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Science Reveals the Power of a Handshake

ScienceDaily (Oct. 19, 2012) — New neuroscience research is confirming an old adage about the power of a handshake: strangers do form a better impression of those who proffer their hand in greeting.

For tips on handshakes from my new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impression, Body Language and Charisma, go to the website at

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Was Robert Pattinson's Body Language Rude?

Below are Patti's insights for HollywoodLife on the body language of Robert Pattinson's during a recent interview in Sydney where he had just landed for the Breaking Dawn Part 2 All Around the World fan event.  

Patti's Insights:
The hand to head photo. He is not out of it. He still has the energy to look at the camera. Notice the slightly protruding pursed lips,  that indicate he has something to say, combine that with the rest of the gesture cluster, the red eyes, lowered eyelids, lowered head in hand and it means he is tired of having to keep how he is really feeling in.

Hand to head. What he is thinking and feeling and keeping inside hurts, as you can tell by the scratching claw like hold to the head. He knows he needs to be on for the camera but he feels he needs to protect himself notice the hand and arm across the crotch with this fingers cupped inward, this particular blocking behavior shows that he needs show protection of his sexual feelings but not totally closed down.

Check out the actual interview!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Kristen Stewart's Self-Comforting Body Language

Patti weighed in on Kristen Stewart's body language during her live interview on Oct. 18 discussing the new Balenciaga fragrance for 

Check the link below to read Patti's comments!
View the full interview below:

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Obama v Romney: Their debating styles

Click the link below to read Patti's analysis of the debating styles of Obama vs. Romey for the BBC US & Canada during the 2nd Presidential debate.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Patti's Insights on the 2nd Presidential Debate on Americas Radio Network

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Patti's Insights on the 2nd Presidential Debate - October 16, 2012

Shake with a one, two and three.

Obama and Romney circled and spared one another in last night’s Town Hall Meeting battle of the body language.


Romney jumped up out of his chair and ran to the front to answer the first question leaving President Obama sitting in his chair behind Romney making Obama look less powerful and ready to take action for the country.


Body language and Paralanguage (the nuances of the voice) affect the voter’s perception of first impression factors such as Credibility, Likeability, Attractiveness and Power. This opening made Romney win on Power.


Romney obviously was coached to smile as much as possible.  Romney has been practicing his smile.

Romney also did a good job of answering the first questions.


Did you see how Romney jumped out of that chair to answer the first question?

Interesting gestures being cut off on CNN.

Long answer - Romney is starting with a loud whisper.

2014 lots of smiling

 Obama is using his big booming voice.  It does not work when he is answering the first question.  He is not personal enough.

The resting face on Romney is a big smile. Very interesting change. He really has been working on it. He has been coached to smile whenever he can to counter that angry demeanor he had last time.

Romney faces toward Obama to engage about Detroit bankruptcy.

Obama’s energy is good but didn’t like that he turned around and walked away after his Detroit answer. He can‘t turn his body language on and off.  He has to stay engaged.  Body language of a battle. 

Watching Obama bring up his gestures. He is doing some great grabbing motions. It looks good. High and above the heart looks positive and winning.

Governor Romney is doing pushing down and away motion when he talks about Obama’s policies.

Romney knows how to do battle body language.

Romney is doing the counting with his fingers gesture as he talks about what he will do that I suggested today in my interview with the AP news wire.  That was what he needed to do to look like he had steps in mind.

Obama does a great, but too brief engagement in battle with Romney as he talks about Romney closing coal plant.

Think Obama does a great job with government owned lands for oil and gas. But then it goes to battle and Obama losses. Obama starts to interrupt and then backs down. Visually Romney is nice striking out with his hand and arm.

“What I want to do is create an economy that is strong” and Obama uses his strong, loud voice.

Romney is relentless.  He ignores the rules on the wind power.

 Obama even retreats, sits down and his head came down as he says he is used to being interrupted.  That is not powerful body language.

Obama is making some sour faces on deductions.  He is seething and holds a tight smile as he and his body is bouncing slightly showing he wants to be out of his chair answering.

