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Showing posts with label Couple body language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Couple body language. Show all posts

Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick’s Body Language Through The Years Shows Huge Changes


GIGI And Zayne...Couple Body Language

A different interview I did on GIGI and Zayne. As I said in another post the Journalist didn’t tell me they knew the couple was breaking up when I did the body language read.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Couple Body Language, What Your TV-Watching Position Together Says About Your Relationship

What Your TV-Watching Position Together Says About Your Relationship
By  for Cosmopolitan Magazine

Have you ever wondered what's really going on between you and your favorite Netflix and chill partner? spoke with Patti Wood, body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma to find out exactly what your TV-watching position means.

Position: Both of you sitting on opposite sides of the couch.

You both definitely need your space, which isn't necessarily bad, but it does show that you're both independent people. That said, if you used to sit in a closer position and suddenly switched to this one, it could be a sign that one or both of you needs to withdraw from the other's affection.

Position: You putting your head on his lap while he sits upright. 

This is known as a parent/child position. The person whose head is cradled is allowing themselves to be vulnerable and wants to feel taken care of. Putting your head on someone's lap says, "I trust you to be gentle and caring with me." The person offering their lap is assuming a caretaker role. If this isn't your usual position but you're in it lately, it could mean that one of you is going through a hard time and needs comfort. If it's the primary position you always go to, that's an indicator of you both being happy with your usual roles in the relationship.

Position: Both of you spooning horizontally on the couch.

If your go-to is lying down and spooning, Wood says you both have both a strong sexual chemistry and feeling of security in the relationship. The person being spooned is basically saying with their body, "I can turn my back on you and know I am safe. You have my back." The person doing the spooning is saying, "I want to surround you and take you in." This position has also been shown to increase intimacy in couples and reduce the stress of both partners, so if it works for you, keep doing it. 

Position: Both of you sitting close to each other, holding hands.

If you usually find yourself sitting like this together, you're both using an innocent way of connecting and really focusing on your partner. Because your hands are intertwined, you can't really do anything else (like pick up your phone and check your Instagram for the 80th time), so that means you're forced to be totally present with your partner. Wood says she often sees this position with elderly couples who have a strong bond and less of a need to stay busy and connected to the outside world. 

Position: Both of you sitting close to each other with your head on his shoulder and his arms at his sides.

If you usually have your head on his shoulder and he stays in place like a statue, you're trying to connect with him and feel safe and protected, but if he never reaches out to connect with you, that's not a great sign. If he doesn't reach out to touch you or moves away from your head, it shows he doesn't want to feel connected to you and wants to remain more independent. 

Position: Him sitting upright, you with both arms wrapped around him like a sloth.

This one depends a lot on how your partner is responding to it. If your guy isn't looking at you very much or touching you at all, he's probably not thrilled with the position. If you wrapping yourself around him makes him feel like you are trying to possess him, he might be turned off by that neediness. Wood says this one depends so much on how he's reacting to it. If he seems into it, then you're both likely expressing how connected and happy you are with each other. 

Position: You both on the couch with only your legs or feet touching each other. 

Wood says a lot of couples who end up in this position have been together a long time, but still want to stay connected in some physical way. It's also a position you might take if you've been fighting and want to stay connected, but you're still kind of mad at each other. 

Position: You sitting close to each other with his arm on the back of the sofa.

If you love to sit close and he always has his arm wrapped around the back of the couch when you do, that shows he has a desire to protect you and connect with you. He wants to let anyone nearby know you're his and that you're truly connected to each other,
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

What are Tie Signs and How Can You Read Nonverbal Cues to See How Your Relationship is Going.

What are Tie Signs and How Can You Read Nonverbal Cues to See How Your Relationship is Going. Reading Couple Body Language.

For many years I have been reading the nonverbal cues of celebrity couples to see what is going on in their relationships. One set of cues that you can use to read your relationship are Tie signs.
Tie signs are Nonverbal cues that communicate intimacy and signal the connection between two people. Tie signs can be objects such as wedding rings or tattoos like a I love Sarah heart,  that are symbolic of another person or the relationship, actions such as sharing the same drinking glass, or touch behaviors such as hand-holding. My most visited article on this blog and on my website is what playing with a wedding ring means. Guess what, playing with a wedding ring is a low tie sign!

