How to understand what your dog is saying- Get a baseline for what is normal body language for your dog. If your dog is normally laid back and he suddenly goes bonzo crazy you know something is up. The research shows that 74 percent or Pup-peroni pet parents feel their dog’s body language let them know how their pet is feeling.
If you know what a person's normal responses are you can tell when something is wrong. Think about a Mom's trouble radar for her kids. The mom of a Teenager knows there is something up because she knows what her child's normal behavior looks and sounds like. If you want to know how to read your dogs tail notice it when your dog is calm. To know your dog wagging tail means he is anxious, excited or happy get a baseline. To figure out what tail movements show your dog is really happy an excited hold a treat in front of your dog and watch his tail. Tail wags have variations between breeds but for most dogs a happy tail is relaxed not tucked under and moves in a circular motion or wide wag. Most dogs tails go up high and stiff to show dominance and confidence and most tails lower and or curl under in submission.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
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What does a muzzel nuzzel or muzzel nudge by a dog mean?
What does a dog mean by a muzzle nuzzle? A nose nudge can mean “Notice Me", or "Can I have a treat.”
Origin of the dogs muzzle nudge – Puppies nudge their moms faces to get the food from her mouth.
I am like the more than a 1/3 of Pup-peroni surveyed pet parents who feel they have had an entire conversation without saying a word.
My dog Bo comes curls up on a pillow in my office all day. At 4:30 he comes and sits by my desk and looks up at me asking, "Can I have a snack before dinner Mom?" If I keep working till his dinner time at 5:00 he muzzle nudges my hands to say, “It’s dinner time now Mom.”
Your dog may nudge with his nose to be fed, to show affection to get attention.
I have other blogs on this topic as well as more other dog and people body language facts.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Origin of the dogs muzzle nudge – Puppies nudge their moms faces to get the food from her mouth.
I am like the more than a 1/3 of Pup-peroni surveyed pet parents who feel they have had an entire conversation without saying a word.
My dog Bo comes curls up on a pillow in my office all day. At 4:30 he comes and sits by my desk and looks up at me asking, "Can I have a snack before dinner Mom?" If I keep working till his dinner time at 5:00 he muzzle nudges my hands to say, “It’s dinner time now Mom.”
Your dog may nudge with his nose to be fed, to show affection to get attention.
I have other blogs on this topic as well as more other dog and people body language facts.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Do Dogs Understand Us? Can You Have a Conversation with a Dog?
Dogs Can Understand Human Body Language and if you really look you can read a dog's behavior..
You come through the door and shout “Sparky, I am home" and hear him bark lightly.
Sparky comes running to you. His head held high.
You bend down and say, "I missed you so much.” and begin to pet him.
Sparky tail is wagging. The tail is down and relaxed and swinging broadly. Even his hips are swinging!
“I missed you Sparky." "Did you miss me?” You say, as you scruff and pet Sparky.
Sparky brings his nose up to your face and sniffs you. He gives you a muzzle nuzzle and licks your face.
How many times have you had an entire conversation with your dog? We talk on and on thinking of course, that our dogs understands every word we say.
There is so much communication that a dog can understand. How many of us feel we have had an entire “conversation” with our dogs without saying a word?
What about the conversation at the beginning of this post? What was the dog saying? Check the next post to find out.
Many of you that follow my blog or have heard me speak on body language know about Bo the wonder dog, my funny wonderful dancing dog. Most of my body language workshop audience members have heard about how Bo reacted my fall down the stairs years ago. My new book has stories about the fist impressions Bo and I make on our daily walks. Bo also checks out any clients that come to our offices and shares his sniffs ,barks and first impressions with me. I have a special love for furry pet kids. I am fascinated by the special communication we have with our dogs. I have written about the similarities and differences in human and dog body language. I would love to hear your stories about special moments when you have communicated and bonded with your dog.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-peroni, I will be excited to share more with you about dog human interactions. I will be sharing posts about what your dog is saying with his body language and what he reads in yours. I will reading photos of celebrities with their dogs and what they are saying to each other. In two weeks I will be starting a national media tour.
Patti Wood is a body language expert
and the new national spokesperson for Pup-peroni.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
You come through the door and shout “Sparky, I am home" and hear him bark lightly.
Sparky comes running to you. His head held high.
You bend down and say, "I missed you so much.” and begin to pet him.
Sparky tail is wagging. The tail is down and relaxed and swinging broadly. Even his hips are swinging!
“I missed you Sparky." "Did you miss me?” You say, as you scruff and pet Sparky.
Sparky brings his nose up to your face and sniffs you. He gives you a muzzle nuzzle and licks your face.
How many times have you had an entire conversation with your dog? We talk on and on thinking of course, that our dogs understands every word we say.
There is so much communication that a dog can understand. How many of us feel we have had an entire “conversation” with our dogs without saying a word?
What about the conversation at the beginning of this post? What was the dog saying? Check the next post to find out.
Many of you that follow my blog or have heard me speak on body language know about Bo the wonder dog, my funny wonderful dancing dog. Most of my body language workshop audience members have heard about how Bo reacted my fall down the stairs years ago. My new book has stories about the fist impressions Bo and I make on our daily walks. Bo also checks out any clients that come to our offices and shares his sniffs ,barks and first impressions with me. I have a special love for furry pet kids. I am fascinated by the special communication we have with our dogs. I have written about the similarities and differences in human and dog body language. I would love to hear your stories about special moments when you have communicated and bonded with your dog.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-peroni, I will be excited to share more with you about dog human interactions. I will be sharing posts about what your dog is saying with his body language and what he reads in yours. I will reading photos of celebrities with their dogs and what they are saying to each other. In two weeks I will be starting a national media tour.
Patti Wood is a body language expert
and the new national spokesperson for Pup-peroni.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Obama's Nativity story, body language read of mothers freind.
Official Obama nativity story continues to unravel. Body language read of his mother's freind as she speaks of seeing him as a baby.
In a video that has been removed from the Internet since the 2008 presidential campaign, Susan Blake, a high school friend of Obama's mother, gave an interview in which she discussed seeing Dunham shortly after Barack Obama Jr.'s Aug. 4, 1961,
here is the link to cut and paste to see the Youtube video of
The story of the diaper she has told many times, she is pulling from me memory, but that could be a created story memory rather than an actual event. Her head movement and eye-blink as she says "briefly" is very spontaneous and in the moment. That lets me know she rarely adds the word briefly. That she wants you to know all she has is the little story.
Her facial expressions and head movements are in sync, but they would be that way for a good story you have told many times as well.
Here is the tell. She did stumble over his name twice, watch that part of the tape. This actually makes me believe she is telling the truth as it appears she is switching back and forth from her memory as Barry the baby and The Barack Obama. As anyone would in real life if they are remembering a story and the name or relationship has changed.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
In a video that has been removed from the Internet since the 2008 presidential campaign, Susan Blake, a high school friend of Obama's mother, gave an interview in which she discussed seeing Dunham shortly after Barack Obama Jr.'s Aug. 4, 1961,
here is the link to cut and paste to see the Youtube video of
The story of the diaper she has told many times, she is pulling from me memory, but that could be a created story memory rather than an actual event. Her head movement and eye-blink as she says "briefly" is very spontaneous and in the moment. That lets me know she rarely adds the word briefly. That she wants you to know all she has is the little story.
Her facial expressions and head movements are in sync, but they would be that way for a good story you have told many times as well.
Here is the tell. She did stumble over his name twice, watch that part of the tape. This actually makes me believe she is telling the truth as it appears she is switching back and forth from her memory as Barry the baby and The Barack Obama. As anyone would in real life if they are remembering a story and the name or relationship has changed.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
How to read your dog's body language. Greeting Your Dog.
A nonverbal analysis of dog human interaction
Would you like to be able to read your dog’s body language? Would you like to communicate with your dog more effectively and know all the secrets of dogs greeting? Here is a dog body language test followed by the answers.
How many times have you had an entire conversation with your dog? We talk on and on thinking of course, that our dog understands every word we say.
There is so much communication that a dog can understand. How many of us feel we have had an entire “conversation” with our dogs without saying a word? I love the greeting dance when you come through the door to your dog at the end of the day. Here is a greeting between a Sparky the dog and you the pet parent. This is followed by a nonverbal, “bark, by wag" analysis of what you and Sparky are truly communicating.
You come through the door and shout “Sparky, I am home" and hear him bark two sharp short bark in high pitch.
Sparky comes running to you. His head held high, his mouth open his tongues hanging out.
You bend down and say, "I missed you so much.” and begin to pet him.
Sparky tail is wagging. The tail is down and relaxed and swinging broadly, but his hips don’t move!
“I missed you Sparky." "Did you miss me?” You say, as you scruff and pet Sparky.
Sparky brings his nose up to your face and sniffs you. He gives you muzzle nuzzle and licks your face.
What have you and your dog said in your greeting dance?
What do you think you are Sparky were saying?
Here is a nonverbal interpretation of the dog and pet parent interaction.
You come through the door and shout “Sparky, I am home" and hear him bark two sharp short bark in high pitch.
These are good barks, saying, “Hello, I see you!” two nice short barks is good, one high bark means, "You surprised me." (If it was one low bark it would mean “back off." If your dog gives a low barks with marked pauses in between, “This may be an intruder I am sending out a warning.”
Sparky comes running to you. His head held high, his mouth open his tongues hanging out. Head high is confident, but combined with open relaxed mouth with the tongue out it says, “I feel good, I am relaxed and happy to see you.” I didn’t meantion Sparkys ears in the test. They may be up and rotated forward in expectation then relax when he sees you.
You bend down and say, "I missed you so much.” and begin to pet him. It would be better if you actually crouched down on his level and let him come to you as bending down and going forward and reaching out can be seen as aggressive and or scary for some dogs. However, Sparky knows you are friendly as he responds to you nicely.
Sparky tail is wagging. The tail is down and relaxed and swinging broadly, but his hips don’t move! (Wags vary by bread and dog personality. You need to check your dog for his happy norm you can wave a treat at him and see what his tail does to know what his tail does in happy mode.)
