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How To Deal With a Difficult Bullying Boss. How to Communicate With a Bully to Seek Respectful Behavior.

By Patti Wood Body Language and Relationship Expert from her book and speech "The Conflict Cure."

                                    Establish Commonality

When warring nations are negotiating for peace one of the steps they may take is to see what they have in common so they can begin to see each other as not just the enemy. It’s easy for a boss to bully someone they don’t have a personal relationship with. They can just be “The Boss.” It's also more likely if they don’t think you know are care about the beyond your business relationship that they can stay in bully-boss mode. You can take a first step towards becoming more connected by finding mutual interests. In addition, If you can see them as a fully three-dimensional person you are less likely to see them as a bullying boss and communicate with them with less fear and animosity.

For example ask them about their hobbies, vacation spots, favorite shows, and music. If you can find commonality your boss can see that you are more like them and less like just an “employee.”

Say to yourself, “he thinks the summer project is a priority and so do I.” State your commonalities out loud to your boss and seek them out loud.  For example, “What are our common goals for this project?” What do we both see as the quota for this shift?” “What do we both want to see happen with this client/customer?” “What result do we both want from this meeting today?”

                         Repeat their criticism and attacks in a neutral voice

Repeat what the criticizer has just said. Repeating back the information gives both of you a better understanding of what was said, For example, you can say “Let me make sure I understand…” When I was working on a project with a rather bossy “always right” boss they yelled out one day “If you would do exactly what I told you to do exactly the way I told you to do it we wouldn’t have any problems.” I calmly repeated his statement. Guess what?  He had been so angry when he said it he hadn’t even realized how horrible he sounded. When he heard me say it,  he hung his head and said, “Oh, I’m sorry that sounded pretty bad.” You’ll find that repeating back helps you calm down to hear their message and be able to say it back to them calmly and helps them hear how it may have sounded to you. 

         Request clearly and specifically how you wish to be treated

 With clear and specific examples point out their behavior, how you feel, and the costs, and then give a specific request about how you wish to be treated. For example, “For the last three weeks when you have made requests for me to do something, like get a project done by Friday, you have raised your voice and yelled at me and left and not let me discuss the task with you. I feel disrespected. In the future when you want something from me, I would like you to sit down and have a conversation, at a conversational volume, and seek my input and response. And if you can make that change, I will feel more valued and can do a better job for you and the company.”

“In the past we have not communicated in a way that I feel valued and respected, so going forward I am going to ask that you take the time to listen to me and my viewpoints and know that if I don’t feel heard I will tell you immediately and request that you listen to my needs and insights.”





Patti Wood, MA. Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Should You Reach Out to a Guy Who Gives You the Silent Treatment? How to Respond to Ghosting.

Silence is a nonverbal communication. When you reach out to a man to indicate your interest and they do not respond you are left with a black hole. Does silence mean dislike, indifference, withdrawal, passive-aggressive punishment, or some problem in their life that is engaging them that has nothing to do with you? Inside the agony of this ambiguity, the black hole, we project our expectations, emotions, and anxieties.  The top four are What they think about you, what they feel about dating or having someone interested in them romantically, What’s going on in their life, Who they are, that is what kind of personality and social skills and issues they have.

Let’s look at those last two. They could have something going on in their lives, illness, loss, depression, workload. If that’s a possibility give them an option.
“I am interested in you, but it seems this a not a good time.” I am here if you want to reach out, but I will give you the time you need and reach out again in a month to see if it’s a better time.”

Let’s look at the other option if there is still a chance they are interested. They could find it hard to communicate for whatever reason.

“I know it's hard to do small talk and date.” “I am interested in getting to know you and I want to make it easier.” “If you are interested in me, just say, I am interested, but not sure, and want to take it slow.” “If I don’t hear back and will know you are not interested and that’s ok I just didn’t want to miss the chance to get to know you better.”

If you can rule out those reasons for their lack of response know that in In persuasion theory, it takes on average three claims to persuade someone. So listen to the message of three rejections. There is rather a magic number. Our brains seek patterns and three is the smallest number we need to create a pattern.

The general social rule is that three requests/emails, texts, or calls from you to them with no responses in most circumstances are an indication they are “ghosting” you.

They have communicated to you, just not with the message that you want.

You have three options. You get the message and break contact with them. Send a message that you get their message of disinterest and that you are sorry that you won’t get the chance to know them better or three send them a message that you are interested and know they are not currently at a place to connect and that will contact them in a month to see if their interest has changed. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Why the SIX Second Kiss Hack Works to Increase Intimacy and Other Hacks You Can Use With Your Mate.