Walid A. Afifi and Michelle L. Johnson, “The Nature and Function of Tie-Signs,” in The Sourcebook of Nonverbal Measures: Going beyond Words, ed. Valerie Manusov (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005): 190. Talk about touch behaviors Tie signs. They are what I look at the most frequently as they can communicate much about a relationship based on the area being touched, the length of time, and the intensity of the touch.  I often look for mutual touch in couple photos. Kisses and hugs, for example, are considered tie signs, but there are so many kinds of kisses and hugs. a kiss on the cheek is different from a kiss on the mouth and a full embrace is different from a half embrace. (Look at my blog posts on Hugs and their definition and what different Kisses mean.)
If you consider yourself a “people watcher,” start noticing the various tie signs you see couples people use and what they might say about the relationship.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

MTV interview body language of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson MTV interview 

Look for Patti's  new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma

Kristen Stewart started the MTV interview with her arms crossed in her oversized shirt her feet running in place as if she would like to run away from the interviews. She was also rocking with her legs crossed away from Robert showing he desire to no want them to be seen as couple during the interviews.

At the beginning of the interview Robert Pattinson touched the zipper of his pants in a cover cue showing he felt that his masculinity was threatened by the prospect of this interview, and perhaps sitting by Kristen Stewart on National TV. Robert then he hunched his shoulder over, hunkered his head down like a turtle and brought his legs together a gesture cluster that showed he was a bit cold during this outside interview and clearly and would prefer to hide out rather than be there being interviewed. Robert quickly followed that by holding his own hand in comfort cue and kept holding his own hand as he extended his arms and placed his hands between his legs as he tucked his held tightly together feet under his chair is “feet retreat.” He held this gesture cluster so that he looked like a little boy about to have to compete in a spelling. He then tried to cover his fear by giving a long be fear by giving a long wide yawn. This is actually a stress yawn, a way of taking in more oxygen to deal with stress and also a way that we show appeasement. For example subordinate dogs will sometimes yawn in the presence of an alpha person or alpha dog to signal, don’t hurt me. The yawn made Patterson look extremely rude though I sure he thought it was rebellious way of showing he was “all cool.”  And Robert said, “I feel very very funny.” Like he did in his last interview on Jon Stewart interview, Pattison quickly took a drink to cover his nervous then rubbed his eye (looking almost like he was digging sleep out his eye) a cue that showed symbolically he didn’t like what the way this interview was looking. If you get a freeze frame of the whole crew in that moment you have this amazing body language shot. You will see that all three Twilight actors are hunched over in mirror matched of each other and the two actors even have their legs spread, feet tucked and left arm resting on their left leg and hand between their legs mirrored exactly Taylor is scratching the back of his neck in a “I would like to fight my way out of here” stress cue. The two guys actually match and mirror each other frequently daring the interview.

Pattinson, says, boldly, “This (the current interview) is not very interesting to watch”  he follows that by holding his cup.

Kristin actually gives a suppressed roar when the first the host says he is about to show a tape of he and Pattinson’s first interview on the MTV awards. When they come back from the clip she is standing up and circling in front of the chairs. She too look like a little girl here. Notice how she stops in her circling facing Pattinson orienting her heart towards him then she leans in toward him and rest her hand on his upper thigh. This gesture cluster shows she still seeks him for reassurance.

They all laugh to cover their embarrassment.

Kristen is really uncomfortable as the host gives the “superlative awards” Kristen bites her nails with discomfort and rocks forward and backward then.

Talking about the Halloween costumes she taps her feet impatiently and a times bending her upper torso over like she wants to throw up. She is feeling a bit sick, and dying to get through and run from the away as the interview questions about her pink wig and sunglasses costume and durring the first question from twitter follower, “What is your favorite scene….” Here I  feel so sorry for the interviewer.

When asked about the headboard breaking scene Pattinson turns his upper torso and heart towards Kristen and reaches a bit towards her.

When talking about taking being asked to take his shirt off during the auditions and refusing Pattinson oddly sticks the top of his hand in his pocket (His hand closest to Kristen) showing he embarrassed but a bit boastful at the same time about how he rebelled against taking his shirt off.