Many dogs have a relaxed broadly swinging tail to show happiness. Some dogs have an “excited happy’ wag that differs from their relaxed or contented happy tail. They may make fast little circles wags with their tail. Laboratory research suggests that positive feeling make your dogs tail wag more to the right and negative feeling make it wag more towards the left. If Sparky's hips go down, he is showing he respects you. Low hips with a tail wag are a more submissive wag. That’s not bad. The dog is just letting you know you are in charge. Dogs with docked tails may swing their hips to communicate happiness or excitement.
“I missed you Sparky." "Did you miss me?” You say, as you scruff and pet Sparky.
You’re using his name in a positive emotional setting of greeting which makes him feel recognized and want to come when his name is called.
Sparky brings his nose up to your face and sniffs you. He gives you muzzle nuzzle and licks your face. Dogs, “see” with their noses, greet, and give a handshake by sniffing and the muzzle nudge can be an affectionate doggy hug. (It can also mean I need to go outside now! Muzzle nudges and face licking are behaviors that are a can be affection or a desire to be fed.
How many times have you had an entire conversation with your dog? We talk on and on thinking of course, that our dog understands every word we say.
There is so much communication that a dog can understand. How many of us feel we have had an entire “conversation” with our dogs without saying a word?
Here are tips for training dogs not to jump on guests or dogs that bark too much when guests come through the door.
The door is the mouth of the cave and your dog may feel the need to defend the house or be chief greeter and attack guests.
If you have a new puppy or you are training your dog not to jump, wait to fully acknowledge and pet him until you are a few feet from the door at your “greeting station.” If he is a jumper and you can stand not loving on him, wait until he sits to pet him. Reward him for what you consider good behavior and ignore him if he is doing something you consider wrong. When your dog behaves immediately give him rewards be it praise, treats, scuffing or good belly rub. For some being, good means your dog stays down and doesn’t bark in a way that might scare guests so when though I say his name and my voice lovingly greets him once I enter the house I wait till he sits to touch him. However, as soon as his little rear hits the floor he gets, “Good Boy” praising. Then I come down to his level and he gets lots of scruffing and pets, and he comes in to sniff, and muzzle nudge. Goodness, I love the greeting dance.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Would you like to be able to read your dog’s body language? Would you like to communicate with your dog more effectively and know all the secrets of dogs greeting? Here is a dog body language test followed by the answers.
How many times have you had an entire conversation with your dog? We talk on and on thinking of course, that our dog understands every word we say.
There is so much communication that a dog can understand. How many of us feel we have had an entire “conversation” with our dogs without saying a word? I love the greeting dance when you come through the door to your dog at the end of the day. Here is a greeting between a Sparky the dog and you the pet parent. This is followed by a nonverbal, “bark, by wag" analysis of what you and Sparky are truly communicating.
You come through the door and shout “Sparky, I am home" and hear him bark two sharp short bark in high pitch.
Sparky comes running to you. His head held high, his mouth open his tongues hanging out.
You bend down and say, "I missed you so much.” and begin to pet him.
Sparky tail is wagging. The tail is down and relaxed and swinging broadly, but his hips don’t move!
“I missed you Sparky." "Did you miss me?” You say, as you scruff and pet Sparky.
Sparky brings his nose up to your face and sniffs you. He gives you muzzle nuzzle and licks your face.
What have you and your dog said in your greeting dance?
What do you think you are Sparky were saying?
Here is a nonverbal interpretation of the dog and pet parent interaction.
You come through the door and shout “Sparky, I am home" and hear him bark two sharp short bark in high pitch.
These are good barks, saying, “Hello, I see you!” two nice short barks is good, one high bark means, "You surprised me." (If it was one low bark it would mean “back off." If your dog gives a low barks with marked pauses in between, “This may be an intruder I am sending out a warning.”
Sparky comes running to you. His head held high, his mouth open his tongues hanging out. Head high is confident, but combined with open relaxed mouth with the tongue out it says, “I feel good, I am relaxed and happy to see you.” I didn’t meantion Sparkys ears in the test. They may be up and rotated forward in expectation then relax when he sees you.
You bend down and say, "I missed you so much.” and begin to pet him. It would be better if you actually crouched down on his level and let him come to you as bending down and going forward and reaching out can be seen as aggressive and or scary for some dogs. However, Sparky knows you are friendly as he responds to you nicely.
Sparky tail is wagging. The tail is down and relaxed and swinging broadly, but his hips don’t move! (Wags vary by bread and dog personality. You need to check your dog for his happy norm you can wave a treat at him and see what his tail does to know what his tail does in happy mode.)
Many dogs have a relaxed broadly swinging tail to show happiness. Some dogs have an “excited happy’ wag that differs from their relaxed or contented happy tail. They may make fast little circles wags with their tail. Laboratory research suggests that positive feeling make your dogs tail wag more to the right and negative feeling make it wag more towards the left. If Sparky's hips go down, he is showing he respects you. Low hips with a tail wag are a more submissive wag. That’s not bad. The dog is just letting you know you are in charge. Dogs with docked tails may swing their hips to communicate happiness or excitement.
“I missed you Sparky." "Did you miss me?” You say, as you scruff and pet Sparky.
You’re using his name in a positive emotional setting of greeting which makes him feel recognized and want to come when his name is called.
Sparky brings his nose up to your face and sniffs you. He gives you muzzle nuzzle and licks your face. Dogs, “see” with their noses, greet, and give a handshake by sniffing and the muzzle nudge can be an affectionate doggy hug. (It can also mean I need to go outside now! Muzzle nudges and face licking are behaviors that are a can be affection or a desire to be fed.
How many times have you had an entire conversation with your dog? We talk on and on thinking of course, that our dog understands every word we say.
There is so much communication that a dog can understand. How many of us feel we have had an entire “conversation” with our dogs without saying a word?
Here are tips for training dogs not to jump on guests or dogs that bark too much when guests come through the door.
The door is the mouth of the cave and your dog may feel the need to defend the house or be chief greeter and attack guests.
If you have a new puppy or you are training your dog not to jump, wait to fully acknowledge and pet him until you are a few feet from the door at your “greeting station.” If he is a jumper and you can stand not loving on him, wait until he sits to pet him. Reward him for what you consider good behavior and ignore him if he is doing something you consider wrong. When your dog behaves immediately give him rewards be it praise, treats, scuffing or good belly rub. For some being, good means your dog stays down and doesn’t bark in a way that might scare guests so when though I say his name and my voice lovingly greets him once I enter the house I wait till he sits to touch him. However, as soon as his little rear hits the floor he gets, “Good Boy” praising. Then I come down to his level and he gets lots of scruffing and pets, and he comes in to sniff, and muzzle nudge. Goodness, I love the greeting dance.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Finger Pointing, Obama.
What does finger pointing mean? I just got a call from The journalist was interested in knowing what Obama's finger pointing meant. Obama is a masterful speaker and often plans open handed finger pointing in his speeches to emphasize his strong feeling about a particular issue. It is most interesting to me when he uses it in response to a tough question, as then it shows his desire to "shoot" the questioner.
Here is an excerpt from my book on the topic.
Here is an excerpt from my book success signals. I would love a link to the article.
One of the first things most of us learned about body language is it’s not polite to point. Why? Pointing is a potent gesture of power, a symbolic weapon. When you make a fist and thrust your finger out you’re symbolically shooting someone. It’s threatening.
When Bill Clinton turned to the nation, pointing his finger and said, “I never had sex with that woman,” he was lying. This is often the case, especially during testimony in front of congressional committees. So, does pointing a finger mean you are lying? Absolutely not. The average Joe would never do that. In fact, when I teach law enforcement, I say pointing can be a sign that someone’s telling the truth because they are passionately defending themselves. I see pointing used by powerful men who are used to getting their way and who have lied successfully in the past. They use it when they are cornered to defend themselves by counterattack. Speakers use a different version of pointing to show conviction of thought.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Here is an excerpt from my book on the topic.
Here is an excerpt from my book success signals. I would love a link to the article.
One of the first things most of us learned about body language is it’s not polite to point. Why? Pointing is a potent gesture of power, a symbolic weapon. When you make a fist and thrust your finger out you’re symbolically shooting someone. It’s threatening.
When Bill Clinton turned to the nation, pointing his finger and said, “I never had sex with that woman,” he was lying. This is often the case, especially during testimony in front of congressional committees. So, does pointing a finger mean you are lying? Absolutely not. The average Joe would never do that. In fact, when I teach law enforcement, I say pointing can be a sign that someone’s telling the truth because they are passionately defending themselves. I see pointing used by powerful men who are used to getting their way and who have lied successfully in the past. They use it when they are cornered to defend themselves by counterattack. Speakers use a different version of pointing to show conviction of thought.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
When is a dog's wagging tail not a happy sign?
When is a dog's wagging tail not a happy sign?
Tails and their wags just like a human mouth and smile can show a range of moods from happy to anxious. Broad tail wags combined with a relaxed muzzle and lips show friendliness. A fast tight tail wag with rear end down of the dog down shows anxiety. When a dog is laying on his back he is not always signally scratch my belly.
Just like kid giggling kid in a tickle fight yells “uncle!
you win”, when your puppy lays on their back with their tummy exposed and gives a fast little wag, your dog is saying "I am submissive." "You win."
In most breeds, when a dog is walking and holds his tail high he is showing dominance. Some research on dog body language even shows wag side difference's for different emotions. When your dog is really happy the tail goes more to the right and if your dog is fearful and anxious the tail wags more to the left. Do a baseline test for your dog to see if you see a wag difference. It is really interesting to me as a body language expert because a dogs tail shows emotions in a similar way that a humans gestures show emotions and people have a right side left side preference. Fear and anxiety more to the left. To read more about about right hand bad left hand good gesturing type in Gestures on this blog.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Tails and their wags just like a human mouth and smile can show a range of moods from happy to anxious. Broad tail wags combined with a relaxed muzzle and lips show friendliness. A fast tight tail wag with rear end down of the dog down shows anxiety. When a dog is laying on his back he is not always signally scratch my belly.