Taxes Middle class families - he gestures with an interesting, reaching out, patting down motion that shows we can be hopeful but the taxes will come down.  Great power and forward movement and gesture as he talks about his philosophy about taxes,

Romney speaks on taxes - he does his nice, soft but loud voice his five point plan he counts again. That works for him.

Tax cut they are both smiling with their chins up. Oh my gosh they are matching each other What a great screen grab they are equal in battle power in that moment and they feel it. (About 25 minutes in)

Romany is doing his smarmy TV preacher smirk like smile as Obama talks about tax rates.

Romany does this gesture sweeping his left arm back to show how his discounts Obama.

Romney looks so rude.

Female’s 72 percent of what males counterparts earn.  Finally got a nice story in. She didn’t complain he does a tongue eraser that makes me think she did complain.

Woman increasingly the bread winners but didn’t answer the question.

60 billion dollars going to banks for Pell grants.

Both Romney and Obama are gesturing a lot more than in the other debates.

I am now so engaged I don’t want to stop watching to Type. That indicates the energy, passion, movement is intense.

Biggest difference from Bush.

 Last contraceptive care. Changes his mind. 

Romney getting his say in at the top of his response and Obama sitting there and letting him makes Obama look less powerful. Siting and standing so interesting nonverbally.

Small business plans - Obama needs to gesture back and pat down motions to Romney not gesture toward the audience.

 Earn my vote question - Needed more energy and smile and upward movement to look hopeful and positive.

Illegal immigrants - The camera on the listening Obama is shaking. That makes Obama look bad, like he is shaking.

 I like how both candidates are.

Obama goes back to his chair with his head down.

Romney uses a fencing move at the retreating Obama and Romney insists on having the last word. It looks and sounds like he wins the round but he has to have the last word in the round.

 In the pension battle Obama loses.  I do like that he stood but Obama looks at the moderator to “save him” and fight for him. The limbic brain of the viewer wants to vote for a president that looks like he can stand his ground and win.

Kerry Ladka, Libya state department, shows his disrespect for the president.
Obama stuttered his answer.

“When it comes to National security I mean what I say” the president did some rapid blinking that leads me to believe he doubts that rather than he means what he says.

Romney’s voice is very passionate in his response on this question. The day after the attack his fist down to those who committed this crime and his lips show he is holding his emotions.

The battle of the rose garden was so intense I wanted to leave the room where I was watching the TV.


 Romney – “government does not create jobs.”  Romney goes up not on his turn to disagree with the president.  He is not just rude but made me feel he was ready to hit Obama. He went in to disrespectfully close space.

“Promises failed to deliver” was strong for Romney.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Biden Won the Vice Presidential Debates with Ryan by Using Bully Body Language

Biden won the Vice Presidential Debates with Ryan by Using Bully Body Language. Body Language Expert's insights on the debates:
Vice President Biden won the debate with Ryan by using bully body language.  Biden’s strong, low baritone voice made him appear authoritative. His large and often downward sweeping gestures as well as his use of fist and holding a weapon like pen in his hand made him look like he was beating Congressman Ryan down. In addition his looks of derision, disrespect sneering, smiling and shaking his head and rolling his eyes up , and later in the debate open hostility as he responded  to Ryan’s  answers,  as  well as Biden’s  lack of eye contact with Ryan made him look like he was stronger and energetic. If you look at my blog on what I was looking for I was interested to see how Biden would deal with the age difference. Energy and fierceness were his techniques. Democrats were eager for Biden to show the spark of energy and passion the president lacked, he did so.

Though many times he was rude, disrespectful and interrupted.  The way he looked at Ryan with disbelief of his foolishness.  Romney won the last debate being stronger, louder and longer,  interrupting and more passionate.  Biden is winning so far using Romney’s technique.