By Body Language and Relationship Expert Patti Wood

Recently, TikTok has become been sharing a six-second kiss relationship hack to increase intimacy and connection by kissing for six seconds or longer every day. 

Some of the reasons it works.

Time/chronemics is a nonverbal communicator. By extending a kiss to six seconds, instead of a quick peck you are communicating to your partner, you are worth more to me.

In addition, it may offer an opportunity for each partner to take a deep breath from the diaphragm and hold it and release it as they kiss, creating a moment with your partner to be connected for both pleasure and relaxation.

Also, the way we hold our body sends a message through the central nervous system to the brain to create matching chemicals and hormones. For example, the LOVE hormones oxytocin and vasopressin are produced in the part of the brain near the hypothalamus and cause stronger feelings of attachment. Those chemicals and hormones can be created and released back into the bloodstream in as little as a 1/40 of a second. Extending the kiss to 6 seconds extends and increases them.

Other rituals to increase connection that I recommend.

Hold hands more. Create an anchor cue, such as when you are out walking together at night, or as you stand in line at the grocery store or coffee shop, or when you sit together on the couch watch certain kinds of movies and or television shows as the time you hold hands. This creates a bonding ritual in your lives.

Intertwine your fingers occasionally to send a message that you are connected physically and emotionally.

When one of you is washing the dishes or standing at the kitchen counter or bar preparing food create a ritual where the other person comes behind you and hugs you gently for six seconds or more. This offers a bonding ritual, a sexual attraction signal, and a thank you to the partner who is providing a nurturing cleaning or cooking service to you.

Working out can increase adrenaline and research shows that there is a significant positive correlation between adrenaline and attraction. So you could create a ritual of either both of you working out and ending the workout with a long hug and kiss and or one of you working out and immediately going to your partner and giving them a long sweaty hug and kiss.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at


Duggar's Documentary Body Language Secrets, Jill Duggar reveals

I analyzed the body language of Jill Duggar in the Documentary about her family.
TRUE FEELINGS Jill Duggar reveals ‘anger & betrayal’ over pressure to defend Josh & has ‘lack of respect’ for dad’s power, says the expert. Carly Stern

JILL Duggar has shared her candid reactions to her brother's abuse and the pressure her parents put on her to do damage control.

In a new interview, she reflected on the "burden" she felt to help her family retain their TV show after the scandal and even laughed about the "umbrellas of authority" that made her so obedient to her father.

The rest of the article is here 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Danny Masterson's Body Language, The Duggar Family's Body Language, Nausea As a Signal Someone's is Dangerous

Have you ever seen someone on a TV show and felt uncomfortable or nauseous? I don’t mean his, her, or their character on the show. I mean the actual actor. If you have body may have been signaling to you of that star’s true toxicity and danger in real life. Nausea can be a very clear sign of danger.
Years ago, The 70’s show was wildly popular, the problem for me is I couldn’t stand to watch it. The actor Danny Masterson gave me the creeps. I was physically nauseous when I tried to watch him in the show. Later there was a popular reality show called The Duggars about a large Mormon family. I have friends that are Mormons and I love fictional comedies about big families, so I turned it on. Something felt off and I started to feel nauseous. This has happened to me all my life as a signal that someone is “Off” and that there is something potentially toxic or dangerous about them. It does not happen every time I see a toxic person, (Oh how I wish it did) but when it does, I pay attention. Couldn’t even finish one episode of the show.
In a strange coincidence This week I consulted with the media on the upcoming Duggar family Documentary and the rape trial of former 70’s SHOW and The RANCH star Danny Masterson. Your body is a human lie detector. Nausea can sometimes signal that you are in a dangerous situation and or you are seeing a dangerous toxic person. bodies evolved to trigger anxiety symptoms such as nausea when we are under threat or in danger. When a person's anxiety is not related to a real danger, like when stress is triggered by a perceived threat, nausea can be especially distressing.
When you feel stressed or anxious, your body releases a rush of hormones to prepare you to face or flee from a perceived threat. These hormones light the fuse that sets off your freeze, flight, fight, faint, or friend response. Neurotransmitters in the limbic system of the brain react by sending messages to the rest of your body to:
• get the heart pumping faster.
• increase the breathing rate.
• tense the muscles.
• send more blood to the brain.
Anxiety and stress can affect virtually every body system. This includes your cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous, reproductive, and respiratory systems.
In the digestive system, stress can cause:
• nausea, vomiting
• heartburn, acid reflux
• stomachache, gas, bloating
• diarrhea, constipation, painful spasms in the bowel

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at