Just like kid giggling kid in a tickle fight yells “uncle!
you win”, when your puppy lays on their back with their tummy exposed and gives a fast little wag, your dog is saying "I am submissive." "You win."
In most breeds, when a dog is walking and holds his tail high he is showing dominance. Some research on dog body language even shows wag side difference's for different emotions. When your dog is really happy the tail goes more to the right and if your dog is fearful and anxious the tail wags more to the left. Do a baseline test for your dog to see if you see a wag difference. It is really interesting to me as a body language expert because a dogs tail shows emotions in a similar way that a humans gestures show emotions and people have a right side left side preference. Fear and anxiety more to the left. To read more about about right hand bad left hand good gesturing type in Gestures on this blog.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Why Do Dogs Mirror Human Body Language?
Why do dogs mirror our body language. Just like humans match and mirror people they like and are comfortable with dogs mirror human body language when they like their human and feel comfortable.
In a national survey of over 1,100 pet parents, almost half (41 percent)of pet parents surveyed said that their furry friend is more likely to “notice” they’ve had a bad day than their best human friend.
Just like humans match and mirrorwhat you do shows they understand, dogs take on our behavior to show they understand. Dogs are the only species that actually follow the lead of another speicies. Dogs are the only species that match and mirror a different species. They follow us to show their understanding and love.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
In a national survey of over 1,100 pet parents, almost half (41 percent)of pet parents surveyed said that their furry friend is more likely to “notice” they’ve had a bad day than their best human friend.
Just like humans match and mirrorwhat you do shows they understand, dogs take on our behavior to show they understand. Dogs are the only species that actually follow the lead of another speicies. Dogs are the only species that match and mirror a different species. They follow us to show their understanding and love.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Sneezing Girl Finds a Cure
Some of you know that several years ago I was the national spokes person for Benadryl. I did research on sneezing behavior and designed as self survey that showed how your personal sneezing style reflected your DISC personality style. The research I did on sneezing led to hundreds of media interviews about sneezing. Yes, your sneeze does reveal things about you!
Here is a Today Show clip of poor girl who sneezed thousands of times a day.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Here is a Today Show clip of poor girl who sneezed thousands of times a day.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
More on Should You Make Eye-Contact With Your Dog?
Humans naturally make eye contact to show affiliation affection and agreement. I love to look at my dog Bo. By looking at your dog in safe and comfortable times you can train your dog that gently loving brief eye contact from you has a new meaning. It means, "I love you."
Dogs are unusually sensitive to human body language. When you do make eye-contact, a dog may still avert his gaze. Just remember it is not a lack of love and caring he is just showing you that he sees you as the alpha pet parent. Don’t take it personally as a signal, they don’t love you.
When we go to bed at night, I give my dog Bo a treat from the treat jar in the Master Bedroom. Bo will look at me and I look at him in this little love dance as he waits for his treat. Once in bed, Bo is invited up for another treat. If I look at him to long as I say goodnight he will avert his gaze. If I wasn't familiar with dog behavior I know I would think, “Bo doesn’t’ love me.” Now I know, that when he looks away, he is just telling me he knows I am in charge and he can be the baby dog. And he can happily curl up close at foot of the bed
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Dogs are unusually sensitive to human body language. When you do make eye-contact, a dog may still avert his gaze. Just remember it is not a lack of love and caring he is just showing you that he sees you as the alpha pet parent. Don’t take it personally as a signal, they don’t love you.
When we go to bed at night, I give my dog Bo a treat from the treat jar in the Master Bedroom. Bo will look at me and I look at him in this little love dance as he waits for his treat. Once in bed, Bo is invited up for another treat. If I look at him to long as I say goodnight he will avert his gaze. If I wasn't familiar with dog behavior I know I would think, “Bo doesn’t’ love me.” Now I know, that when he looks away, he is just telling me he knows I am in charge and he can be the baby dog. And he can happily curl up close at foot of the bed
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Should You Make Eye Contact With Your Dog?
Should You Make Eye Contact With Your Dog?
Humans naturally make eye contact with other humans to show affiliation, affection and agreement. In dog-human interaction, eye contact is not always so positive. Making eye contact with your dog can cause problems. You may wish to send a positive message but your dog may not "see" it that way. In domesticated dogs, so much of their behavior depends on the dog’s breed, or their personality as well as the relationship they have with you. Most dog behaviorist will tell you that dogs don't like lingering eye contact. In fact, dogs often view direct head on lingering bold stares as a threat. When a dog meets another dog who stares the dog interprets the doggie body language as, "I challenge you to a duel.”
Starring at your dog too long, even if you are looking with love, can be interpreted by the dog as, "I starring a you dog because I am a threat."
Is just looking at your dog a lot OK? It depends on your relationship. Because I read so many photos of dogs with their humans I have noticed that their our some dogs that respond warmly to a look from their pet parent. As a pet parent myself I know that we can a loving look with our special pooches. How your feel when you look is important. When dogs are stressed they look at the pack leader for instructions on how to proceed. If you look at your dog too much when you are uncomfortable or stressed and or you are not feeling "in charge" your dog can interpret your stress cues and think your eye contact indicates a need for assistance, "What should I do next top dog."“I am looking at you because you are the leader and I am your subordinate human." and if you do it frequently your dog can get a big head thinking all your checking in means he is in charge and he can u can do whatever he wants.
Taking the lead and making correct eye contact with your dog is critical when entering and leaving through doors wit your dog. When you are going through a door you should take the lead and look toward the door, not at the dog, so it is clear you are leading the way. If you look at the dog the dog then the door your dog may think he is supposed to take the lead.
In dog a world, followers watch and make eye contact.
Remember a dog can interpret your eye contact with them as a sign of submission. “Oh, my human is looking at me." "My human needs my help, so I must be the alpha dog around here.” Some animal behaviorist think giving your dog too much eye contact can make your dog loose respect for you and the dog may “act out” like a teenager who disrespects their parents or substitute teacher. You may be familiar with dog TV shows like “It’s Me or the Dog.” In that show, dogs are often holding their families hostage to their whims. Again, if you look at a dog too much when you are stressed or to please the dog, the dog thinks he is in charge and can do whatever he wants.
From a human body language perspective, you may be able to think about it this way, powerful people don't need to make eye contact and watch. They just move forward. They know they are doing the right thing.
Dogs can interpret human eye contact as signaling, “I am looking at you because I need you to be the leader, I can’t take care of you.” If you have a dog that is not an alpha leader too much human eye contact can be stressful. Dogs don’t really want to be in charge. Dogs want their pet parent to take care of them. If a dog thinks, you need him to check for danger, lead the way and all those other Parent jobs it makes them uncomfortable. Take charge. It is the way to be nice to your dog.Stress is very contagious. Your stress effects them and make their lives more stressful and ultimately is communicated t you through their aggressiveness or whining and your life gets more stressed.
There are some kinds of human eye contact that mimics this power dance of “Who is in charge who is the follower.”. In human conversations, create an eye dance. The listener make more eye contact than the speaker and the lower status person be it a subordinate listening to his boss, a good child listening to a parent or a women listening to a man will make more eye contact, as they check in to know what to do than the speaker. In human conversation, that role can shift back and forth in a conversation. In dog-human interactions, dogs learn the role and may keep playing it out.
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Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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Humans naturally make eye contact with other humans to show affiliation, affection and agreement. In dog-human interaction, eye contact is not always so positive. Making eye contact with your dog can cause problems. You may wish to send a positive message but your dog may not "see" it that way. In domesticated dogs, so much of their behavior depends on the dog’s breed, or their personality as well as the relationship they have with you. Most dog behaviorist will tell you that dogs don't like lingering eye contact. In fact, dogs often view direct head on lingering bold stares as a threat. When a dog meets another dog who stares the dog interprets the doggie body language as, "I challenge you to a duel.”
Starring at your dog too long, even if you are looking with love, can be interpreted by the dog as, "I starring a you dog because I am a threat."
Is just looking at your dog a lot OK? It depends on your relationship. Because I read so many photos of dogs with their humans I have noticed that their our some dogs that respond warmly to a look from their pet parent. As a pet parent myself I know that we can a loving look with our special pooches. How your feel when you look is important. When dogs are stressed they look at the pack leader for instructions on how to proceed. If you look at your dog too much when you are uncomfortable or stressed and or you are not feeling "in charge" your dog can interpret your stress cues and think your eye contact indicates a need for assistance, "What should I do next top dog."“I am looking at you because you are the leader and I am your subordinate human." and if you do it frequently your dog can get a big head thinking all your checking in means he is in charge and he can u can do whatever he wants.
Taking the lead and making correct eye contact with your dog is critical when entering and leaving through doors wit your dog. When you are going through a door you should take the lead and look toward the door, not at the dog, so it is clear you are leading the way. If you look at the dog the dog then the door your dog may think he is supposed to take the lead.
In dog a world, followers watch and make eye contact.
Remember a dog can interpret your eye contact with them as a sign of submission. “Oh, my human is looking at me." "My human needs my help, so I must be the alpha dog around here.” Some animal behaviorist think giving your dog too much eye contact can make your dog loose respect for you and the dog may “act out” like a teenager who disrespects their parents or substitute teacher. You may be familiar with dog TV shows like “It’s Me or the Dog.” In that show, dogs are often holding their families hostage to their whims. Again, if you look at a dog too much when you are stressed or to please the dog, the dog thinks he is in charge and can do whatever he wants.
From a human body language perspective, you may be able to think about it this way, powerful people don't need to make eye contact and watch. They just move forward. They know they are doing the right thing.