Ryan’s answers were steady and fact filled.  His pulled back body language may appeal to the conservative right. I did like Ryan’s verbal response later in the debate to all the interruptions “I know you’re under a lot of duress to make up for lost ground, but I think people would be better served if we don’t interrupt each other,” But, nonverbally Ryan should have said this earlier (timing is nonverbal communicator)  and perhaps if he had said it earlier and a bit more playfully it could have worked. But Biden was roaring by then so Ryan ended up sounding and looking like he was the nerd that was getting beat up by the bully standing with a bloody nose and trying to appeal to the bully's logic.  We did feel sorry for Ryan we saw him as by far the nicer person, but he was rolled over by Biden. 

Here are my rough notes from the beginning 

Ryan walked toward Biden and did the politician handshake.

Ryan took a sip of water  to start.

Biden on first question flat suppressed he was smiling before the question.

Biden had a strong opening and said, "We will find whoever did this.. "while pointing holding pen.

 President my highest priority is to get Bin Laden.

Terrorist points again.
Steady hand and clear visions.
Ryan’s voice (paralanguage) is higher, squeaky and less “presidential”  so when he said, “we mourn the loss of …” sounded less powerful.
As he said, ‘We owe a great debt of gratitude to our veterans” Ryan had great vocal emphasis on the word great.  His paralanguage and facial expression were in synch the statement was warm wonderful and powerful.

Ryan’s downward pinch gesture not strong enough when talking about deaths at embassy.
Biden’s Response,  “That’s a bunch of Malarkey.” Great vocal power, deep baritone. Sounds like the ALPHA.   He gestures again with the pointed finger and pen. I think this was a coached gesture to make him look more forceful and unapologetic.  Biden had strong, downward sweeping gestures. As he rebutted on security. Very strong.
Ryan’s response to question about soldiers burning and urinating -  He hesitated vocally and did not answer strongly and forcefully. His body didn’t go forward nor did he gesture strongly enough. I think the word urinate affected his ability to repeat the question. (a technique to respond in debates to give him time.)

Ryan, now he is stronger on watered down sanctions.

Biden is interesting he his look of incredulous Think this technique of looking and speaking in response to Ryan’s answer is

Great hands together as he talks about the inability to create nuclear weapon.

Biden gave strong downward striking gesture, What the Iatola sees. We will not allow the

They don’t have a weapon to put it in. Great gestures so certain and sharp.

Ryan is looking at Biden with interest he is taking notes ( or faking notes)

Ohhh cool gesture of Biden

He is leaning forward Biden is moving. He is more forward and certain in his response to question about Jobs.

Ryan does not respond well to Bidens interruption of his comment about jobs. Ryan pulls his  head back, mouth goes puckered and nose wrinkles and sniffs.  His pinched point down gesture again is not powerful enough.
Biden is very strong, He sounds credible because his gestures and movement and expressions are feel show say.  The expansive gestures and movement. and loudness of his voice, movement and face make him look and sound more passionate than Ryan. Actually passionate rather than Ryan's clipped speech and quick little movements are more left brain and logical. Biden  sounds and looks like someone who will get things done. How many of his gestures  strike downward after each of Ryan’s responses.  Remember debates are a battle and Biden's symbolic fighting gestures are working. They make  us feel he is successfully beating Ryan down.

Ryan is doing the same pointed gesture. It fits him but it is not strong enough to us visually.

Biden as he says, “Any senior out there"   Biden looks directly at the camera and reaches out and gestures to them. (places the grey hair to dark hair in debaters)

Also plays to camera using his favorite phrase, “Folks listen.”

“Mr. Vice President, Mr. Vice President",  Ryan looked directly at Biden, his eyebrows furrowed in anger, he gestured in attack, but his voice was not strong enough.  Ryan’s gesture and forward movement was not strong enough.  He actually honored and respected Biden, just a bit too much. How interesting. 
Again. Biden looks with disrespect giving a tongue thrust (quick sticking out of tongue) at Ryan.