Question, “What scene would you reshoot.” the kissing scene. This is the only question that Pattinson answers without sarcasm. His voice get warms and he gives real illustrator gestures showing what he did and wanted to redo. It felt to me that this response reveals he would like to “do over” in his relationship with Kristen.  as he shows what he will do.

risma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Body Language of Jen and Her Men: Marc vs. Ben

I was asked by OK Magazine to analyze the body language of Jen and her men, Marc and Ben. You can read the full article in the August issue of OK!

"The way their hands are intertwined show equality in the relationship"

"The tender kiss he gives is very intimate, very sweet"

"Her upraised chin and intense gaze - all good"

"His posture is like a little old man; she is pulling away"

"She is using her purse as a barrier, her arm as a block"

"It is fake. Her stance is "posey," his smile tense and strained"

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Protective Mother Bear Mode

Patti weighed in on the body language of Kourtney for InTouch Weekly. She says that Kourtney looks very tense and is going into protective mother bear mode. Perhaps some of Scott's actions have given Kourtney cause for concern. Her main focus is the welfare of their young son, Mason.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

The Bachelor and Emily Fight, What was their body language on the last few episodes.

Emily & the bachelor fight? The body language of the bachelor and Emily. I was on Good Morning America Today as a body language expert. I had the crew in my house shooting the segment till late last night. The crew where real troopers. last Emily & the bachelor fight. On episode of the bachelor. episode of the bachelor and comment on the chosen girl’s body language. Link to the interview to follow
One of the most telling cues occurs at the end of the interview with the shows host. They hug, but in that last little frame you can see Emily's elbow go up and almost wack him in the head. She elbows him out of her life!!
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Body Language of the Young Royal Couple, William and Kate

I was asked to read the Young Royal Couple, William and Kate, for several Canadian Publications. As the wedding approaches, you see the "look of love." They look at each other often and there is lots of mutual gazing but not for approval as Diane often did when she was first engaged to Charles but with respect and affection.

The "look of confidence" as Kate watches him closely when he is talking, she stands back slightly to show her place, but she doesn’t bow down her head in submission or lack of confidence as Diana would do in Charles' presence. Kate keeps her head and chin on what I call the mid-line for the throat window, showing her confidence and ease in the high stress media moments.

They are "in sync." You often see William and Kate in photos taking on mirrored body language poses of each other. That frequent matching and mirroring shows they are in sync. In a recent interview they did "tit for tat" matching. This is another kind of isopraixism in synchronous relationships. It's a dance of tit for tat movement. For example, one would move their upper body forward while the other would move an arm forward, one would move their head up and down, the other would move an arm up and down. Their body language shows synchronicity.

A "love story" - If you watch and listen as William tells the story of their proposal, you will notice that he is truly happy. His smile is large and his voice is animated and playful. He enjoys telling the story of the proposal. The words flow out smoothly and enthusiastically. When I am with couples, I often ask about their first date, when they fell in love and or their proposal. You can tell so much about a couple by how they tell and or listen and chime in as they tell their “love stories.” Kate didn’t chime in, which is appropriate to her role, but she certainly beamed and he wasn’t tired of the tale! When Kate speaks, her voice is happy and she too has a nice smooth flow in her speaking which shows ease and a true positive feeling.

Royal couple to wed April 29 at Westminster Abbey
Patrick Jephson, longtime private secretary to the late Princess Diana, say the austerity argument "doesn't cut it." "This is a future king and a future queen, this is the most famous young royal couple in the world, and it will indubitably be compared to his mother's wedding, so for all these reasons, the palace won't want to be seen as downgrading it," Jephson said.
William and Kate are making moves to put their own stamp on their big day. The couple, who Lowther-Pinkerton described as being "over the moon," are taking an active role in planning all the details — including the guest list. "I've never seen two happier people," he said.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Body Language Gestures That Reveal You're In Sync With Someone

Patti Wood, body language expert, tells Us Weekly that Jennifer and Scott are not displaying the "typical" behavior for a couple in sync as they pose on the red carpet. Out for a stroll......walking far apart.......hiding their hands...........what could all this mean? Patti reads the cues and shares her insights at the link!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

The Story Behind The Photo

Even though it's Mandy's "big night" ......she's in the lead position.....Patti Wood, body language expert, reveals for In Touch Weekly that Mandy doesn't forget to show boyfriend, Andy, that he's important to her. How does Mandy do it? Patti reveals the answer at the link!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

A Cuddle Sends Out A Message To Those Around

Colin's cuddles are sending
nonverbal messages to those around. Patti Wood, body language expert, reveals for Us Weekly what vibe he's putting out and how those being cuddled feel about it.
Notice the facial expression of Amelia and Spears in the first two photos. Major difference!
Check the link for her insights!
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Were The "Sparks" Flying?