Dogs can interpret human eye contact as signaling, “I am looking at you because I need you to be the leader, I can’t take care of you.” If you have a dog that is not an alpha leader too much human eye contact can be stressful. Dogs don’t really want to be in charge. Dogs want their pet parent to take care of them. If a dog thinks, you need him to check for danger, lead the way and all those other Parent jobs it makes them uncomfortable. Take charge. It is the way to be nice to your dog.Stress is very contagious. Your stress effects them and make their lives more stressful and ultimately is communicated t you through their aggressiveness or whining and your life gets more stressed.
There are some kinds of human eye contact that mimics this power dance of “Who is in charge who is the follower.”. In human conversations, create an eye dance. The listener make more eye contact than the speaker and the lower status person be it a subordinate listening to his boss, a good child listening to a parent or a women listening to a man will make more eye contact, as they check in to know what to do than the speaker. In human conversation, that role can shift back and forth in a conversation. In dog-human interactions, dogs learn the role and may keep playing it out.
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Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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New Fashion - Men Show Their Chests in Wall Street Journal
I remember when I was a kid in the 70's and John Travolta came walking down the street at the beginning of the movie carrying two paint cans, and wearing his shirt unbuttoned half way down his chest. It was a sensation. Nick Nick shirts on boys in school where immediately unbuttoned. Here is an article about the current craze of man cleavage.
Wall Street Journal article by Ray Smith.
More Men Have Something They Want to Get Off Their Chests -- Their Shirts
Unbuttoned or Plunging, 'Heavage' Is Back; No '70s Hair Carpets, Please, Wisps .By RAY A. SMITH
Man cleavage -- plunging necklines slit open to reveal chest hair, pectoral muscles, maybe more -- is back.
Until recently, male décolletage was an androgynous fashion affectation limited mainly to sporadic appearances on European runways. But the look, including deep V-necks and scoop-neck tops, hit the U.S. in full force at New York's September Fashion Week, turning up at shows by Duckie Brown, Michael Bastian and Yigal Azrouël.
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If the fall runway shows were any indication, men's necklines are taking a plunge. WSJ's Ray Smith lets you know how far to go, and weighs in on the issue of chest hair.
.This time around, the styles were more blatantly sexual and the models had a more studly swagger. New York designer Mr. Bastian said his show's vibe was inspired in part by "Latin guys" he noticed wearing their shirts unbuttoned, as well as the unabashed machismo of Latin American men in general. "We wanted to go back to a more natural body, a more '70s body with the models, getting away from the super skinny," says Mr. Bastian.
Journal Community
Vote: What do you think of "heavage," plunging necklines on men?
.Plenty of men, from regular Joes to "Dancing With the Stars" contestants, have loosened to the trend.
On HBO's hit series "True Blood," 29-year-old ex-model Mehcad Brooks rarely went an episode without removing his shirt. Mr. Brooks also frequently displays his perfect pecs off-screen, wearing rib-hugging T's with deep V-necks or shirts with the top buttons suggestively undone.
"Even if people were making fun of me, calling me 'Miami Vice' like they used to in college, I would still wear it," says the 6-foot-4, 215-pound actor. "It feels comfortable and I like the way it looks. If you can pull off three buttons undone, then do it."
Other fans of the look include actors Jude Law and Ed Westwick, who've been snapped showing off their man cleavage -- or "heavage," as one style writer dubbed it.
"Harper's Bazaar's Stephen Gan is working the new male cleavage in a low-cut T-shirt; it's called 'heavage,'" tweeted Hilary Alexander, fashion director of Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper, in early October while at a runway show in Paris.
Mr. Gan, who, aptly enough, is also the editor of a magazine called "V," says, "I think I'm allowed to dress this way."
Stars Who Take the Plunge
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Associated Press
John Travolta in 'Saturday Night Fever'
..Vik Mohindra, a 27-year-old graduate student from Toronto, confesses that his guy friends sometimes tease him about his heavage. "I would not recommend it to someone who isn't confident with their body and overall sense of style," says Mr. Mohindra, who says he works out three to four days a week and has a "defined" chest.
Male cleavage, particularly on the silver screen, has long played a prominent role in popular culture. Douglas Fairbanks Sr. had his chest on display throughout the 1920s in films like 1924's "The Thief of Bagdad" and "The Iron Mask" in 1929. A dashing Errol Flynn showed man cleavage in the 1930s, most memorably in 1938's "The Adventures of Robin Hood." These actors made skin-flashing practically de rigueur for certain swashbuckling roles.
The aesthetic continued well into the 1950s and the 1960s, says menswear historian Robert Bryan, author of the new book "American Fashion Menswear." Among those celebrated for their heavage were Marlon Brando (in the 1951 film version of "A Streetcar Named Desire") and Sean Connery as James Bond in the 1960s.
The last time man cleavage was so prevalent in the U.S. was in the 1970s -- "the golden age of male chest hair," says Mr. Bryan. Epitomized by John Travolta in 1977's "Saturday Night Fever," the convention back then was to skip enough shirt buttons to show off a thick forest of hair, perhaps topped with a gold medallion as a sign of virility.
After decades in the fashion equivalent of Siberia, man cleavage got a boost in the early 1990s when Tom Ford, then head designer and creative director for Gucci, climbed to the top of fashion's ranks while often wearing a dress shirt unbuttoned practically to his navel.
It still took years for the fad to go more mainstream. Helping to pave the way were magazines like Men's Journal and Men's Health, which objectified the male torso on their covers. Marketers such as Abercrombie & Fitch attracted droves of fans with their buff, waxed male models. For those who don't have the goods naturally, cosmetic surgery offers an increasingly popular solution. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that pectoral implants more than tripled in 2008, to 1,335 procedures up from 440 in 2007.
.Brad Wieners, editor-in-chief of Men's Journal magazine, believes that the magazine has made guys feel more comfortable about wearing more fitted clothes and styles that show that they work out. Mr. Wieners notes that for a recent cover shoot, actor Alec Baldwin donned a shirt open at the collar, subtly revealing chest hair. "He's not Burt Reynolds," says the editor. "But he's letting you know he's got a chest."
The latest resurrection of man cleavage does raise a not-so insignificant issue: to wax or not? For a number of years, any male chest hair was considered a fashion don't, but very recently a thin thatch has become quite acceptable. The low-cut look "is better if you have a little chest hair," says Tyler Thoreson, a New York-based men's style consultant. "It's not about showing off chest hair, it's about it peeking out a little bit."
Robert Caponi, a 32-year-old musician in Greensboro, N.C., isn't taking any chances. In order to get the hair-to-skin ratio just right, he shaves his chest every two weeks or so -- a regimen that helps him to feel comfortable in one of the six deep V-neck shirts he owns. Not all styles fit the bill. After purchasing a wide scoop neck recently, he declared it simply too revealing. "I looked in the mirror and I was disgusted," he says.
Some women share the sentiment. Posting on her blog earlier this year, Ketty Colom, a 22-year-old college student in Orlando, Fla., vented about the burst of men sporting heavage. "Leave it to the bedroom," she said. "I don't want to see your chest."
Write to Ray A. Smith at
Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A29
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Wall Street Journal article by Ray Smith.
More Men Have Something They Want to Get Off Their Chests -- Their Shirts
Unbuttoned or Plunging, 'Heavage' Is Back; No '70s Hair Carpets, Please, Wisps .By RAY A. SMITH
Man cleavage -- plunging necklines slit open to reveal chest hair, pectoral muscles, maybe more -- is back.
Until recently, male décolletage was an androgynous fashion affectation limited mainly to sporadic appearances on European runways. But the look, including deep V-necks and scoop-neck tops, hit the U.S. in full force at New York's September Fashion Week, turning up at shows by Duckie Brown, Michael Bastian and Yigal Azrouël.
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To enjoy our complete interactive experience, please download a free copy of the latest version of Adobe Flash Player here.
If the fall runway shows were any indication, men's necklines are taking a plunge. WSJ's Ray Smith lets you know how far to go, and weighs in on the issue of chest hair.
.This time around, the styles were more blatantly sexual and the models had a more studly swagger. New York designer Mr. Bastian said his show's vibe was inspired in part by "Latin guys" he noticed wearing their shirts unbuttoned, as well as the unabashed machismo of Latin American men in general. "We wanted to go back to a more natural body, a more '70s body with the models, getting away from the super skinny," says Mr. Bastian.
Journal Community
Vote: What do you think of "heavage," plunging necklines on men?
.Plenty of men, from regular Joes to "Dancing With the Stars" contestants, have loosened to the trend.
On HBO's hit series "True Blood," 29-year-old ex-model Mehcad Brooks rarely went an episode without removing his shirt. Mr. Brooks also frequently displays his perfect pecs off-screen, wearing rib-hugging T's with deep V-necks or shirts with the top buttons suggestively undone.
"Even if people were making fun of me, calling me 'Miami Vice' like they used to in college, I would still wear it," says the 6-foot-4, 215-pound actor. "It feels comfortable and I like the way it looks. If you can pull off three buttons undone, then do it."
Other fans of the look include actors Jude Law and Ed Westwick, who've been snapped showing off their man cleavage -- or "heavage," as one style writer dubbed it.
"Harper's Bazaar's Stephen Gan is working the new male cleavage in a low-cut T-shirt; it's called 'heavage,'" tweeted Hilary Alexander, fashion director of Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper, in early October while at a runway show in Paris.
Mr. Gan, who, aptly enough, is also the editor of a magazine called "V," says, "I think I'm allowed to dress this way."
Stars Who Take the Plunge
View Slideshow
Associated Press
John Travolta in 'Saturday Night Fever'
..Vik Mohindra, a 27-year-old graduate student from Toronto, confesses that his guy friends sometimes tease him about his heavage. "I would not recommend it to someone who isn't confident with their body and overall sense of style," says Mr. Mohindra, who says he works out three to four days a week and has a "defined" chest.
Male cleavage, particularly on the silver screen, has long played a prominent role in popular culture. Douglas Fairbanks Sr. had his chest on display throughout the 1920s in films like 1924's "The Thief of Bagdad" and "The Iron Mask" in 1929. A dashing Errol Flynn showed man cleavage in the 1930s, most memorably in 1938's "The Adventures of Robin Hood." These actors made skin-flashing practically de rigueur for certain swashbuckling roles.