Tax cuts –
Ryan is now doing well in his response.  He is really comfortable with this topic. His controlled gestures here work.  He uses different gestures and they are larger and come down and up farther and more confidently and his body lifts up in confidence. ( We move up when we feel positive and or strongly about something.) He is sweeping out his hand a bit, using his pen like Biden did.  His voice is calm. His nonverbal sounds reasonable.

When Ryan tries to take on Biden directly talking Kennedy here he does not win.  

By the way the moderator is doing a really great job here. Love how strong she looks. She leans in and raises her voice.

 Ryan  does a good job here initially as he answers the question. But look at his hands when Biden responds and disagrees with him. Ryan pulls inward and gets smaller. Look as he goes still he holds his hands in a formal hands resting pointed towards each other on the table. That is a centering formal hand position. Again probably coached, but I would have coached him to spread his hands slightly so he looks centered but stronger.  Not looking “smaller” compared to Biden.  Ryan is again being respectful. He has to walk a fine line. This makes his job harder.

Ohh finally Ryan is looking at Biden as he talks but now his expression has changed. He frowns and brings his head down slightly in a freeze frame of head shake now.


Biden does his first raised arms up and folds his hands together. This move shows he feels the need to pull back on his internal desire to attack. But interesting as he raises his arms and folds he strikes momentarily at Martha the moderator.

Fighting Season, Warm months.

One of the big if not the biggest moment in the debate, the Big moment, that will be in the headlines tomorrow when anyone discusses the vice presidential debate. Big battle about Afghan troops replacing our troops. Most real anger if you look at micro facial cues (I see when I look at video you see Biden snarl and bar his teeth as seen in any political debate.) 

I am noticing that I am disconnected. I want to stop paying attention when Ryan gives his long answers without enough vocal variation and not enough movement. 

Faith, Abortion. Ryan delivers the Bean (his first baby) story very well. He gets to smile he gets to look warm and emotional as he talks about his daughter.

Biden, “My religion defines who I am.” First time he gets choked up for the first time. We hear the stress in his voice. His voice goes into a stage whisper.

Ryan abortion.   Catholic church. When Biden interrupts him Ryan thrust out his tongue, straight out and full.  His head moves after. He is ruffled. Ryan does not hold his ground nonverbally.

Biden, “ We only have one true sacred obligation…”

Biden’s only really big smile(in derision) that I have noticed thus far in the debate is as he discusses the “scurrilous..” big money doing scurrilous things in the campaign.  Interesting.

Ryan at 10:00 is giving a really strong close. He is finally making intense focused eye contact with the Moderator. I would like him to give to the camera.

Biden’s near close showing voice strain and face and body shows exhaustion gestures getting smaller. Body gets smaller and more still.

Ryan’s response to question to How you would as a human being is

We believe you grow the country with the middle class he does a fantastic illustrator gesture as he says. “Middle out top down.”

That’s what this is about great

Ryan,  as he closes. Does great as he begins, looking at the camera as he says, “We face a really big choice. “ But watch his mouth he is not sure of himself his mouth He gives this odd forced tight smile as he ends a sentence. Most obviously on his last line. Looked weak and insincere. If you were just listening not watching his body language it would have seemed strong.

I would love to give you insight on the wives but was busy looking at Biden and Ryan.
Interesting,  Biden wanted to end the family time and say goodbye to Ryan. Biden shoulders are down his movements are slower he looks tired and we can look and compare that with the activity and energy around Ryan.  Ryan is leaning over to warmly engage family. Ryan is finally getting to smile in a more sincere way. The smile is longer and goes “up to his eyes.” Ryan, like Romney at the end of the Presidential debate has more energy and love around him. He has so many family members around saying goodbye to him. Biden goes to say goodbye, but Ryan’s back is to him.

