Years ago when I was teaching my nonverbal class at Florida State I consciously started using every principle to increase my confidence and look powerful.
I am 5 feet 2 and blonde so I needed some help to have any presence at all to my 150 to 200 students in dark staired seating auditorium in my nonverbal communication class. One of the power-boosting behaviors that I started doing that I use to this day is using the whole room! To this day I never stand behind a podium. I use the whole stage, and always come off the stage into the audience and go all the way to the back of the ballrooms!
I love being with my audience. I just sent my room set up for the opening speech I am giving and the client got excited that I wanted stairs to come down the front of the stage so I can easily go out into the audience! She said, she never had that request.
I love my work!