The aesthetic continued well into the 1950s and the 1960s, says menswear historian Robert Bryan, author of the new book "American Fashion Menswear." Among those celebrated for their heavage were Marlon Brando (in the 1951 film version of "A Streetcar Named Desire") and Sean Connery as James Bond in the 1960s.
The last time man cleavage was so prevalent in the U.S. was in the 1970s -- "the golden age of male chest hair," says Mr. Bryan. Epitomized by John Travolta in 1977's "Saturday Night Fever," the convention back then was to skip enough shirt buttons to show off a thick forest of hair, perhaps topped with a gold medallion as a sign of virility.
After decades in the fashion equivalent of Siberia, man cleavage got a boost in the early 1990s when Tom Ford, then head designer and creative director for Gucci, climbed to the top of fashion's ranks while often wearing a dress shirt unbuttoned practically to his navel.
It still took years for the fad to go more mainstream. Helping to pave the way were magazines like Men's Journal and Men's Health, which objectified the male torso on their covers. Marketers such as Abercrombie & Fitch attracted droves of fans with their buff, waxed male models. For those who don't have the goods naturally, cosmetic surgery offers an increasingly popular solution. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that pectoral implants more than tripled in 2008, to 1,335 procedures up from 440 in 2007.
.Brad Wieners, editor-in-chief of Men's Journal magazine, believes that the magazine has made guys feel more comfortable about wearing more fitted clothes and styles that show that they work out. Mr. Wieners notes that for a recent cover shoot, actor Alec Baldwin donned a shirt open at the collar, subtly revealing chest hair. "He's not Burt Reynolds," says the editor. "But he's letting you know he's got a chest."
The latest resurrection of man cleavage does raise a not-so insignificant issue: to wax or not? For a number of years, any male chest hair was considered a fashion don't, but very recently a thin thatch has become quite acceptable. The low-cut look "is better if you have a little chest hair," says Tyler Thoreson, a New York-based men's style consultant. "It's not about showing off chest hair, it's about it peeking out a little bit."
Robert Caponi, a 32-year-old musician in Greensboro, N.C., isn't taking any chances. In order to get the hair-to-skin ratio just right, he shaves his chest every two weeks or so -- a regimen that helps him to feel comfortable in one of the six deep V-neck shirts he owns. Not all styles fit the bill. After purchasing a wide scoop neck recently, he declared it simply too revealing. "I looked in the mirror and I was disgusted," he says.
Some women share the sentiment. Posting on her blog earlier this year, Ketty Colom, a 22-year-old college student in Orlando, Fla., vented about the burst of men sporting heavage. "Leave it to the bedroom," she said. "I don't want to see your chest."
Write to Ray A. Smith at
Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A29
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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I just found a few great dog quizes. Here is one where you match the celbrity to their dog.
Dogs regulate their body temperturPatti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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Dogs regulate their body temperturPatti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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How Dogs View Human Eye Contact. How Can You Tell If Your Dog is Giving You Soft Eyes.

In this photo, the pet parent is giving her dog human loving attention. When you and your dog are relaxed, bonding and connecting your can look loving and briefly like the pet parent in this photo.
It is obvious by the upward tilt of the dogs head and the raised nose and his “soft eyes” that he dog has learned that his pet parents eye contact and head hold mean, "Mommy loves me. " I hope that he got this loving interaction after he has did something good, like brought her a toy, made his bed washed the dishes!
Pay attention to your dog when he is good. Your dog loves to get your attention. Just like a human child, your dog will do things to be noticed. Here is what is important. He will do something and then watch your body language to see how you respond.
If you notice him and make eye contact when he is doing something bad, chewing a slipper, getting on the sofa, then guess what he may do that very same thing. Your look, your attention is rewarding. Read the post on dog’s interpretation of eye contact to learn all the different interpretation your dog can have from your look.
“Soft eyes” The dogs eyes are partially closed sometimes squinty. You really have t look the whole dog to see if a dog has “soft eyes” Look at the dog’s posture, facial expression and eye position to make sure the dog is relaxed and non-threatening. Softness can be read in a slight squint, the rest of the facial features relaxed, the lips long and the commeasure back and the ears neutral (neutral is different for different dogs but one tell for softness is that the ears are not back pressed against the head or spread out and tense like antenna.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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Should You Hug Your Dog? Reading Dog and Human Body Language. Do Dogs Like it When You Hug Them?
Dog and Human Body Language. Do Dogs Like it When You Hug Them?
If you can view this sideways photo, you will find me on the floor with m dog Bo. It was taken of us several years ago when Bo was one of two. This photo really shows how much I love my dog. I love him so much I have my one arm wrapped around his neck and may I am holding his hindquarters with my other hand and arm. I also have my head tilted towards him in love and my heart is pressed up against him. Bo is cradling up against me. However, I notice his tail is down. He is big frightened of the photographer and the flashes from the camera. His body is toward me and his head is relaxed into me so it is clear he is seeking comfort from me and is not trying to get away. However, reading my dog's body language, I bet the combination of a too human like hug that to a dog feels too confining and the big ole camera and crowd in my kitchen is not helping. Dogs don't typically like to be hugged. I know, if you have a wonderful dog like my dog Bo you really want to hug on him. Don’t take it personally, if your dog tries to escape your loving embrace. Most dogs don’t like the restriction as it keeps them from “fleeing” mode that is a dogs normal response to stress. Think about it in human terms. You wouldn’t like it if someone came a held your feet when you were stressed, would you? I am a big hugger and I am so blessed that over the years Bo has not only adapted to my hugs but seeks them. Most dogs don’t mind a pat or a very brief full hug but you need to know your dog and watch them closely to understand if they are hug tolerant. Dogs can fear or love hugs.
I enjoy watching TV shows that play videos of kids and babies and dogs. It is cute when dogs allow babies and kids to hug them. However, there is that part of me that wants to teach everyone you don't hug dogs you don’t know. Hugs are not the accepted greeting ritual. Instead, approach strange dogs by putting out your hand so they can sniff it. If the dog feels safe and friendly he will let you know by staying in place to say, “Your OK!” but not freezing in place in fear which says in dog body language, “I am too scared to move.” In another show of the acceptance may be presenting the side of his body to say, “I won’t be aggressive by coming at you head on I will give you my side so you can pet me now.”
As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog behavior.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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Martin Sheen, How Men Carry Babies

Look at the way Martin Sheen carries his baby. I think it is so fun how often men carry babies like a sack of groceries. I have been reading photos of celebrities with their dogs for the campaign I am doing for Pup-peroni. I have a few photos where the guys carry their dogs in the same way, just like a bag or groceries. Here Martin does have his child a bit more on his hip, that is one of the ways women carry children, which makes good use of women's larger hips.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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How Dogs Comfort Us. A Story of dog body language
Years ago I broke my wrist and my dog Bo was so wonderfully comforting.
I was walking around for six weeks with my wrist in cast and and my arm in a sling. Bo was really worried about me. I knew he was reading my body language and he could tell I was in pain. Each and every time I would sit down on the couch Bo would come up and lie down across my feet saying nonverbally, "I don't want you to hurt youself again" and "Rest Mommy you are moving to much and working to hard." It was so comforting. In those first few weeks when I was in such pain it meant so much. He also did another body langauge gesture that he had never done before. When I was in pain streached out on the couch or in bed Bo would take his body and lay across my legs so there was no way I could get up without asking his to move and he would look at me and check on me occasionally to make sure I was ok. It was so sweet.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-peroni, I have lots of blog posts with insights into human body language and the cues your dog gives you in dog and human interactions. Check the posts about what your dog is saying with his body language and what he reads in yours under "dog and human body language."
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
I was walking around for six weeks with my wrist in cast and and my arm in a sling. Bo was really worried about me. I knew he was reading my body language and he could tell I was in pain. Each and every time I would sit down on the couch Bo would come up and lie down across my feet saying nonverbally, "I don't want you to hurt youself again" and "Rest Mommy you are moving to much and working to hard." It was so comforting. In those first few weeks when I was in such pain it meant so much. He also did another body langauge gesture that he had never done before. When I was in pain streached out on the couch or in bed Bo would take his body and lay across my legs so there was no way I could get up without asking his to move and he would look at me and check on me occasionally to make sure I was ok. It was so sweet.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-peroni, I have lots of blog posts with insights into human body language and the cues your dog gives you in dog and human interactions. Check the posts about what your dog is saying with his body language and what he reads in yours under "dog and human body language."
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Muzzel Nudge, Dog Body Language.
Muzzle Nudge. A dog gives a muzzle nudge by taking his nose and nudging the face of their pet owner. They do this in greeting and or to show friendliness, I prefer to friendly rather than submissive. Think of the dog using his nose the way a human child may come up and use his hand to touch his mom to say. "Hi there, could I have your attention."
Alternatively, dogs use the muzzle nudge to say, “I’m hungry” Bo the wonder dog does a muzzle nudge to be fed and muzzle nudges my hand to ask me to pet him. If I stop, petting and Bo want more he lets me know. Bo nudges me again, sometimes going a step further and actually placing his nose under my palm and tossing the palm up towards his head or back to let me know where he thinks my hand should be.
Imagine a dog with a great soft-eyed loving look coming up right now and giving your a muzzle nudge.
Look for another one of my blog posts for the origin of the muzzle nudge.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Alternatively, dogs use the muzzle nudge to say, “I’m hungry” Bo the wonder dog does a muzzle nudge to be fed and muzzle nudges my hand to ask me to pet him. If I stop, petting and Bo want more he lets me know. Bo nudges me again, sometimes going a step further and actually placing his nose under my palm and tossing the palm up towards his head or back to let me know where he thinks my hand should be.
Imagine a dog with a great soft-eyed loving look coming up right now and giving your a muzzle nudge.
Look for another one of my blog posts for the origin of the muzzle nudge.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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The "play bow" is dog body language for "Wanna Play?"