Another big video slice that will be discussed in the news. 
One small thing. Ryan’s little boy not going up out of the chair when Ryan pulls him.  Ryan’s son not quickly looking at his father as he approached. Instead staying hunkered down in the chair and smiling to the cameras, makes Ryan look less powerful than his little boy.  I am appalled at this behavior in his son. I think viewers might ask what is this? How can a child  being so attention seeking and disrespectful.  Obama’s daughter did this at the Democratic convention, now this. If a president and a vice presidential candidate can’t get respect and attention from their children what hope do we have in their abllity to lead us or hold or gain our respect. 
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

What to Look for in Tonight’s Vice Presidential Debate, Words and Body Language

NBC news has this article on what to look for in tonight’s vice presidential debates. Of course, I will be looking at the body language as well.  After the presidential debate last week I will be particularly interested to see how Vice President Biden, who is known for wining debates easily, will look up against the young whippersnapper, Ryan, who has never debated as the article says, “…the entire nation watching.” Will Ryan know, as Biden does, to look at the camera as if it is a person? Will he know how to hold his facial composure for the close up when Biden is talking? Will Biden gesture and move more to look young and energetic and will Ryan uses more vocal pauses to look powerful?  Ryan is use to speeches where he has lots of time and he doesn’t have to compete. Will his face show his stress during the short timed response? Will he rush or slow down? Will Biden smirk and show other cues of disrespect for Ryan?

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

How Body Language Shaped the Debate

Patti was interviewed on CNN Saturday, October 5th explaining how body language shaped the debate.  Click the link below to see her comments!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Patti on HLN - Evening Express - The Language Behind the Words

Patti breaks down the body language of President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney for Kyra Phillips on HLN Evening Express.  Click the link below to view the interview!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Which Presidential Candidate Came Out On Top!

Patti was interviewed by AFP (Agence France-Presse Washington) this past week sharing her insights on which of the presidential candidates during the October 3rd debate was able to woo voters with their gestures as well as their words.  Click the link below to see who was successful!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

The Art of Reading Body Language

Patti was interviewed by Allen Sheinman of Meetings and Conventions Magazine about the workshops she conducted for Affinia Hotels last year.  During the workshops Patti shared with the employees of the Affinia Hotels that people fall into four catagories.  Which catagory are you in?  Read below to find out!
The Art of Reading Body Language
Hotel chain takes a whole new approach to guest relations

by Allen J. Sheinman
October 1, 2012

Last summer, when the boutique Affinia hotel chain decided to up the ante on its care and treatment of guests as part of its Tender Loving Comfort (TLC) program, management reached out to an expert to train staff on the signs, obvious and subtle, that people communicate via the way they walk, talk and just twiddle their thumbs.

Patti Wood, CSP, is the expert, and since 1982 she has conducted workshops and delivered keynote speeches on body language (visit for details). Her newest book is Snap -- Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma (New World Library). As Wood showed the staffs at Affinia's properties (in New York City, Miami and Washington, D.C.), people fall into four categories in the way they express themselves physically.

Drivers. "These are people who walk very quickly, head down, always in a rush," says Wood. "They want to be served right away and with no nonsense. I advise staff to match their pace, speak up and get the job done."

Influencers. "They are very upbeat, smiling, like to get close physically, are engaging and want to be engaged. Hotel staff should smile back, stand close, keep eye contact and be ready to laugh at an amusing story."

"These are very analytical people, puzzle solvers. They tend to be quiet, want to do the right thing and expect everyone else to, as well. They know all about coupons and discounts, so you should, too. You likely need to ask specific questions to meet their needs."

Supporters. "They want to feel loved, are shy and take things slower than others. Be extra polite and empathetic, and present a warm aura that says 'welcome home.'"

Wood also notes different physical approaches to take with the sexes. "I point out to front-desk personnel that to assist a male guest, it helps to come out from behind the counter and stand beside him to figure out a solution as a teammate; with women, it's more effective to stay put, go face-to-face and, if need be, say, ‚'Let me look at my screen here for the answer,' which in effect asks for permission to disengage for a moment."

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

How Did the Candidates Measure Up According to Patti's Tips for the Oct.3rd Presidential Debate?

Below is a re-cap of Patti's tips for President Obama and Governor Romney for the October 3rd Presidential Debate.  How do you think they did?  Which candidate came out ahead during the debate?
According to Patti Wood, Body Language Expert President Obama needs to:

1.     I suggest he come out strong, warm and charismatic before he begins speaking and make a strong positive first statement before he responds to the first questions.

