "You went by the store on the way over and got snacks for yourself and didn't think to get anything for me." "Next time you go to the store on the way over, what could you do differently to show you think of and care for me?"

Or "Typically, when someone visits for the weekend, they bring a hostess gift, food or wine or offer to help with fixing meals or take the host out to show they care." "This is the third time you have stayed with me over the weekend, and again I bought all our food, fixed it, set the table, and cleaned up, and you didn't even say thank you."The next time you come to stay with me for the weekend, what could you do to show you care for and value me?"

And though it seems very simple, ask them to do things for you and others at the moment and see if they can grow into a more caring and empathetic partner. For example, "It would make me so happy if you could clear the table." "Hey, can you run the vacuum real quick in the living room before our friends get here while I fix the food?" "Hey, it would make me feel so loved if you could get up and hug me when I come through the door at night, even if you are watching something good." "Can you do that for me?"

See if they can learn to think about and do for others. So, for example, if they go to the Gym every day after work before seeing you, you have to wait and eat very late. Have a conversation with them expressing your lack of comfort eating late every night and see if you can negotiate a change. For example, ask if on Fridays they can change their workout to start your dates earlier. It's a simple and reasonable request; if he isn't open to any negotiation, that is a red flag.

When you watch tv shows and films together, have him guess the character's feelings. You can make it a game, but it is also a way of teaching someone to read verbal and nonverbal cues and empathize with others. You can even ask him what he would do or say to help or comfort characters in distress.

There are so many adverse effects of dating a selfish partner: If they lack empathy, they may ignore you when you are sick. They may even act out and get mad if you are ill or in pain and can't serve their needs. For example, if they are sick with a cold, they expect to be cared for and comforted, but if you have a cold and are too ill to fix it, dinner and they may get irritated with you.

Another issue is a lack of predictability in their emotions and actions. You may find yourself trying to predict their behavior and prevent them from acting out, for example, fixing their favorite snacks they expect you to have ready when they watch a football game to prevent them from getting upset. Or having sex with them when you don't want to so they don't get upset.

You might go out to dinner and have a great time, but they may act out with you and others when they don't get their way. Think of an angry boyfriend who doesn't get the customer service he expects and acts out and yells.

Look for red flags and decide if you want to leave or stay, work on the relationship, and see if they are willing to think of you.



Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at


Relationship Tips for Empaths by Human Relationship Expert Patti Wood.

What are the biggest challenges female empaths face in

Being taken advantage of by selfish, immature people or people who are unhealthy on the "path" range.

People with narcissistic tendencies are drawn to empaths, and deeply feeling people and narcs know that, on some level, they personally are lacking in emotional depth and substance. By being in a relationship with a nurturing, loving, empathetic person, the person with narcissism is able to consume that person's authentic love and extract narcissistic supply. Once fed over the course of days, weeks, or months, the person with narcissism is satiated and may grow bored with their partner. They must secure the supply of another target and or need so much narcissistic supply they create drama/trauma to extract it.

How can female empaths protect themselves in relationships?

The number one red flag for you to notice or point out to friends is, do you feel uncomfortable? Next, notice what is going on in your body. Are you feeling; overwhelmed, stressed, hot, cold, nauseous, headachy, tired, or overstimulated with behavior in a conversation or overall when you are with them? That's a sign that your central nervous system is alerting to danger with a FREEZE FLIGHT FIGHT FALL FAINT or Friend (play passively nice cause you are scared) response. 

Of course, we all want our relationships to be happy, but if your friend's or partner's happiness comes at the expense of yours, it is not healthy. If you are in a relationship needs constant attention and emotional validation, be wary. Empaths may define themselves as good, kind, caring people who forget to care for their own needs or expect loved ones to take care of them occasionally. Beware of

someone who monopolizes the relationship and who never compromises, just demands. narcissists tend to want someone "who is low in 'harm avoidance' and high in 'cooperation.'" If you tend to give in easily to the wishes or demands of others at work or in your personal life to avoid conflict, you might fit the ideal profile of a potential partner for a narcissist.

Suppose you often put your needs and opinions aside for the sake of avoiding conflict in the relationship. In that case, you'll more easily fall prey to a narcissist who thrives when others provide the empathy and attention they crave. Yes, being willing to compromise in a relationship is important but being a doormat isn't compromising.

What are the best traits female empaths bring to Relationships?

Empaths have the ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others outside your own perspective. You sense and feel what others are feeling. Their pain becomes yours their happiness becomes yours.

Empaths have an incredible ability to read nonverbal communication. Empaths pick up on cues, and you "Know" when someone is not themselves or feels down or depressed or off and have the desire to comfort them.

 Empaths want to help. It makes you feel good to be of help and service to others.

 Empaths show their emotions and are easy to "read" It's tough for them to lie as it makes you extremely uncomfortable to feel one thing and say another.

 Empaths tend to be great listeners, and because they internalize and feel what others are feeling, empaths can easily put themselves in someone else's shoes and give excellent advice.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at