Play Bow. Dogs love to play and they have a wonderful way of asking others if they would like to play called a "play bow." How do Animal Behaviorists describe a "play bow?” When a dog once to play with another dog or a human he approached then bows down to the other dog or human with the front half of his body. (Dogs typically approach new dogs at their sides rather than head on so, if they bow head on to another dog or to a human the bow makes the approach nonaggressive.)
In a play bow, a dog stretches out the front of his body and his front leg go out and forward and flat to the ground, typically up to the dogs “elbows” Lowering the front of his body shows is a submissive gesture. Most dogs leave their hindquarters, (rear ends) up and give a relaxed mouth smile as they “play bow.” They may even wag their tales. All these behaviors combine into to “I am up for fun.” “Let’s play” Sometimes it is a request to “Play war” or “Play wrestle.” Remember the lowered body says it is play not real battle. The dog says “I won’t really hurt you. “I up for fun and I am not going to attack.” In a "play bow”, the dog stretches the front of his body out and down and places his paws our flat and relaxed. Sometimes a dog will actually come up to a dog or human and bow and pat his paws on the ground in an exuberant movement and then step back or look towards the spot in which they want to play or the toy they want you to play with them. Human pet parents can respond their dogs play blow and bound with their dogs by getting down on the ground and imitating the play bow with the front of your body down and patting your hands on the floor a few times. You can even associate with a word like "Play" as you pat so your dog can learn the word play. I both initiate play with my dog Bo by patting my easily flat on the floor or patting them down in front of me on the coffee table. If my dog Bo the wonder dog initiates play with me with a play bow, I say the word "play" and we begin to play.
Watch dogs in a dog park go up to other dogs and give them the play bow and their new friends respond with a play bow and then watch them run off together it is wonderful.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog body language (or what animal behaviorist call dog behavior.)
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
In a play bow, a dog stretches out the front of his body and his front leg go out and forward and flat to the ground, typically up to the dogs “elbows” Lowering the front of his body shows is a submissive gesture. Most dogs leave their hindquarters, (rear ends) up and give a relaxed mouth smile as they “play bow.” They may even wag their tales. All these behaviors combine into to “I am up for fun.” “Let’s play” Sometimes it is a request to “Play war” or “Play wrestle.” Remember the lowered body says it is play not real battle. The dog says “I won’t really hurt you. “I up for fun and I am not going to attack.” In a "play bow”, the dog stretches the front of his body out and down and places his paws our flat and relaxed. Sometimes a dog will actually come up to a dog or human and bow and pat his paws on the ground in an exuberant movement and then step back or look towards the spot in which they want to play or the toy they want you to play with them. Human pet parents can respond their dogs play blow and bound with their dogs by getting down on the ground and imitating the play bow with the front of your body down and patting your hands on the floor a few times. You can even associate with a word like "Play" as you pat so your dog can learn the word play. I both initiate play with my dog Bo by patting my easily flat on the floor or patting them down in front of me on the coffee table. If my dog Bo the wonder dog initiates play with me with a play bow, I say the word "play" and we begin to play.
Watch dogs in a dog park go up to other dogs and give them the play bow and their new friends respond with a play bow and then watch them run off together it is wonderful.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog body language (or what animal behaviorist call dog behavior.)
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
The Play Bow
Play Bow. Dogs love to play and they have a wonderful way of asking others if they would like to play called a "play bow." How do Animal Behaviorists describe a "play bow??” When a dog once to play with another dog or a human he approached then bows down to the other dog or human with the front half of his body. (Dogs typically approach new dogs at their sides rather than head on so, if they bow head on to another dog or to a human the bow makes the approach nonaggressive.)
In a play bow, a dog stretches out the front of his body and his front leg go out and forward and flat to the ground, typically up to the dogs “elbows” Lowering the front of his body shows is a submissive gesture. Most dogs leave their hindquarters, (rear ends) up and give a relaxed mouth smile as they “play bow.” They may even wag their tales. All these behaviors combine into to “I am up for fun.” “Let’s play” Sometimes it is a request to “Play war” or “Play wrestle.” Remember the lowered body says it is play not real battle. The dog says “I won’t really hurt you. “I up for fun and I am not going to attack.” In a "play bow”, the dog stretches the front of his body out and down and places his paws our flat and relaxed. Sometimes a dog will actually come up to a dog or human and bow and pat his paws on the ground in an exuberant movement and then step back or look towards the spot in which they want to play or the toy they want you to play with them. Human pet parents can respond their dogs play blow and bound with their dogs by getting down on the ground and imitating the play bow with the front of your body down and patting your hands on the floor a few times. You can even associate with a word like "Play" as you pat so your dog can learn the word play. I both initiate play with my dog Bo by patting my easily flat on the floor or patting them down in front of me on the coffee table. If my dog Bo the wonder dog initiates play with me with a play bow, I say the word "play" and we begin to play.
Watch dogs in a dog park go up to other dogs and give them the play bow and their new friends respond with a play bow and then watch them run off together it is wonderful.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog behavior.
One of the wasy you can learn to read your dogs mood is by noticing how he looks when he is happy and playing. Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
In a play bow, a dog stretches out the front of his body and his front leg go out and forward and flat to the ground, typically up to the dogs “elbows” Lowering the front of his body shows is a submissive gesture. Most dogs leave their hindquarters, (rear ends) up and give a relaxed mouth smile as they “play bow.” They may even wag their tales. All these behaviors combine into to “I am up for fun.” “Let’s play” Sometimes it is a request to “Play war” or “Play wrestle.” Remember the lowered body says it is play not real battle. The dog says “I won’t really hurt you. “I up for fun and I am not going to attack.” In a "play bow”, the dog stretches the front of his body out and down and places his paws our flat and relaxed. Sometimes a dog will actually come up to a dog or human and bow and pat his paws on the ground in an exuberant movement and then step back or look towards the spot in which they want to play or the toy they want you to play with them. Human pet parents can respond their dogs play blow and bound with their dogs by getting down on the ground and imitating the play bow with the front of your body down and patting your hands on the floor a few times. You can even associate with a word like "Play" as you pat so your dog can learn the word play. I both initiate play with my dog Bo by patting my easily flat on the floor or patting them down in front of me on the coffee table. If my dog Bo the wonder dog initiates play with me with a play bow, I say the word "play" and we begin to play.
Watch dogs in a dog park go up to other dogs and give them the play bow and their new friends respond with a play bow and then watch them run off together it is wonderful.
As the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni, I am studying the similarities and differences between human body language and dog behavior.
One of the wasy you can learn to read your dogs mood is by noticing how he looks when he is happy and playing. Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel is following Patti on Twitter.
I just noticed that the website is following me on twitter. Welcome. I would love to hear your questions. You can email me at
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
I just noticed that the website is following me on twitter. Welcome. I would love to hear your questions. You can email me at
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Videos of The Bachelor Jake and Vienna's body lanuage in their TV interviews and recent photos.
The bachelor, Jake Pavelka, and his fiancee Vienna, insights on their body language - Are they in love? Recent photos show them kissing for the cameras but I notice that she often hold her head up without the typical head tilt and forward face of a women that has just been proposed to. She may be worried about messing up her hair and makeup, but I would like to see both their faces reach out and press together. Look at their lower torso when they kiss. They stay separated.
What exactly do you see from their behavior? Well I see Jake hold her face in one photo to try to get her closer and I notice his finger in the photos where she is wearing a white coat oddly gripping her with just the tips of his fingers. (the showing the ring shot and the one kiss. That is not a grip of love or passion that is a grip to be holding her for the photo. She is all about that ring in the one photos and on Kimmel. But notice in the photo how she holds the hand forward to the cameras and not toward him to include him in. Many newly engaged women hold their hand the way she is but I love to see the hand towards the guy. I do like how she is leaning in to him in the ring photo. Below are links to videos of more of their appearances that they have made,
1. Jimmy Kimmel: (Part 1) (Part 2)
2. GMA:
3. Ellen Degeneres:
4. Regis & Kelly:
5. Also, they are always making out in public. We have three or four pics of them kissing passionately for the cameras. Contrived kissing or the real deal?
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
What exactly do you see from their behavior? Well I see Jake hold her face in one photo to try to get her closer and I notice his finger in the photos where she is wearing a white coat oddly gripping her with just the tips of his fingers. (the showing the ring shot and the one kiss. That is not a grip of love or passion that is a grip to be holding her for the photo. She is all about that ring in the one photos and on Kimmel. But notice in the photo how she holds the hand forward to the cameras and not toward him to include him in. Many newly engaged women hold their hand the way she is but I love to see the hand towards the guy. I do like how she is leaning in to him in the ring photo. Below are links to videos of more of their appearances that they have made,
1. Jimmy Kimmel: (Part 1) (Part 2)
2. GMA:
3. Ellen Degeneres:
4. Regis & Kelly:
5. Also, they are always making out in public. We have three or four pics of them kissing passionately for the cameras. Contrived kissing or the real deal?
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Check out "The Bachelor Show" Jake and Vienna's Body Language on Jimmy Kimmel
Check out the Bachelor Show Jake and Vienna's Body Language on Jimmy Kimmel
Kimmel. Do you watch in together. legs are crossed toward Kimmel , normal but look at the hand holding the wrist and the closed eyes and pressed lips as he goes to put his arm all the way around her to hide her eyes, She didn’t like having to watch him with other women and she really didn’t like him taking the lime light and trying to control her in that Kimmel interview moment. Though she smiles as he take his hand and arm down she does a pacifying gesture touching her hand to her shoulder to get back to comfort.
Man protecting his woman. His legs are “I am man’ feet placed far apart and and he is up and forward he locks his shoulders in a protective position over Vienna. And he protects himself by holding his hands together .with his fingers interlocked in a log cabin.
I love how she nestles her shoulder into him as she talks about him or their relationship. She goes to comfort for him when Kimmel shows her photos of Jake with his dancing with the stars dance partner.