Patti Wood, body language expert, weighs in for US Weekly on the nonverbal gestures of Cameron and Justin. What did their body language reveal about their relationship?
Find out Patti's insights at the link below!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Who's The Boss In The Relationship?

Subtle nonverbal signs speak volumes about shifting
relationship dynamics. First tapped seasoned body
language expert, Patti Wood, for her insight into the
surprising "tells" of relationship dominance.
For Patti's insights, check the link below!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at .

They're Not In Tune! Bob And Estella Couple Body Language

According to body language expert, Patti Wood, Bob and Estella didn't seem like a couple on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Patti is quoted in In Touch Weekly saying, "They're not in tune." Check out the link for all the details!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Touch, How A Man Touches A Woman, Reading Your Man's Body Language...Touching Body Language

Booty Body Language. What does it mean when a man touches your rear end? How men touch the posterior of women says how they feel about the women, themselves and the relationship.

Those posterior pats are packed with meaning says Patti Wood, body language expert, in US Weekly. If you're curious what they mean, check out the link below!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Revealing Body Language

Body language expert, Patti Wood, weighs in on what the photo of this "cute couple" really reveals about their relationship for OK Weekly Magazine. Check the link to see her insights on Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

What body language does every happy couple need?

I wrote some body language tips for a piece in Glamour magazine today. Here they are.

· Always make a loving ritual of hello’s and goodbyes. That means coming from wherever you are in the house to greet your spouse with a kiss and or a hug hello when they come home. Go to them immediately, even if you are on the phone, cooking, or online. By immediately going towards each other to touch, your are communicating to your partner that he or she is the most important thing to you. You are saying nonverbally, "You come first." Greetings are designed to let someone who has left the tribal cave for the day know everything is safe in the home and they are welcome back in. It is wired into our primal brains that we should be on guard until we are warmly welcomed into a space. If fact, couples are more likely to argue later if there wasn’t a warm welcome home. In addition, kissing and or hugging goodbye symbolically says, "I leave you with love." With a touch goodbye you anchor to your mate. So the last memory of he has of leaving the home is that he is y surrounded by love. Touching on greeting and with goodbyes are small rituals with a big impact.

· Another recommendation is to eat at the table sitting kitty corner from one another at least once a week. Women like to sit face to face to read facial expressions and other nonverbal cues and men prefer to sit side by side so their hearts are not vulnerable. (physically and symbolically vulnerable) Sitting catty corner gives men more protection so they feel comfortable self disclosing and women enough access to their partners body language to feel at ease.

· The heart pumping love chemicals that couples produce when they are with each other reduce about two years into the relationship so if they haven't done it before, I recommend couples create a weekly adventure ritual. That mean going out and of having some kind of adventure or stimulating playing together. Whether it’s going someplace new, playing heart pumping board, or computer games, a fast paced who can make dinner fastest cooking contest in the kitchen, miniature golf with looser cleans the bathroom for a week, driving go carts, or snow skiing. Why? Because, exciting play increases the love chemicals monoamines including, dopamine, norepinephidrine, phenylethylamine (PEA) and serotonin. These chemicals basically, affect us like amphetamines, stimulants and painkillers. So they keep us feeling excited about our partner.

· I also recommend making love weekly. In the attachment sage of the relationship Oxytocin, the same chemical involved in childbirth and bonding to the infant, shows up in the blood of both men and women . Oxytocin is released during orgasm in both men and women. It has been postulated that the more sex the couple has, the more bonded they will become.
· In addition or sex and play I also recommend exercising together once a week Heart pumping hard exercising together, jogging, riding bikes, intense ball room dancing, etc. We release endorphins during and after sex. These give us that "feel good feeling" and exercise produces it too. Exercising together makes us associate feeling good with being with our partner.
Finally, I recommend a lock in once a month for 12 to 24 hours. You go into the bedroom for 24 hours, making sure to remove any electronic devises, TV, computers, IPods, cell phones. You stay in the room together without any external distractions. Your partner is it. Amazing to see what happens when there is no electronic device in between you and your sweetie.