2.     I would coach him and say, “President Obama, smile more as you make strong positive statements. When you speak about how great and hardworking Americans are and what this country is and has become. “

3.       He needs to relax his voice so he can use it to make us feel confident in him.

4.       He had great positive emotional moments and gestures in his DNC speech. He needs to pull some of that emotion and passion into the debates.

5.       He needs to gesture upwards above the waist as he speaks about where we can go to symbolically show he wants and can bring us joy and hope.

6.       He also needs and look up and out to the future.

7.       He has started this new bizarre habit that I call “The Tobacco Chew’ where he seems to cleanse his tongue in his mouth, pursing his lips then pushing his lips outwards and down and out as he says distasteful things  in his DNC.  He did this over 20 times in his DNC speech. He needs to look at that tape and note what motivated him to do that. Stop making statements that call forth that emotion and smile more instead.

8.       He is speaking to everyone so he needs to connect more with the audience, he can’t seem angry with his audience or he’s ashamed of us.

According to Patti Wood, Body Language Expert Governor Mitt Romney needs to:

1.       The single most important piece of advice for Governor Romney is to show genuine warm emotion in his voice and body language.

2.       Governor Romney should move more to illustrate what he is saying so that we feel he is speaking sincerely.

3.       Gesture more over all. He can move and he needs to have more animated and passionate emotional movement, facial and vocal expression.

4.       He needs to be present in the moment and connect more with the audience.

5.       He needs to look out at everyone and then speak using the power of the pause.

6.       Make sure his emotions and his nonverbal messages are in sync.

7.       Be likable – Let his emotions show.

8.     He needs to show nonverbally he is not keeping anything from us.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Patti Analyzes Celebs Body Language for InTouch Magazine

Patti has analyzed the body language of Victoria Beckham, Lauren Conrad and Lea Michele for
In Touch Magazine to reveal what their body language is saying.  Read her insightful comments below!

1. Victoria Beckham

Signature stance: Left leg extended in front and kind of slouches on her left hip, too.

What does this pose reveal about Victoria Beckham?

The pose is very specific seductive come hither pose. The asymmetry sends the message I want to give myself to you, but you will have to work for it. The asymmetry makes you look a little longer and tilt your head so it seems like she could be giving this pose lying in bed. The low slouch and outward turned elbow makes her chest look more prominent and her profile slimmer.
2. Lauren Conrad

Lauren's signature stance: Hand on one hip and slight tilt to her head.

What does this pose reveal about Lauren Conrad? She wants to make her body look more hour glass shaped. The hand on the hip is also a way to look powerful, but just on one side the hand on the hip says, “I am strong, but often the hand and or elbow are behind her. Her feet are often held so close together belies her lack of confidence. ”

Does this pose accentuate a particular body part? It is a way to accentuate the hour glass silhouette.

Is this pose meant to flatter or look cutesy? It seems the hand on hip is a way to make her FEEL more confident. But her head tilt and low placed chin and feet show it doesn’t fully work. She is not confident in her iconic pose the way Beckman is.

What's she trying to convey with the head tilt and hand on hip? The head tilt here is submissive.

Anything else you'd like to add about Lauren's pose? I would coach her to lift up her body and place her feet slightly farther apart to feel more powerful.

3. Lea Michele

Lea's signature stance: Over the shoulder, very sultry gaze...

What does this pose reveal about Lea Michele? I love how she created this perfect combination of sultry and innocent. Perfect for her role and as she has matured so has her confidence in her iconic pose. See how she has changed it.

Does this pose accentuate a particular body part? Yes, her vulnerable back.

Is this pose meant to be super sexy and like a seductress? It's very come hither! It’s seducing by not showing. innocent. It reminds me of the young Brooke Shields sexy but innocent.

Anything else you'd like to add about Lea's pose? Notice that she is showing the back of the shoulder and the back of the ankle.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at