At 2:26 on the tape as she talks about the woman who yelled Booooo to her out the window look at how her feet show her true lack of comfort with her bad girl rap, The toes and feet curl and twist to touch each other.
The couple goes into similar finger clasping as she asked if she will take her name. She is not comfortable with the long term marriage comments. Her head goes back her voice goes up.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Kimmel. Do you watch in together. legs are crossed toward Kimmel , normal but look at the hand holding the wrist and the closed eyes and pressed lips as he goes to put his arm all the way around her to hide her eyes, She didn’t like having to watch him with other women and she really didn’t like him taking the lime light and trying to control her in that Kimmel interview moment. Though she smiles as he take his hand and arm down she does a pacifying gesture touching her hand to her shoulder to get back to comfort.
Man protecting his woman. His legs are “I am man’ feet placed far apart and and he is up and forward he locks his shoulders in a protective position over Vienna. And he protects himself by holding his hands together .with his fingers interlocked in a log cabin.
I love how she nestles her shoulder into him as she talks about him or their relationship. She goes to comfort for him when Kimmel shows her photos of Jake with his dancing with the stars dance partner.
At 2:26 on the tape as she talks about the woman who yelled Booooo to her out the window look at how her feet show her true lack of comfort with her bad girl rap, The toes and feet curl and twist to touch each other.
The couple goes into similar finger clasping as she asked if she will take her name. She is not comfortable with the long term marriage comments. Her head goes back her voice goes up.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
The New Short Shorts
I looked at a fashion magazine last week. Yes once or twice a year I splurge on a fashion magazine. It is a reward for a week of intense 12 hours days of speaking and writing.
I noticed that super short shorts the flow out like a skirt are the new look.
They show them with suit jackets. Yep, I can just see my next audiences response to me in the new look! I would make a great first impression. Me in those gladiator high heeled sandles that for some reason are still in style and the new short shorts and a jacket. Crazy. Of course if I were 15 it would look amazing!
Check out Patti's new post on dogs and human body language.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
I noticed that super short shorts the flow out like a skirt are the new look.
They show them with suit jackets. Yep, I can just see my next audiences response to me in the new look! I would make a great first impression. Me in those gladiator high heeled sandles that for some reason are still in style and the new short shorts and a jacket. Crazy. Of course if I were 15 it would look amazing!
Check out Patti's new post on dogs and human body language.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Dog and Human Greeting Behavior and The Muzzle Nudge
Dog and Human Greeting Behavior
How do dogs greet humans and is it the same or different from how they greet other dogs?
I have been fascinated with greeting behavior and nonverbal communication since I took my first body language class in college. I was so excited when I was asked to be the spokesperson for Pup-Peroni and talk about human body language as people interact with their dogs I was so excited. So many aspects of human greeting behavior and dog-greeting behavior are similar.
In this post your will learn some of the engaging behaviors that dogs use as they meet and greet other dogs and humans.
When a dog seeks attention or affection and joins humans and or dogs for interaction, he does several things that are similar to human body language. Dog behaviorist call these bids for attention and affection acting in an “affliative” manner.
Just like humans who get closer to each other to greet dogs also decrease distance with various behaviors. One of the most obvious things that dogs can do to decrease the distance is bring their ears and or nose forward. Remember, a dog’s sense of smell is extremely acute and better than their sense of vision. A dog my bring his may bring his nose forward to smell you. The smell is like a human handshake for dog. He reaches out his nose to check you out, just like you shake someone’s hand or give a high five to check out a stranger. Dog's may also put up a paw in what looks like a human handshake. It's a natural behavior to show submission. My dog Bo only took one lesson and several Pup-Peroni treats to "learn" how to shake hands with me.
A dog that is feeling affectionate or seeks warm attention may give you a muzzle nudge or muzzle nuzzle. In a muzzle nudge, a dog may bring his nose up to nudge your face, your hand or your leg. I think of it as a doggie hug that is warmer than a doggie handshake sniff.
The muzzles nudge or muzzles nuzzle stems from redirected behavior from a dog's puppyhood feeding rituals in the wild. Many dog behaviorist consider genetically the muzzle nudge genetically encoded. Wolves and other wild canine mothers hunt for food and bring it back the puppies chewed up inside their mouths. Puppies nudge their dog mom’s mouth and nose to get their mom to give them this food. It reminds me of kids bugging their mom for treats
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
How do dogs greet humans and is it the same or different from how they greet other dogs?
I have been fascinated with greeting behavior and nonverbal communication since I took my first body language class in college. I was so excited when I was asked to be the spokesperson for Pup-Peroni and talk about human body language as people interact with their dogs I was so excited. So many aspects of human greeting behavior and dog-greeting behavior are similar.
In this post your will learn some of the engaging behaviors that dogs use as they meet and greet other dogs and humans.
When a dog seeks attention or affection and joins humans and or dogs for interaction, he does several things that are similar to human body language. Dog behaviorist call these bids for attention and affection acting in an “affliative” manner.
Just like humans who get closer to each other to greet dogs also decrease distance with various behaviors. One of the most obvious things that dogs can do to decrease the distance is bring their ears and or nose forward. Remember, a dog’s sense of smell is extremely acute and better than their sense of vision. A dog my bring his may bring his nose forward to smell you. The smell is like a human handshake for dog. He reaches out his nose to check you out, just like you shake someone’s hand or give a high five to check out a stranger. Dog's may also put up a paw in what looks like a human handshake. It's a natural behavior to show submission. My dog Bo only took one lesson and several Pup-Peroni treats to "learn" how to shake hands with me.
A dog that is feeling affectionate or seeks warm attention may give you a muzzle nudge or muzzle nuzzle. In a muzzle nudge, a dog may bring his nose up to nudge your face, your hand or your leg. I think of it as a doggie hug that is warmer than a doggie handshake sniff.
The muzzles nudge or muzzles nuzzle stems from redirected behavior from a dog's puppyhood feeding rituals in the wild. Many dog behaviorist consider genetically the muzzle nudge genetically encoded. Wolves and other wild canine mothers hunt for food and bring it back the puppies chewed up inside their mouths. Puppies nudge their dog mom’s mouth and nose to get their mom to give them this food. It reminds me of kids bugging their mom for treats
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Simalarities Between a Human’s Confident Powerful Body Language and a Dog’s Confident Powerful Dog Behavior
There are similarities between a human’s confident powerful body language and a dog’s confident powerful dog behavior. I am a body language expert and currently the national spokesperson for Pup-Peroni dog treats. As part of the campaign, I am examining dog human interaction. There are some beautiful similarities between dog behavior and human body language and at times a new language created as dog and their pet parents work to understand and be understood.
In my body language programs, my business audience members learn that confidence and power are communicated by: Space, Openness and Relaxation
Dogs in turn communicate confidence by how they use space openness and relaxation.
When you want to show that you feel powerful you;
1. Expand your body up and out Head high Chest up
2. Keep your body windows, windows such as the eyes, mouth relaxed or heart,
palms of your hands.
3. Relax your stance and your body’s limbs and face so nothing is overly
tight or tense.
A dog shows his confidence and openness’s to interact by standing his
1. Head high, Ears up.
2. Mouth open
3. Posture relaxed, loose legs stance, weight flat on his paws.
The tail is more complex. Read your dogs “resting tail” to find out his normal is.
Typically a dog's
• Friendly tail is relaxed and down
• Confident tail goes straight out
• Dominant is up and tense
• Insecure fearful tail is low tense curled tight to the body or under.
Again reading the meaning in your dogs tail is important to understand your dogs emotional state. You need to read your dog’s normal resting pose to find his norm. Though there are breed exceptions, typically a higher tail indicates a dominant attitude and low tense tail curl under communicates insecurity and fear. Typically, a friendly tail is relaxed.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Deception Scenes from movies and TV shows, Monty Python, "Dead Parrot" sketch.
Do you know any one minute famous scenes in movies, commercials or TV show that show lying and deception? I am thinking of funny scenes like the Monty Python, "Dead parrot" comedy sketch.
Do you know that scene? I mentioned the sketch to my wonderfully creative friend Enid and she the link to me minutes ago. It is still hysterical. I hadn’t watched it since I was 12. That is quite amazing as I have been quoting The lines.
“This parrot is dead, it has expired and gone to see it’s maker, it is no more”
“It’s not dead it’s resting.”
I know you might want to see here is the YouTube link. one minute famous scenes in movies, commercials or TV show that show lying and deception. I am thinking of funny scenes like the Monty Python dead parrot comedy routine. In fact I mentioned the scent to my wonderfully creative friend Enid and she sent me the scene a few minutes ago. It is still hysterical. I hadn’t watched it since I was 12. That is quite amazing as I have been quoting The line. “This parrot is dead, it has expired and gone to see it’s maker, it is not more” “It’s not dead it’s resting.”
I know you might want to see here is the YouTube link.
I am going to use this scene to show liars nonverbal cues, how liars stick to their stories, and questioning techniques for those seeking the truth.
I am going to use this scene to show liars nonverbal cues, how liars stick to their stories, and questioning techniques for those seeking the truth.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
Do you know that scene? I mentioned the sketch to my wonderfully creative friend Enid and she the link to me minutes ago. It is still hysterical. I hadn’t watched it since I was 12. That is quite amazing as I have been quoting The lines.
“This parrot is dead, it has expired and gone to see it’s maker, it is no more”
“It’s not dead it’s resting.”
I know you might want to see here is the YouTube link. one minute famous scenes in movies, commercials or TV show that show lying and deception. I am thinking of funny scenes like the Monty Python dead parrot comedy routine. In fact I mentioned the scent to my wonderfully creative friend Enid and she sent me the scene a few minutes ago. It is still hysterical. I hadn’t watched it since I was 12. That is quite amazing as I have been quoting The line. “This parrot is dead, it has expired and gone to see it’s maker, it is not more” “It’s not dead it’s resting.”
I know you might want to see here is the YouTube link.
I am going to use this scene to show liars nonverbal cues, how liars stick to their stories, and questioning techniques for those seeking the truth.
I am going to use this scene to show liars nonverbal cues, how liars stick to their stories, and questioning techniques for those seeking the truth.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
What are your favorite famous scenes in movies, commercials or TV show that show lying and deception?
What are your favorite famous scenes in movies, commercials or TV show that show lying and deception. Imediately I think of funny scenes like the Monty Python dead parrot comedy routine. In fact I mentioned the scent to my wonderfully creative friend Enid and she sent me the scene a few minutes ago. It is still hysterical. I hadn’t watched it since I was 12. That is quite amazing as I have been quoting The line. “This parrot is dead, it has expired and gone to see it’s maker, it is not more” “It’s not dead it’s resting.” Ever since.
I know you might want to see here is the YouTube link.
I am going to use this scene to show liars nonverbal cues, how liars stick to their stories, and questioning techniques for those seeking the truth.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
The Bachlor, Jake, Vienna and Tenley
The Bachlor Here are my notes.
When They play back a scene of Jake kissing Kinley at the beginning of the show parts of his face and body are holding back. He rests his hands on her shoulders with his fingers spread out rather than pulling her close.
Compare this to the first kiss they play back with Vienna that shows great physical chemistry from his hold her head close to him with the fingers interlocked.
As he comes in at the beginning of the show he show up body language his shoulders are back he is tense and on and happy all at the same time.
When he says that there being there, " absolutely everything to me he shakes his head no." a contradiction between his body language and his words that indicates there may feel some tension about their viewing his choices.
His hug to his mother was wonderful he bent down to her and held onto her really fiving of himself. This helps us see what he is like when he is not "on." How he truly connects and shows love.
When Jake's Mom says she is concerned about Vinea? "Is she the girl that didn't get along? at the beginning of the show he presses his lips together tightly. To suppress how much he negative statement affects him. His full body language response shows really cares about Vienna, not just what his mother says about her.
I thought it was odd that he didn't go to get Tinely, there was so much pressure on her and he didn't ease that tension by bringing her into the room to meet his family and didn't tell her they would ALL be there. As he greets Tinely he gets up and pulls his shirt down, he is concerned about how he looks, he wants to look right, and he smiles but there is a tension there. His voice goes up and tense even though he is smiling the smile is tense.
Mother is so warm and real her voice and body language are in sync she is authentic as his dad with his head tilts, soft emotional voice and warm eyes and he talks with this son and later with Tinely a truly warm and caring man.
814 When Jake is asked Is she the girl you would pick> He says I can't answer that questions and his eyes close in an "eye block" his mouth turns down and he says he can't answer that question and he shakes his head no.
815 Jake Tenses up as he kisses her pursing his lips rather than melding into her.
820 Viena When he greets her on the bench I see his body fully relaxed for the first time on this episode. He lets his body spread out and sink in as he sits with her. He is not "on"
Mother and father and entire family tenses up in Vinea presence.
824 But if you look at Jake and Viena he body is relaxes he legs are open he is leaning into towards his arm is up on the couch relaxed there, but symbolically up and around her protecting her.
Lindseys mouth tenses as she talks about Viena
825 sister in law glares with dislike at Viena-- very strong dislike.
Jakes arm comes up around Vienna
As he talks to his mom about Viena look at this arms in front of his body with his fingers interlaced a castle wall as his mother says negative things There is one moment in response that his face got so sad when she said something negative He mouth pulled down so significantly and he furrowed his brow. He was truly sad.
As Larua and lIndsey talk to her they mirror blocking signals. Legs crossed hands wrapped around their kness.
836- Jake is leaning in to her so connected and relaxed.
848 kisses Viena. Paassionate pressing his lips, then just smashing his face and lips into her malign into her.
They are tentative in the mud , Like how in the scene after that Viena gently puts water on him and gently cleans him. Her first real tender moment with him.
Also love Viena voice and body language and words in sync and warm as she says she is "Head over heals, crazy in love with him."
With Tinley on the Boat as he talks about the emotional connection vs. physical connection it is clear from her body language that she knows he is rejecting her. She purses her lips in distaste at his comments she puts her finger in front of her mouth, She rubs the side of her face.
His look of tension as he is talking is evident. Look at his body. There is enormous tension is his neck as he sits as if he is relaxed but his head is pulled back he mouth is tense look at the corners going down . It is not the sun in his eyes he is pulling away from her.
In bed with Tinley This kiss he is acting the kiss but look at his body it is not turned toward her and she is blocking his lower body from getting too close to her with her knee.
When the Jewelry gentleman asks Jake if he has chosen the girl Jake gives him a fake perplexed look and says not. And the name of Jewelry man gives his a tongue thrust showing his dislike and displeasure at Jake for saying that.
Just watched the last two scenes. He really put these girls through it. I really didn’t like how he proposed to Vienna. Why give her the first ring and talk about it symbolizing pain. He got far too much pleasure with “acting” as if he was going to reject her. You could see her sadness. And he just kept going. He didn’t reach out to comfort her. That is not natural for a man that is truly in love and cares for someone. There should be nonverbal indications to her that this is playacting. He didn’t show pain or real tension as pretended to reject her. I didn’t like that.
Also during the proposal he says he loves her but his voice goes high and tense. It could be “proposal tension in his voice, it could be all the cameras, But I would have liked to heard his voice go true rich low and deep. He rushed it. He didn’t keep looking to her to see how she would answer. It was so much about the show.
I did love how Vienna’s body bobbed up and down after the proposal and her acceptance she was really happy, bouncing up and down like a happy little girl.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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When They play back a scene of Jake kissing Kinley at the beginning of the show parts of his face and body are holding back. He rests his hands on her shoulders with his fingers spread out rather than pulling her close.
Compare this to the first kiss they play back with Vienna that shows great physical chemistry from his hold her head close to him with the fingers interlocked.
As he comes in at the beginning of the show he show up body language his shoulders are back he is tense and on and happy all at the same time.
When he says that there being there, " absolutely everything to me he shakes his head no." a contradiction between his body language and his words that indicates there may feel some tension about their viewing his choices.
His hug to his mother was wonderful he bent down to her and held onto her really fiving of himself. This helps us see what he is like when he is not "on." How he truly connects and shows love.
When Jake's Mom says she is concerned about Vinea? "Is she the girl that didn't get along? at the beginning of the show he presses his lips together tightly. To suppress how much he negative statement affects him. His full body language response shows really cares about Vienna, not just what his mother says about her.
I thought it was odd that he didn't go to get Tinely, there was so much pressure on her and he didn't ease that tension by bringing her into the room to meet his family and didn't tell her they would ALL be there. As he greets Tinely he gets up and pulls his shirt down, he is concerned about how he looks, he wants to look right, and he smiles but there is a tension there. His voice goes up and tense even though he is smiling the smile is tense.
Mother is so warm and real her voice and body language are in sync she is authentic as his dad with his head tilts, soft emotional voice and warm eyes and he talks with this son and later with Tinely a truly warm and caring man.
814 When Jake is asked Is she the girl you would pick> He says I can't answer that questions and his eyes close in an "eye block" his mouth turns down and he says he can't answer that question and he shakes his head no.
815 Jake Tenses up as he kisses her pursing his lips rather than melding into her.
820 Viena When he greets her on the bench I see his body fully relaxed for the first time on this episode. He lets his body spread out and sink in as he sits with her. He is not "on"
Mother and father and entire family tenses up in Vinea presence.
824 But if you look at Jake and Viena he body is relaxes he legs are open he is leaning into towards his arm is up on the couch relaxed there, but symbolically up and around her protecting her.
Lindseys mouth tenses as she talks about Viena
825 sister in law glares with dislike at Viena-- very strong dislike.
Jakes arm comes up around Vienna
As he talks to his mom about Viena look at this arms in front of his body with his fingers interlaced a castle wall as his mother says negative things There is one moment in response that his face got so sad when she said something negative He mouth pulled down so significantly and he furrowed his brow. He was truly sad.
As Larua and lIndsey talk to her they mirror blocking signals. Legs crossed hands wrapped around their kness.
836- Jake is leaning in to her so connected and relaxed.
848 kisses Viena. Paassionate pressing his lips, then just smashing his face and lips into her malign into her.
They are tentative in the mud , Like how in the scene after that Viena gently puts water on him and gently cleans him. Her first real tender moment with him.
Also love Viena voice and body language and words in sync and warm as she says she is "Head over heals, crazy in love with him."
With Tinley on the Boat as he talks about the emotional connection vs. physical connection it is clear from her body language that she knows he is rejecting her. She purses her lips in distaste at his comments she puts her finger in front of her mouth, She rubs the side of her face.
His look of tension as he is talking is evident. Look at his body. There is enormous tension is his neck as he sits as if he is relaxed but his head is pulled back he mouth is tense look at the corners going down . It is not the sun in his eyes he is pulling away from her.
In bed with Tinley This kiss he is acting the kiss but look at his body it is not turned toward her and she is blocking his lower body from getting too close to her with her knee.
When the Jewelry gentleman asks Jake if he has chosen the girl Jake gives him a fake perplexed look and says not. And the name of Jewelry man gives his a tongue thrust showing his dislike and displeasure at Jake for saying that.
Just watched the last two scenes. He really put these girls through it. I really didn’t like how he proposed to Vienna. Why give her the first ring and talk about it symbolizing pain. He got far too much pleasure with “acting” as if he was going to reject her. You could see her sadness. And he just kept going. He didn’t reach out to comfort her. That is not natural for a man that is truly in love and cares for someone. There should be nonverbal indications to her that this is playacting. He didn’t show pain or real tension as pretended to reject her. I didn’t like that.
Also during the proposal he says he loves her but his voice goes high and tense. It could be “proposal tension in his voice, it could be all the cameras, But I would have liked to heard his voice go true rich low and deep. He rushed it. He didn’t keep looking to her to see how she would answer. It was so much about the show.
I did love how Vienna’s body bobbed up and down after the proposal and her acceptance she was really happy, bouncing up and down like a happy little girl.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
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